Sunday, February 28, 2010


Wow, talk about take it easy and relax. That is what yesterday consisted of. I think everyone- including Kaylee needed a pajama's day where we did not do too much.
Jordon and Dad helped Amanda finish moving the rest of her things from the old apartment into her place next door and then came home to veg. We put on the Olympics and lounged around for most of the evening.

We ordered a pizza and I swear Kaylee smelled it and got angry when she couldn't have any. She was happy as a clam and once the pizza arrived, the nose started to go and she threw a tantrum... I am sure that little girl smelled pizza and wanted some!

I snuck off to bed with Kaylee around 8:30, leaving the boys downstairs and by 10:30 Kaylee was sound asleep.

Here is the exciting part! 7 HOURS!!!!!!!!!! 7 HOURS OF SLEEEP!!!!!! Thats right! She slept until 5:30! By 6:30 she was back to bed and slept until 8am. Wow! I felt like a new woman! Incredible. I woke up happy and content! Life is good.

Tomorrow My Dad is leaving and I am pretty bummed out. The weekend is just not enough.

My post today was delayed as I am running a temp version of Windows 7 (which I love) but which has also expired.

A friend of mine David has given me another trial in order to use this for another 30 days! The PC was with him for the day and therefore I am slow getting to my blog.

Not too much exciting happened yesterday and therefore I will write more tomorrow!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sleep never looked so good!

Ok, so yesterdays blog had a little mistake! It wasn't the gold metal game last night, that is being played Sunday- because WE WON LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was a great game to watch and we had an awesome time with all of our neighbours! What I thought would be a quiet night at home turned into a party that lasted until 3am. OMG! Yes I am exhausted.

Kaylee was hanging out with us enjoying everyones company and dozed off around 9pm... We were loud with curling on at the time and the guitar being played. I decided I would put her in her crib where it was nice and quiet. I placed her in and snuck back downstairs with he baby monitor. Not five minutes later she was screaming crying. I brought her back downstairs and it seemed as soon as she heard the noise she was back to sleep. I left her in her little vibrating chair (which by the way is amazing!) for the next few hours

Earlier in the afternoon I had decided I was going to have a beer, and A beer turned into about 5 beer. I was feeling lovely, cooked supper and decided that the smart thing to do would be to stop drinking as it would be no fun feeling like poop in the middle of the night with a little one screaming. This of course was before everyone came over.

Once everyone was there I sipped on 1 beer for about 2 hours. I really had no interest in being hung over with a baby but with a beer in my hand it appeared I was drinking. I played bar tender pouring shots of Porn Stars and Polar Bears for everyone, never once having on- AND never having anyone notice I wasn't having any.

Now its a great crowd we hang out with and I must say my Dad did well keeping up. Actually, he was the last one standing. I snuck off at around 1:00am and decided I better get some sleep. Of course when I crawled in bed Kaylee woke up and decided it was play time. Up she remained until 3am. I was soooooo tired and only wanted to sleep, but at that point she had been an angel all night and I couldn't complain.

Jordon crawled into bed around 3am while I was laying with her trying to con her into a sleep. Everyone at this point was clearing out and Dad helped me, as I left Kaylee with Jordon for the next half hour and I cleaned up.

There is nothing worse then waking up the day after a party and seeing the huge mess. Dad did an awesome job and stayed up when I went off to bed to watch a little more of the Olympics.

Kaylee slept from 3am-6:30... Let me assure you, 3 1/2 hours is just not enough sleep.
I got up and changed her, fed her, rocked her and crossed my fingers she would doze back off. Sure enough by 7:45 she had. I crawled back in bed and 5 minutes later on the monitor she was crying.

Ok, so picture this- me, who feels like they did a great job of being a sleep deprived new mom and hostessed the whole night before, woke up with baby and just wanted another hour of sleep- looks over at SNORING Jordon....

That was it, he got up with her. I needed to close my eyes. It was great. He took her downstairs and I slept until 9:30. Yaaa!

I made a huge hang-over breakfast for Jordon, Dad and Amanda who all claimed they were not feeling bad, bu who all had a couple Tylenol and dragged their feet.
All the rain we had in the last couple days has melted the snow. I think I am going to gear up and take the dogs for a walk with Kaylee in the stroller.

