Kaylee has cried so much in the last 9 weeks (yes 9 weeks today), that I was sure I could feel every emotion towards her tears that were possible- upset, confused, angry etc.... Never have I felt as I did today. We went through her regular check up. She registers in the 97th percentile for her height. The doctor could not believe how long she is, next- her weight in 11.2lbs- this registers in the 56th perc
entile. Now her head. I am not sure how many people know, but throughout my pregnancy there were many complications (or so we thought) as Kaylee was registering in the 4th percentile for her size and her head size. I was told to expect a 5lb baby with a small head. Well, she came out a whoop
ing 7lbs 14 oz and her head was in the 66th percentile. Maybe the percentiles sticks because I heard so much about it throughout my pregnancy. Anyways, the point being, she may have been small, but she caught up just fine. Now her head is 1 cm smaller then it "should" be. Yes, I said 1cm. Apparently we should stay on top of this and will be going back to monitor the growth regularly. My theory is that this little girl has a mind of her own and grows when she wants to. That being said- she is TALLLLL! This explains a few things. First- she is out growing her 3 month old sleepers, as they are too short. And second.. The doctor
said this could be a reason she is so fussy. She may be having more growing pains then most infants this age because she is growing so tall.
That being said... after the check up, she told me to get Kaylee dressed except for her pants where she would be receiving 1 needle in each leg. She asked me to hold her for comfort as she administered the needles. I held my little girl, who was at this point, happy as a clam, looking up at me. Then the doctor stabbed her with the needle with more force then I deemed necessary. Kaylee looked up at me, waiting for the cry, letting her little hazel eyes fill up with tears before letting the screams fill the air. And thi
s is when you cue Mummys eyes fill up and try and keep control of herself while consoling the baby. Flip her over and do the same in the other leg... My heart is aching. I know it sounds cheesy, but you know at that moment your child is not crying to be fussy, or just to be held, or any of the other things she may want.... Instead she is crying because she is actually in pain. This killed me. When it was over the doctor put 2 little bandaids over her slighting bleeding needle points and I tried to rock my little girl to calm down. Man. Talk about traumatized. LOL I told Jordon he was going to be taking her for her 4 month shots. How terrible.
Anyways, we left the doctors office with a little dose of Tylenol and a bottle. She calmed down in the car and so Amanda and I went to Costco. I love/hate Costco. Our relationship
is far to one sided and costs me too much money- lol. I never leave without spending 200 bucks. I went in for my favorite Costco anti-bacterial wipes and left with far more. I know its always a great deal and that is how I justify it. I did also get 3 ADORABLE dresses for the summer for Kaylee. Anyways, she wasn't feeling up to par so we came home and I decided to try and entertain her to keep her awake as she did look sleepy (I am assuming from the Tylenol) but I didn't want her falling asleep at 4pm and then up all night. So we put on a comfy sleeper, played on the play mat, tried out the ExcerSaucer, had some supper, then a bath before I finally let her dose off around 7:30.
I hope she feels ok tomorrow. Toby has also become very protective over Kaylee.... God save anyone who ever tries to hurt that little girl. He is usually not farther then a couple feet away from her at all times. Its kind of adorable actually. 
So now I sit, after a long day, having a glass of wine. I am trying to forget about the fact that today seems very overwhelming to me and that I am not a HUGE sooky baby! LOL. Hopefully some good tv and a book will wind me down for the day!
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