In other news, I am feeling much better today. My belly seems to have settled down which is such a relief. I slept well last night which I think was a big help.
Kaylee fussed most of the night last night and finally went down around 11pm. She did sleep until 5:30 this morning though! 6 1/2 hours! Yahoooooooo!
We woke up around 7:30 this morning and got ready for a big date with Christine and her camera. I am a tea lover as most people know about me and I also know Christine enjoys tea. I put on a pot of regular tea however she showed up with one of her herbal teas. I must remember to ask her the name of the tea as it was tasty.
We sat and had a tea while Kaylee slept and then she pulled out her camera. I did not get ti see the photos- I have to wait until she is finished with them but I cannot wait!!! I know there was some amazing shots. Kaylee was pleasant during the entire time. Eventually she began to get a little tired of being naked and started to fuss. I put her in some clothes and gave her a bottle before she drifted back off. Christine and I chit chatted a little longer before she went off to work.
Oh! She did bring her Twilight series books. As I mentioned yesterday I am going to try and give them a shot. I was going to begin them today but Amanda came over to keep me company in the afternoon and so I did not get to them. We went for a walk around the street with the dogs and Kaylee. It was absolutely beautiful out. Not a cloud in the sky, however deceptively cold. When we got home I put on a fire and we warmed up.
I put away what seemed like a never ending pile of clothes. It amazes me how much laundry Kaylee seems to go through. At first it was cute to fold all the little clothes and now it seems like such a big chore, to fold it and find a spot for it. I suppose that is just me being lazy though.
Tomorrow is my 6 week follow up at the doctors. I am sure everything is in check and I will be able to start the pill again. Lord knows I do not want to have another little one ANYTIME soon.
Tonight I am going to relax. It is 8:43 and Kaylee fell asleep around 8. This worries me slightly that she will be up a lot through the night, however I cannot bare to wake her as she has not slept since noon and I am poooooped!
I am hoping to go to the bank tomorrow after the bank and open a RESP for Kaylee. My Dad has said he will contribute and I am going to make it a goal to put $10 a week away for her. I know without my student debt I would be much better off.
I say that with mixed thoughts. Yes it would be wonderful not to have the debt, however would I have worked as hard as I did in University if it were all paid for? That's food for thought... Regardless I am setting up an account. I read that by the time this years children are ready for post secondary school, it will cost about $80,000 for a regular degree. That is terrifying.
Well, I will keep you posted on how everything goes tomorrow and post a picture or two from Christine as soon as she lets me see! Can't wait!!!!
Here's a couple pictures from today's events. The first being of her in the BlackBerry sleeper RIM sent me after I had her. She is officially a BlackBerry baby!!! hahaha! And the other is of Amanda trying to calm her down this afternoon during one of her fussy spells!
Hey! I've had a few things come up and haven't edited any of the photos yet. I will send you a couple tonight when I get home and then edit the rest over the weekend. Should have a CD ready for you for our date next week :) The BlackBerry sleeper is sooo cute!! Do you know if they do this for everyone?