Until tomorrow!!! :)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Poppa Bear is Here!

Yesterday was an awesome day!

While I kept busy tidying up, getting things ready for supper and just preparing for Dad's arrival, Kaylee seemed content to keep herself fairly busy.

We had a quick visit from Jenn, who had lent me a ton of her maternity clothes. I wanted them out of site and therefore handed them back over!

After our visit, Kaylee and I headed to the gas station then off to the airport. We arrived early- around 3:45- go figure.... Always early as this has been drilled in my head for as long as I can remember. I was carrying her in the car seat around the airport, however as most of you know, those darn things- along with a 9lb baby get very very heavy.

I located the luggage cart and propped the car seat in it and away we went. As long as we were moving, she was happy.

Dad's plane arrived at 4:15 and while we had agreed he would simply send me a message letting me know he was there and I could drive up and pick him up, I snuck up behind him with our little surprise.
Of course at this point she was sleeping but he was never the less happy to see her. I had to laugh when an older woman walked up to us and said "oh my, what a beautiful baby". Can you guess my fathers response? "Of course she is, she looks like her grandfather". Haha!

We came home and enjoyed a cold beer, did some catching up and Dad emptied the duffel bag that was simply full of clothes and stuffed animals for Kaylee. I am telling you, if this little girl gets anymore clothes, I am going to have to start giving them away. Don't get me wrong... I am grateful for everything, but I am simply running out of room! LOL.

Jordon came home and the men took over baby duty so I could get supper going. I cooked up some haddock, onion rings and salad. Simple, yet hits the spot. Seemed to go over well with them anyways.

After dinner, we all migrated downstairs to put on the Women's Hockey game that was going on. It was of course against the U.S for the gold. Of course Canada took Gold- I would have never expected less.

At this point Dad had been humming "Oh Canada" to Kaylee for about an hour trying to calm the fussy little girl down. As soon as he thought he had won the battle and she was asleep, the eyes popped back open and the humming resumed.

Finally after a few steady hours of this game- "I'm asleep- ohhhh no I am not", she drifted off around 10:30. I am going to happily tell everyone that she also slept until 4am. This being said, she had also decided that she was not going back to sleep until 6am. Dad wandered into the room as she bellowed around 4:45 and told me he would rock her if I wanted to sleep. As desperate as I was to sleep, I had just gotten 5 hours and he looked pooped. I sent him back to bed and continued fighting the battle with her.

I went back to bed at 6am as Jordon got up for work. We then slept until almost 8am! Yahoooo! If you add all that up, that was 7 1/2 hours of sleep! Fantastic! The 2 hour break in the middle was not fun, as it never is, but I am not complaining.

I woke up and put on coffee for Dad and Amanda who I hoped would venture over and poured myself a great big tea. Kaylee had her bottle in her swing and hung out while Dad and I chit chatted.

Eventually we came downstairs and I was showing Dad how easy it is to Blog. He is now in the mist of creating his own Blog. His will be about work and instrumentation- something which most people do not know much about, however I think it will be fantastic!

It's wonderful to have my Dad here. It truly makes me miss being home close to family and friends. They say that is what matters but I don't think you really understand that or appreciate it as much until you have a family of your own.

Having my Dad here also makes me miss my Mom terribly. She flew down for a week after I got out of the hospital and took care of me. She taught me all those little things that you have no clue about when you first bring your baby home. She was patient and kind and took Kaylee when those hours of screaming just seemed to be too much. All that being said, she also cooked everyday (and I am not talking kraft dinner meals- more like chicken Parmesan, lasagna ect.), she did all of the laundry, taught me how to give Kaylee her first bath, washed my floors... Need I say more? She is incredible. What I would do to have her close.

Our long term plan is to move back to Ontario- maybe the Waterloo area where my company- RIM has an office. It won't be tomorrow, but its enough to look forward to. Until then I will have to keep enjoying each moment that I get to spend with them.

