Last night I had a good conversation with a friend of my Katrina. She has a little guy Aiden who is over 4 months now who she had a lot of trouble with in the first few long weeks. She told me about this book she had read and how it has really changed her life and made things easier.
The book is old and discusses many things, but the main being scheduling your baby and how to do it. It explains that sometimes you just have to let your baby cry. 
Well, Kaylee was 6 weeks old yesterday and still getting up 2-3 times a night. I decided that after she woke up at 4:45am and was back down by 5:30- then decided to wake back up at 6:30, that I was just going to let her cry in her crib for a few minutes.
I layed in bed with the baby monitor, watching the clock and how many minutes it had been. 13 minutes into it she had gone back to sleep and slept until 8:30. Now I know letting your baby cry before a certain age is controversial, however she had eaten an hour before, been changed an hour before and burped. She was not in need of anything at that moment. Anyway, I found the theory worked. I may try it more often instead of running everytime she fusses.
On another note, when I did get up this morning, I could hardly move. That being said, I am really really trying to stick to this and therefore, I got up and I did my video and 15 minutes on the elliptical. I couldn't make it to 20. My legs are ready to fall off.
Today Kaylee has decided- the heck with naps! I am too old for that now! She maybe cat napped for about 10-15 minutes here or there but nothing more. This evening this has made for a cranky baby. I am crossing my fingers that after a bath and bottle that means she will sleep for a decent amount of hours. EVERYONE CROSS YOUR FINGERS! LOL.
Anyways, Jordon and I have struck a deal for the weekend. Tonight he has a work curling event that he really wanted to go to. Basically, this means a bunch of guys go out and drink far too many beers and have a good time. Its downtown Halifax and therefore Jordon needed a ride there and back to avoid a $40 cab ride. I decided to make a proposition. I told him I would drive him and pick him up- as well as not give him shit for leaving me alone with Kaylee at the end of the week IF tomorrow night I could do the same. The deal was made and therefore tomorrow night, Amanda, Adele and I are going out for a couple drinks and Jordon will take care of Kaylee for the evening as well as play driver for us. Oh I might add, he offered to get up with her through the night and in the morning for me.
Anyways, tonight it is just Kaylee and I... She is getting very irritable and I am trying to not get frustrated at the very long outbursts of crying. I am not sure why she has refused to sleep today.
I also went to put on 2 outfits today that she has never worn and guess what... Too small! Can you believe that! Man- she didn't even get to wear them! Oh well.
So here is a couple photos from the day. Enjoy! I will be sure to take a picture of the girls night out and the look on Jordon's face as I leave him for the evening. LOL
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