I loaded Kaylee up- she never even stirred as I pulled her out of her crib and put her in the car seat. We picked Jordon up and headed home. I unloaded her (and Jordon lol) into the house, placed her back in her crib and crawled in bed. It was now almost 3, she went down to sleep at 11 and of course as soon as my head hit the pillow she was awake. I got up and gave her a bottle, a change and she drifted back to sleep close to 4am. I have now been up since 1:30 and feel exhausted. Kaylee woke up around 7:30 and was ready to start the day. I let Jordon sleep as I knew he would be in rough shape. 11am I had decided enough was enough and he better get up. I wanted to get a tan and a shower and get myself ready for my girls night out!
I left with Amanda for around 12:30. After our tan, we went to Walmart and by the time I got home, my very rough looking hubby was ready to hand Kaylee over. He went down for a nap and I took my little girl and we played on our play mat for a while. When she drifted off for a nap I dolled myself up for the evening. I woke Jordon up around 6:30 to drive us ladies downtown.
Amanda, Adele and I had a fantastic time. We started at a small pub called Maxwell's Plum which has 60 beers on tap! It was fantastic! Our 80oz pitchers went down very well! We then moved on to a Sports Bar to try and check out some eye candy (for the single ladies I was with of course) and when that failed went down to a great little pub with a band playing. Needless to say we had a awesome time. I must say, being away from your baby is a very strange feeling. I was constantly wondering how she was doing, if she was fussing, if she was sleeping, what Jordon was doing with her, if she had her bath... ect, ect, ect. I think my friend Katrina said it best when she described it as feeling like an addiction- it consumes your every thought. This became very clear when a
guy approached me at the pub, bought me a beer and started chatting with me and I proceeded to show him a picture of my new little girls poopy face. LOL The guy ran so fast, I didn't even see him go. Jordon- as promised picked us up around 12:30-1am'ish. Kaylee was sound asleep.
By the time I got home, I was starving. I popped in a few pogos and chatted with Jordon about his evening with Kaylee. He was fantastic with her and said it went very smoothly. He is becoming so much better at handling her, even when she is fussing. I remember when we first brought her home and he would get the look of terror when she would start to cry and simply hand her over to me. He is really growing to be a fantastic Dad.
By the time I got home, I was starving. I popped in a few pogos and chatted with Jordon about his evening with Kaylee. He was fantastic with her and said it went very smoothly. He is becoming so much better at handling her, even when she is fussing. I remember when we first brought her home and he would get the look of terror when she would start to cry and simply hand her over to me. He is really growing to be a fantastic Dad.
Kaylee started to fuss around 5am. Jordon had promised to get up with her through the night, however, as I lay there listening to her scream, I rolled over and saw Jordon in his own little world. He couldn't hear a thing. I gave him a little kick but still nothing. I rolled out of bed, got her bottle and went back to her room. My head felt like it was about to explode... I did the usual routine and thank goodness she went right back to sleep. 7:30am she was again wide awake. I got up with her as did Jordon. He seemed to forget telling me I could sleep in Sunday morning and casually asks as I sat with Kaylee on my lap "Do you want a cup of tea". I glared up and said " I would really like you to tell me to go back to bed and you will watch our daughter". Well it must have been in the look I gave him, because off he sent me. I slept until 10am and he watched her for me. I think that is what saved me.
I got up and looked outside at the incredible day it was. While I really wanted to lay around on my couch all day, this was the first day that sun was shinning and it was 8 deg
I got dressed and Jordon and we decided to go for a walk. I was really hoping fresh air would help me. We took the dogs and off we went. Kaylee loves being outside, she coo's and caw's until she falls asleep. We enjoyed a nice long walk and stopped at our neighbours on the way home. He offered me a beer and it took everything in me not to think about hurling.
After a hour of sitting in the sun enjoying the day I did accept a beer to try and make shake the hang over. I made it through 2 beer before heading home for a nap.
I gave Kaylee a bath which she again loved and then Jordon took her for her bottle. Of course, as on schedule she barfed on her nice clean sleeper. It was everywhere and she required a second bath.
Anyways, I sat in her rocking chair and gave her a bottle and we simply starred at each other for about an hour before she dozed off. She's now sound asleep in her crib and I am looking around my house wondering how not doing house work for 2 days can result in such a mess. My house is tidy but its the small stuff that is driving me nuts. I thought about tackling a few chores tonight but then opted to wait until tomorrow and write my blog.
Overall it was a great weekend. I really feel like Jordon and I had great teamwork this weekend allowing both of us to have a good time as well as enjoy time together this afternoon. While having Kaylee has changed my life in more ways to list, it is nice to also do some of the things we did before her. While I have no desire to go to a club downtown, getting out for a few beers with the girls was really nice and I know Jordon feels the same about his Friday night out.
I think if we can keep us that healthy balance of baby time, fun time out and quality time together then life will be j
ust fine :)
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