Oh, since I am writing about my fantastic family, I do have to throw a little shout out to my sister. Jackie has embraced being an Aunt! She has more pictures of Kaylee on Facebook then I do and sent a very sweet little gift down with my Dad. I cannot wait to see her!

Tonight is the Men's Hockey Gold metal game and I am sure there will be a few drinks and cheers going on here! Dad will be wrapped in his Canadian flag and humming away to Kaylee!

Can't wait to spend another awesome night with family!!!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Out with the Old!

Well I know I mentioned that Kaylee was fussing all day yesterday, but somehow I still managed to clean out my closet.

This means, all my Maternity clothes, all my- I purchased too big to fit while I was pregnant and all my clothes I haven't worn and will not wear are gone! My closet which was a disaster, had clothes falling out each time the door was opened is now nice and clean, tidy and organized. I have come to the conclusion that while I may be a neat freak and like everything to be clean, I am a closet junkie.

If it isbehind closed doors/drawer/out of sight, it is probably cluttered, unorganized and a mess. That being said, my closet no longer fits into that category. Now open my junk drawer, my kitchen utensils drawer, or look under the stairs and it is a different story! HAHAHA!

Anyways, getting that done at 7am yesterday morning made me feel pretty good. Being in my regular jeans feels great!

Kaylee was cranky all day long. I think it may be this lingering cold that hasn't quite developed into a full blown cold but has her sneezing and coughing here and there. Jordon came home and cooked us some good old Kraft Dinner as I was not up to cooking and Kaylee was not willing to be put down in her swing. We gave her a bath and decided to relax.

She began to fall asleep around 9 and I worried she was going to sleep too early and would be up as soon as I layed down. Well she wasn't into a heavy sleep until 10 when I put her in her crib and she slept until 2:30. That's right! Another 4 1/2 hours!!!! Yaaa. She stayed up until 3:30 and then was up at 6:30 for good. There was no back to sleep for this little girl!

Anyways, today is the big day! I am picking up my Dad at the airport at 4 and I can't wait. He has taken on the title "Poppa Bear" as so suitingly was given to him years and years ago by my good friend Krystal. Dad has always played important roles in a few of my friends lives, promising to always be there and always protect them. My friends knew he would. He is a great man and its going to be wonderful to see him with my little girl. I haven't taken any new pictures of her today.... I normally try and stay on top of new ones but I was off to the liquor store for beer this morning (can't have an empty beer fridge when dad arrives)! I have also been cleaning up some odds and ends.

Promise to post new pictures tomorrow. Until then, here's just another adorable pic of Kaylee!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

First pair of Jeans!

Yesterday morning I was going through the ridiculous amount of clothes that I have for Kaylee and came across a pair of jeans 0-3months. Exciting! Now I can put her in her first pair of jeans!

Well, I have never seen anything cuter in my life! Seeing such a little being in denim is adorable!!!

I don't think any other shirt would have been as suiting. Jordon seems to think she doesn't take very good pictures as she always looks cranky but I think she looks just sweet!

Yesterday we had an all out girls day. I put on a pot of tea in the morning and Amanda came over to visit. We hung around while I tackled the 5 loads of laundry and then had some lunch. I wanted to venture to Sobeys as they have potato's on for 99cents. I know, I know... It seems all I am doing lately is venturing out.
Well the usually happy to go in her car seat Kaylee was having none of this little adventure. She screamed and hollered like someone was beating her. I figured once we started driving she would calm down. 10 minutes later I was pulling into a parking lot to see if she was breathing.
I have never in my life seen a child cry so hard and scream so loud the soaked their head in sweat. It is unbelievable. Amanda looks at me and asks "you ok" and I nod yes, not confident enough to say something else without crying.
It is so hard to listen to your child cry, to hear them scream and have it not stop. I rocked her in the parking lot of a community center for 10 minutes before she started to calm down. I put her back in the car and we drive for 20 minutes before even thinking about pulling the car seat out.

We managed to get through Sobeys and the liquor store without another outburst... Thank god! We came home and I poured us a stiff drink! 2 Long Island Ice Tea's coming right up!
We drank our long islands, while getting supper ready. It was only 3pm but she was sleeping and who knew what she would be doing in 2 more hours when I wanted to prepare dinner.

