Well last night, once things had calmed down for the evening and Kaylee was having her evening bottle, she did what she seems to do each and every single night around 7:30. She did the Mega-barf!
I am not talking spit up or a grab the burp clothes clean up... I am talking barf in a way that makes you wonder how she possibly held that much in her belly. It truly boggles my mind as she is always burped and always seems to do just fine except this time of night. Is it possible that my little girls first routine is her barf time?
Regardless, the funny part of this story is Jordon.... Suddenly I hear "Jayyyyyyymie!!!!" and I come around the corner to see him holding her covered in barf unsure of what to do next! LOL.
Well we have been bathing Kaylee in the baby-tub that sits in the sink in my kitchen. Since she has been getting bigger and stronger, she tends to kick off the bottle and try and push herself up.
For this reason I decided that it may be time to try and bath this soaking wet baby in the big tub. I have one of those mesh things that you just place in the bottom of the tub and it holds their head above water. Well, this usual 5-10 minute affair in the tub turned into almost half an hour. She loved it. She wa
s so happy to float around and kick in the water that I didn't want to take her out. Jordon held her head and let her float around the tub and she was in her glory. She coo'd and caw'd for the entire time. Not to mention she freaked out when I actually pulled her out of the tub.
She fell asleep around 10:30 last night.
*****40 minute pause in writing blog*****
It is currently 8:23 and Kaylee has just completed her nightly routine. *sigh*
Back to where I was, she slept until 1:50 to which I rolled over, and really, really, really didn't want to get out of bed. Then again at 5 and then was up for good at 6:30.
I am not going to lie. I tried to manipulate her in my bedroom with the curtains closed to thinking it was still dark and sleep time... Let me assure you this did not work. I proceeded with my usual routine (make bed, pour tea, warm bottle) and then went downstairs to light a fire. As she layed in her vibrating chair I tried to tackle a few of my chores- empty dishwasher, swiffer the floors, tidy kitchen and bathroom. My house is not spotless by any means but its tidy... If I don't keep it this way, I just may go all the way over the edge....
Anyways, as I go down and burp her my next thoughts are, what am I going to make for supper... This used to not take very long to decide and I used to take a lot of time preparing meals. Now my thoughts are- what is good left over? What is an easy clean up? What will fill me up?
Well end result was Sheppard's pie (which was delish by the way).
During the afternoon hours we had a visit from a friend of mine which I work with Christine. We chatted about babies, blogging (she also has a blog- http://www.christinenewhook.blogspot.com/) and what has been going on in our lives lately. It was great to socialize. To be honest with you, I have kind of wanted to turn into a hermit in the last 6 weeks. People want to come over and visit and I have wanted to shut everyone out. Feeling pitiful with all my hormones running wild, starting my first period and just having a lousy body image right now on top of shutting everyone out, is not a good idea. I know this in my head and for that reason I will admit that hanging out with Christine, if only for an hour or 2 was good for me.
Now you all know that while the Sheppard's pie may have been prepared this afternoon, as soon as it was put in the oven when Jordon got home from work and it was put on my plate, Kaylee started to scream. Is that some sort of unwritten rule? Babies know when your about to sit and try and rejuvenate and decide you are just not allowed?
Anyways, I have tackled a couple glasses of wine this evening and am feeling pretty good. I know, I know... Its a week night. But hey- I don't work tomorrow. Plus I understand the consequences... This is why I drank a few glasses of wine from 3pm-7pm... I can sleep for the couple hours and hopefully by the time she opens those pretty green eyes, the red wine has left my system and I am not so cranky. LOL I can hear anyone reading this laughing now at my naiveness.
I have decided that I am going to start writing my blogs in the evening instead of during the day. This is for a couple reasons- first, I can write about the day I have just had instead fo the day before, also it is nice to sit and have this time in the evening while Jordon is watching her and not have to worry about her waking up or having to go get her bottle.
Anyways, here's a cute little video and some pictures. Enjoy!!!!
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