Kaylee slept last night from 10- 4:30! That was amazing. I wish I had been able to fall asleep last night in order to really get the benefits of her sleeping like that however because of the way I had been feeling yesterday I decided to have a few cups of tea last night and they seemed to keep me up.
Anyways, she went back down at 5 and slept until 7:30 which was fantastic. Once we got up we enjoyed each others company as she played on her play mat. She dozed off around 9 in her swing and I went straight to work cleaning my house. I did all the little things today that you don't regularly do and all of a sudden look dirty. For instance, scrubbing my kitchen sink, throwing out all the magazines Jordon has collected in the bathroom, tidying up the office. I could go on with the annoying list of chores I accomplished today but that's not very exciting. Kaylee was wonderful as she played in her swing for hours- waking up and having a bottle, then staring up at her mobile and then drifting back off to sleep while I went on my deep clean. I also went through Kaylee's closet and I already have a full garbage bag of clothes that are too small! That is insane!!!!
Today's outfit was one my Nanny had sent for her. She is a little ballerina. What do you think? Suiting on her or not? Regardless, she is adorable as always.
This evening I made a nice steak supper and when Kaylee started to drift off to sleep after we had eaten (this is around 7pm) I was worried. I did not want her sleeping at this point or she will be up until midnight.
I handed her to Jordon and asked him to keep her awake while I folder some laundry. Take a look at this picture and tell me how good a job he did!!! LOL
Anyways, that's all for today. Nothing exciting and no life altering realizations today! Who knows- maybe tomorrow :p
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