5pm rolled around and she was still sleeping. This is what had happened the other night when she woke up at 1:30 and had decided not to go back to sleep. The lonnnnng afternoon nap which seems like bliss at the time but turns to hell in the night. I decided to wake her up.

At this point she worked so hard on a poop. I sat and laughed for 10 minutes watching her faces change, listening to the grunts and seeing her get frustrated! Here is a glimpse at what I saw.

Last night we made it through supper while she had again dozed off. After supper and 2 long island's I felt exhausted! Amanda decided to head home to do some reading and I decided to crawl in bed with the little miss and watch some American Idol.

After putting her in her crib around 10:30, I did the usual- turn on the baby monitor and lay it on my pillow before going to sleep. Jordon looked at me and said "Jaymie, she is in the next room, you will hear her cry. Sleeping with a baby monitor is enough to give anyone anxiety- just laying there waiting for her to cry." I suppose this was a good point. I turned off the monitor and let me assure you, she made it perfectly clear to me when she was awake.

She slept from 10:30-1:30. She woke up and finished a bottle, then fell right back to sleep until 6am. At this point I tried to get her to go back to sleep- after feeding her and a diaper change.I placed her back in her crib and while she didn't go back to sleep, she did lay there until almost 7 without crying. I know, I know.... I am getting greedy with the sleep right!

Today I have again been a busy beaver and she has been a little fuss pot. I will save that for tomorrow and see what the rest of today brings.

I know today was a little delayed in the post but when Kaylee decides Mom will give her all her attention.... She wins.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

9lbs 4 oz

Well, our doctors appointment yesterday went well. Kaylee is fattening up just fine and came in at a whooping 9lbs and 4 ounces. YAAA!
Dr.Machado did her exam, moving her joints and checking eyes and ears, then turns to me and says "your going to have your hands full with this one!". I looked at him and laughed and then said "Going to? I already do". She had fought him on everything he tried to do. If he was extending her leg, she kicked or pulled back, if he was checking her ears, she tossed her head from side to side.

Oh boy! The disappointing part of yesterday was that, my doctor advised me that he is leaving the clinic and wont be taking any of his patients as he will be taking over all patients at his new clinic. Now I am on the search for a pediatrician.

After the doctor visit, Kaylee and I made our way to Jordon's work to visit, bring him a coffee and show her off to his office. Not to mention try to start mending fences from the night before.

We walked around and everyone adored her. Of course for the hour we waited for the doctor she would not sleep, but now that everyone wanted to see her and have her open her eyes, she was out like a light!

Jordon went back to work and I ventured home knowing I would LOVE a nap. I walked in the door, let the dogs out, lit a fire and brought her car seat down beside the couch while I laid down. Not 2 minutes later she was wide eyed. Typical right? I guess I didn't need that nap after all. We went about our day and she was wide awake but content. We had a few mild outbursts but it was usually to tell me something- ie. dirty diaper or I want my soother.

I cooked a nice supper last night, haddock, seasoned taters and a tossed salad. Jordon and I sat down and while I didn't quite say I am sorry, we both agreed the night before was not what either of us had intended and it wouldn't happen again.

Kaylee has been coughing a little off and on for 2 days and then sneezing a lot yesterday, so when she started to fuss for no reason last night I began to wonder if she was getting a bit of a cold. Hard to say with an infant if a flu in coming on I guess.

We crawled in bed early last night- about 8:30 and put on the TV, rocking her and trying to keep her content. By 10:30 she had fallen asleep and off to her crib she went.

She slept until 2:30 and then from 3:15 to 6, then 6:30-8. Not a bad night by any means.

This morning we read my friend Katrina's new blog.

She writes about how hard the first 4 months have been and how trying it is on her relationship. I must say, it is really nice to know I am not alone. People don't talk about the hard and awful times and what it can do to two people who do truly love each other. It was nice to read that other people are out there going through the same motions.

Today we are going to take it easy. My Dad arrives Thursday at around 4pm. He is flying in from Toronto and I can't wait. I haven't seen him since last summer and I think it will be so nice to enjoy his company. That being said, I don't think it is me he is interested in hanging out with. I am pretty sure he has a soft spot for my sweet little girl.

