Monday, March 1, 2010

Go Canada Go!!!!

Well I must start off by saying GO CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What an awesome game last night. Dad, Jordon, our neighbour Steve, Kaylee and I all watched it together last night. In the last 26seconds when the U.S. scored, I was sure my father was going to kill Jordon.

Jordon had just finished saying "We have Gold!" before the game was over. Dad believes this jinxed us. Regardless we won the men's hockey in overtime and it was awesome. The Canadian Flag Dad brought with him was signed by everyone present during the game and this is what it looks like now.
Yesterday was a busy day. We woke up and everyone was feeling good as it had been a quiet night, the night before. We went to Costco where Dad bought me an awesome new radio with the ipod docking station for my upstairs as I was using an old alarm clock for my radio. We picked up a few other things, then headed home.

At home Dad helped me with a bunch of unfinished projects around the house- closet door that wouldn't close, coat hook that had fallen out of the wall, broken wooden clock, broken door handle... :) These projects all got done before the game of course.

Once the game was over, Dad, Jordon and Steve had all had quite a few drinks. I fed Jordon and Dad and as they would not calm down, and I had a screaming very upset Kaylee- kicked them out!

Jordon drove around the block with Dad and Steve standing on the back bumper, holding onto the roof racks screaming yahoo while wrapped in a Canadian Flag. My god my father is such a kid sometimes. Thank goodness they didn't fall off and get hurt. After that, they went to Steve's to play. I was in desperate need of some quiet time as Kaylee was verrrry fussy.

I think we had a bad battle of gas.... The screaming went on for about 2 hours. I tried a warm bath, a warm bottle, the shh'ing that usually seems to work. It seems like she wasn't going to stop screaming until she cried herself to sleep. This finally happened around 10:30.... Just as a couple of loud, drunken boys crawled in my door. I dare not call them men because at this point they were far too silly to be called that.

I gave the boys hell and made a promise that if they woke her up that I would beat them silly. I sent them off to bed in order to avoid anymore trouble.
Kaylee did not sleep too well last night. I am not sure if it was the fantastic sleep the night before or gas still bothering her. She woke at about 2:30 and then again at 4:30 and was up for good around 7:30. I feel pooped today but also sad.

I just dropped Poppa Bear off at the airport and it seems our visit was far too short. He only arrived a few days ago and he is already gone. I guess I should be happy he was able to visit at all, but instead I am cranky that my family lives so far away- or as Dad would say- I live so far from them.

Regardless, it was a great visit. I was very happy to see him and I know Kaylee had fun with Poppa Bear- although she will never remember it.

I am sure he will never let her forget, she watched her first Gold metal game on his lap and he gave her, her very first flag!
To finish off todays blog, here is a picture of Kaylee and my Dad. She is wearing her adorable little Irish outfit given to her by a friend of my fathers. Too cute!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Awww I love this outfit! She's so cute!! I was talking to a friend at work and she said when babies cry the get more gassy from swallowing air and it makes them cry more. She recommended this stuff called Ovol. Might help but of course, talk to your Dr first. :)
