Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bath Time Bliss

7 weeks today! Man, where does time go! Hard to imagine... But I talked about that yesterday. Today I am going to say first of all, that my 6 week doctors appointment went well. My organs all seem to have found there place back where they belong. This also means I can begin taking the pill again. I found it hilarious when the doctor looked at me and said "So you don't plan on having a second right away". I laughed loudly in the room. She looked at my somewhat puzzled before I said "I am pretty sure I will not be having a second at all". She laughed and like my Mom said "You will change your mind".
Anyways! Oh to bigger and better. After we visited the doctor- which I may point out Kaylee was wonderful during out visit, we met Jordon (aka Daddy) for lunch. This was nice as we don't generally see Jordon during the day.

Kaylee and I came home and as it was absolutely gorgeous outside, it was like yesterday still deceivingly cold. My brilliant solution to this was to pull a comfy chair up the the patio doors where the sun was beating in, beside me put Kaylee in her vibrating chair. Here we enjoyed the wonderful sun without feeling the chilly wind. I read in between my chatting with Kaylee and she enjoyed the dangling toys from her chair. I read about 150 pages of Twilight today... I feel like I had no time however somehow I managed to read that much. I am not going to lie.... After being anti-Twilight I am now enjoying the book.
Anyways, today Kaylee put on (or I put on her) her first pair of sneakers! Check out these adorable little shoes. They were a gift at my baby shower from friends Darrell and Jessica and I absolutely love them. They stayed on her feet which I find in hard with most booties/shoes at this age always fall off. Anyway, they just made her seem like such a little person.
I cooked a nice Roast beef dinner tonight, along with gravy, mashed potato's and steamed veggies. It was awesome. Jordon had come home with a bottle of my favorite red wine- Naked Grape and we enjoyed a glass before giving Kaylee a bath.
My goodness she really does love her bath!

We played in the tub for about 20 minutes before I decided it was time to take her out at which point she had a tantrum.
Oh to follow up on last night. She did go down at 8pm... I was so worried she would be up at 12, then again through the night and then again early in the morning, making for a very long interrupted sleep. I was very wrong. Kaylee slept from 8pm until 2:30am and went back down by 3:15 and then slept until 7:30. Now I believe that was amazing. So much so that I let her fall asleep shortly after 8pm tonight. I am hoping for the same type of schedule out of her. If we can establish going down by 8pm- this still leaves me a couple hours of me time, and up once once through the night before getting up at 7:30, I think I would be very happy. That seems to me like I would get enough sleep and not be too cranky.
In worse news, Jordon told me he will be working a night shift for a week at work. They have added on a new section to the building and Jordon has taken a large part int he electrical and getting the new portion up and running. Well they now need to rip down the wall between the 2 buildings but cannot do this during the day when everyone is working. Therefore Jordon has somehow been one of the ones to get the job of working through the night from 5pm-5am. I can only imagine how this is going to effect the family. Now he will likely sleep until 2pm (that giving him about 8 hours sleep) and have to leave only a few short hours later.... Anyways, I don't want to dwell on it but I am dreading it.
Tomorrow I have absolutely no plans. That is kind of nice considering it has been a very busy week.

I have added a whole bunch of photos. I few from her bath time which I just couldn't resist. It seems like it is becoming Daddy and Kaylee time and she is so content and that is when Jordon really enjoys her (of course). The last photo is of the mobile that was sent to me from a wonderful lady my Mom works with- Beata. What a kind thing to do for someone she hardly knows. Anyway, it fits perfectly with her nursery and each time I sit in the rocking chair to feed her she looks up at it.

Well until tomorrow!!!! ;)

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