So, I am off to try and tackle the never ending laundry and maybe vacuum some of the dog hair off my floors that will never go away! LOL

Monday, February 22, 2010

Temper, temper...

Yesterday was a pretty darn good day. We woke up around 7:30 and I even let Jordon sleep in and enjoy his morning until 10am! Spoiled huh!

We had decided that we would head out to Zellers and get the formula on sale and then come home and enjoy our Sunday. Off we went, sleeping baby in car seat and a happy couple along with her.

Zellers is one of those places that you can often score a deal- which I did :)

I have been needing a new comforter set and I found one on for 40%off! It is very difficult to find a comforter set for a king size bed. One that meets the requirements of being dark in colour for the sake of the animals and my sanity and one that is not hideous to look at... Some of the comforters your come across you really wonder who is going to buy....

Ok enough of the comforter... I picked up my formula, a couple new nipples for the bottles the Diaper Genie refills and off we went.

I have been on a big fruit kick lately enjoying apples and oranges more then I ever have. So on the way home we stopped at sobeys so I could stock up for the week.

Kaylee was still sound asleep (going on 2 hours at this point)... We decided to push our luck and sneak in for a 10 minute tan. I brought her car seat in the room with me and she slept on!

Wow, what a day- Zellers, Sobeys and a Tan... Life is good.
I took on the task of cooking a nice supper last night as I was having a good day and was feeling ambitious. Jordon bought 1/4 cow in the fall so we have enough red meat to last the winter. I went down and pulled out what I thought was a roast. I peeled my potato's for mashed taters, pulled out the steamer for steamed veggies and got everything ready for the gravy to go along with it. I made my rub for the roast and when I unwrapped it- it was 2 steaks. Darn....

Not often do you pair mashed potato's and gravy with steak... Oh well, I decided to cook it the same way I was going to cook the roast- in the rub on indirect heat on the grill.

It turned out awesome. Kaylee sat in her swing with a soother while we ate. It was nice to feel normal- cook again and sit down to eat at the table.

We gave Kaylee a bath and by 8:30 were exhausted. I wrapped her up tight in a blanket and brought her to bed to watch some of the tube while she had a bottle.

She fell asleep around 10:30.

Well I suppose I should have known the 5 hours of solid sleep in a night would not happen each night... however I really wanted it too.

Last night she woke up around 1:30am. Not a problem, I warmed a bottle and got up to do our usual routine. Diaper, feed, burp, rock.

Kaylee however had decided that she really did not feel up to sleeping. But rather staying wide awake and each time I tried to put her down a tantrum would start. By 3:30am, tempers were matched. I was beginning to get frustrated and when Jordon said "Jaym, you ok?" I simple wanted to beat him senseless for not getting up and helping me.

Relationships are generally hard... Add a newborn to the mix and suddenly they are SO much harder.

My temper flared, of course not at Kaylee but at Jordon. He received the brunt of my exhaustion and frustration...

Words were exchanged and both of us ended up very ticked off. 4am she falls asleep- finally... The only question is will I be able to sleep knowing I have had a fight with Jordon... I generally like to resolve things before sleeping.

We both lay there tapping our feet neither willing to meet in the middle and say we were being silly.

Being a Doole, admitting I am wrong and saying I am sorry is not something I do very well at. I like to be right about everything and sometimes still hold my ground when I know I may be wrong... I know this is foolish but it must be a pride thing.

Needless to say we both finally fell asleep without exchanging a word and it seemed like only minutes before his alarm clock to get up and go to work went off.

I guess at this point I felt a little bad know he did have a 12 hour day ahead...

Kaylee woke shortly after he got up and I slowly moved myself to the kitchen to warm a bottle and make a great big tea.

At the end of the day, I know that our relationship is strong enough to endure my outbursts and frustrations, even if at the time it seems it will never be able to.

Jordon is my partner in life and I love him dearly. That doesn't mean I always have to like him! hehe! That being said, I know tonight he will come home and I will have to apologize for what I said in the wee hours of the night... Of course I don't mean everything I say when I am mad! I know he will forgive me and we will move on as we always do.

Today Kaylee and I are off to the doctor for her 4 week check up. She will get weighed and make sure she is growing as she should.

She is wearing THEEEE most adorable outfit which is from "Uncle Richie" which we received in the mail last week. Here's a pic of the sweet little angel that proved last night she always gets what she wants!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Well, I bit the bullet and I am offically a brunette/redhead. What a change it is, to look in the mirror and not see a blond looking back at me. Needless to say it is alright for now, it will take some adjusting.

Yesterday was a good day. Jordon and I decided that since Kaylee has been so content, that we would venture out to Walmart with her and do a little bit of shopping.
We loaded her into her car seat, which she fell asleep in as soon as the car started moving and made our way.

As a side note- don't you hate how you can go to Walmart for one thing and leave spending $150.00?!?! Geez.

Regardless, we went in and picked up things here and there as well as some new fish for our tank- which after Jordon finally cleaned it yesterday looks phenomenal.

She never so much as made a peep the entire time we strolled through the Walmart. This has me so optimistic that I want to venture out to Zellers to get the formula on sale today- could I be so lucky with her 2 days in a row?!?!

When we came home I decided I was going to clean up the house... Did my chores while Jordon cleaned the fish tank and Kaylee continued to sleep.

By supper time however I was exhuasted! While I had gotten 5 hours of solid sleep the night before, I was busy all day long and now wanted to veg on the couch!

Hellllo delissio pizza! haha another quick and easy supper.

Kaylee woke up happy again and hung out with Amanda and I in the basement by the fire for a few hours. We had a few outbursts, but I can handle them much better then the multiple hours at a time.

Here's a picture of me on the couch feeding Kaylee with Lily, Toby and Nila beside me... Lily is there you just have to look close because she blends in!

By 9 last night I was drained, and all I wanted was my bed. Kaylee however had decided she had been good allll day long and that this was time for rocking and humming around the house. We have discovered however that she loves to watch the fish. She focuses so much on them it boggles my mind.

When I think about first bringing her home and how it seemed she could barely see right in front of her and to now see her watching little fish swimming around is amazing!

By 11:00 she was finally starting to doze in and out... This is always a testy time it seems. If you put her down too soon, you risk her waking up in a tantrum.. Something no one enjoys.

11:30 I put her in her crib and crawled into bed to watch our local news final- none of which I remember-haha!

I was not awaken until 4am! Thats right everyone!!! another night of 5 hours!!!!!!! YAHOOO!
We woke this morning at 7:30 and have been happily enjoying each others company since. Now possibly off to Zellers! WIsh me luck and let me know what you think about the hair change?!?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Red Wine?

Ya!!! I am happy to announce that we had another fabulous day yesterday! Not only did I accomplish all kinds of things, I also had a very content baby all day long.

We woke up yesterday morning bright and early... Kaylee had her bottle and a big burp then fell asleep in her swing which she adores!

9:30am rolls along and suddenly my front door is opening- now I know Jordon is at work and wonder who would just be walking through the door. To my surprise, Dawn, a co-worker and friend had come by. After reading my blog and hearing about all the trouble I had been having she arrived with Lindor chocolates (yum) and formula... She said after hearing about all the problems she knew the baby wasn't getting enough of what she needed.

We chatted for a while and I got the scoop on what has been going on at RIM. Always interesting to hear the work drama :)

She rocked and fed and burped Kaylee before putting her back in her crib and heading to work. Ahhhh a nap at 10:30am and a Mum who can now watch the recorded Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice!

While I didn't make it through both shows before the nap was over, she woke up making happy little noises and not the bellowing I had become used to.

My best friend Amanda has recently moved in next door which is wonderful to have. She came over and watched the little Miss for us once Jordon had gotten home from work, to allow us to go down for a tan. Jordon has never done this before and loved it!

We came home and Kaylee was still content although stinky.

During the process of moving from strictly breast milk to formula over the last couple days, has resulted in her not pooping- to which everyone assured me is normal. So when I arrived home to smell a stinky bum I was excited!!! Who would have thought these would be the things to excit someone! haha!

Needless to say, when I pulled open that diaper, it looked like someone had dumped an entire large jar of dijon mustard in there! My goodness!!! Huggge poop!

Once she was changed- again a happy little girl.

Friday night.. The neighbours have invited us over for a drink and to watch some of the olympics. I decide that yes, I will have a drink as I can give her a bottle tonight. I grab my bottle of Naked Grape Shiraz (yumm) and head over with my beautiful happy little girl.
It took a few hours, but almost half a bottle of wine and I had extremely rosey cheeks and a little sway going on.

Kaylee had been hanging out with us, waking up to coo, then dozing off the entire evening...

If this is what being a Mum is all about, I have now decided I LOVE IT. As we know, if you would have asked me a few days ago, my answer may have differ'd.

Night 2 with formula went almost as good as night one. She woke up once I arrived home from the neighbours around 12, but after a bum change, a bottle and a rocking in my arms, she dozed back off happy as a clam. Here's the great news, 12:30-4! That's right- 3 1/2 hours! Wonderful!!!!

I woke up this morning to hear her at about 6:30am... The slight pounding in my head made me realize I surely do not miss the hangovers that go along with drinking. Popped a couple tylenol, warmed up a bottle and after doing our routine diaper, feed and rock she was back to sleep until 8am. At this point- yes I made Jordon get up and take his turn. Jordon who I might add did not have half a bottle of wine, but rather about 8 beer! hehehe- it was fun watching him have a turn at it.

Until tomorrow, I am signing off. I have decided I am ready for a little change and am going to try being a brunette. Wish me luck- lets see how it turns out- pics to follow! Today I am sneaking one if of the pups snuggled by the fire... So sweet :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Breast is Best???

Some may agree with what I am going to say and some may not... But that being said, I truly believe whatever works for you and your baby is what you should do...

Wednesday night after the 6 or so hours of screaming someone had suggested trying a bottle of formula to see if that satisfies her... Until this point I have been exclusively breast feeding her.

I gave her the bottle of formula Wednesday and she went right to sleep. I then tried giving her a bottle between each breast feed yesterday, and let me tell you- she was the HAPPIEST baby there ever was! So what does this mean... It means I am happy... It means for the first time in 4 weeks she, as well as I, slept from 11pm-4am!!!!!

Who would have ever thought this would be the best thing I could ever ask for!

At the end of the day, I have decided that I will do both. Breast feed her half the time and give her formula half the time. I am not sure if she is filling up better from the bottle or what the factor may be, but if it keeps her happy then I am going to keep doing it.

All that being said, even with the 5 hours of sleep, I seem to have caught this pesky cold that is going around. Just in time for the weekend! Jordon will be off work and pick up the slack while I try and recoup as fast as possible.

I cannot believe what a difference having a happy baby around, instead of one screaming at the top of her lungs makes. It makes for a different person! I am content and feel rested and I want to look at her all day long again...

Last night our neighbours invited us for supper and we even got through the entire meal without her fussing! She just laid in her car seat and smiled up at us :)

Ahhh life is great! For today anyways, who knows what tomorrow will bring and all the things that go along with being Kaylee's Mom!

Oh and as a side note- I am completely amazed at how much can be accomplished by 7:30am... I have already done 2 loads of laundry, swiffered the floors, emptied the dishwasher and made my bed! Sleep does wonders :)

So I leave this post with the thought that while breast MAY be best... it is not exclusively best for Kaylee and I... After all, having my sanity and her happy is what counts!

P.S. This also means Jordon can get up and feed her bottles at night- isn't that a pleasant thought ;)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

4 Weeks Old

4 weeks ago... Wow, where does the time go... Hard to imagine really, as my life has changed so much.

Not only have I had a baby, but I have also learned a lot about myself. I have learned I am not as strong as I once believed I was and that being a Mom is the most difficult thing I have ever done.

I have learned that being a Mom isn't just hard on me, but it is also very hard on a relationship.

Jordon and I have beem together a very long time (about 9 years) and it seems we are learning some very key factors about each other. That being said, he is wonderful and tolerant of my outbursts of "I can't do this"...

Something I have also learned is that the love that develops between a mother and her child is something so very different then anything I have ever experienced...Its powerful and there is really no way to explain it. Sounds very cliche however, very true...

Yesterday was another rough day. While she did nap from 9:30am-almost 11am, this was the end of her sleeping for the rest of the day...
She hollared at the top of those lungs until 6pm... This doesn't seem normal to me but the doctor seems to think that she is just a newborn that may have a lot of gas... I guess this could mean we keep playing this very exhuasting game of sleep for 2 hours then scream for 6...

As most people know, I love to cook... I also love food :) I don't often not cook a decent supper and resort to cans. This being said, I had the best can of beans with weiners last night. So simple, quick and tasty. Anything that can be cooked in 5 minutes these days is great in my books!!! LOL.

I read my girlfriend Krystal's blog this morning and she writes about what a happy and content baby her little one Marley is... I am soooo jealous. I cant wait for the mornings where I can get up and Kaylee is not hollaring at the top of her lungs!
Until then, I will keep writing, drinking lots of tea, bouncing, rocking and all the things that go along with trying to keep her happy.
Here's a picture of her so content which makes me elated!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mom help!

Well last night was possibly the worst night so far. Kaylee began crying around 3pm... To those who know me, this is normal, she does a lot of crying.

By the time 7pm came along and she was still crying I not only was exhausted but also annoyed. Jordon has a cold and as we all know, when a man is sick, it is much like having another infant around.

Half of me wanted to keep her far, far away from him as to not risk her catching the cold and the other half of me just wanted a few minutes to stand outside in the cold and here NOTHING.

Wondering which one I did.... Well for my sanity, I handed her to him and walked around outside for 10 minutes. I just needed to clear my head. It's so hard when you are trying to figure out what can be wrong and how to help, however nothing seems to work.

Yes her bum had been changed, yes she had eaten, yes I had given her a warm bath, yes I had burped her, yes I even tried the gripe water....

I came back in and tried again. Rocking, walking, bouncing, shh'ing, humming... Still no luck.

9pm... I call my Mum...

"Please tell me what to do! She has been screaming for 6 solid hours and I have tried everything"
My Mom asks me the basic questions- does she have a fever, have you tried burping ect...

She suggests I call telehealth and see what the recommend.

I take her advice and call the IWK Children's hospital and ask if there could be something wrong. They again go through the same daunting questions. Then they tell me if she is still crying in another 2 hours then to bring her down to have her looked at...

2 hours!!!! I tell myself over and over I can do this...

Kaylee is so tired her eyes roll back into her head occasionally but she continues to keep herself awake...

2 hours later I am rocking in my rocking recliner in her bedroom, she is almost asleep, dozing in and out making little coo'ing noises.

At this point it is midnight, I send my Dad a message on the BlackBerry to let him know we are alright and tell Mom to get some sleep.
I also take this advice and crawl in bed leaving Kaylee in her crib, knowing she will wake me up in a few short hours to feed again.

This morning I pulled out my biggest tea mug and lit a fire. We received over a foot of snow last night which means its a great day to curl up by the fire- Kaylee permitting!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Chapter 1

Last week my wonderful friend Krystal sent me among others, a link to her blog that she had begun about her life as a new Mom. I read it and laughed and nearly cried and thought about how awesome it was to be able to share that with everyone.

She has inspired me to write my own blog about my new chapter in my life. The chapter which should be titled; Kaylee and everything that goes along with her!

Kaylee was born on January 21st 2010. It was a long and difficult labor, one which has made me strongly believe I do not want to do it ever again. This is something everyone continues to tell me I will "forget and move on" however at this point it seems so unlikely.

Needless to say, she is beautiful and I love her and of course I would do it all over again to have her.

The last 3 weeks and 5 days have all seemed to blur together. Sleep is something I vaguely remember and a shower is something I will never again take for granted!

Our life has forever changed and I am grateful for her each and everyday.

All that being said, my god does she have a set of lungs and a temper on her!!!

I am going to post when I can and write about the everyday steps we take, growing together, loving together and crying together.