Happy St. Patricks day everyone!!!!! I hope everyone is having a nice cold beer tonight and enjoying the holiday. I am going to be honest, even though my roots go back to Ireland, I never knew what the day was all about (other then a party). I heard today that Sir Patrick drove all the snakes off the island on this day. Interesting I suppose.
Anyways, today we had an awesome day! While Kaylee was up very, very early this morning, she slept well last night and therefore I didn't say a word. We met up with my friend Christine who had taken photos for us last week. We went for breakfast and chatted about everything under the sun. Twilight was a big topic... I refrained from beginning Eclipse last night because I knew if I started it, I would not want to put it down- therefore not getting any sleep last night. Anyways, we chatted about the series, other series of books, Kaylee of course then then her photos.
Now you know as soon as my food came to the table, Kaylee started to fuss. This seems to be a reacurring theme. I bounced her on my knee while she made all kinds of little noises and once Christine was finished, she rocked with her while I ate my breakfast.
Anyways, the photos turned out AMAZING! I could not be happier. I want to print and frame all of them. I will attach a few but if you want to see the others, you can just check them out on facebook if you haven't already.
After breakfast we decided to take advantage of the once again amazing weather. We went for a good long walk along the Sackville river in Bedford. It was awesome. The sun was shinning, I was sweating by the end and Kaylee still refused to sleep! She is too afraid to miss anything.
Anyways, after the walk we came home and Kaylee was super fussy. I bounced around, hummed, played and tried grinning and laughing. She was just in a mood and didn't want to be quiet at all. Anyways, this lasted a good portion of the afternoon before she finally dozed off around 4pm. She slept for a short hour while I dove into Eclipse. I didn't have too long at it before she was awake again, however Jordon and I had agreed I wasn't cooking tonight and we were going to have a simple supper. He came home and poured me a glass of wine (yum Naked Grape Shiraz) and we chit chatted for a while. I threw in some fish sticks and sweet potato fries for our supper. Kaylee had a lovely bath which she was even fussy at the end for. This never happens. She loves her bath however I think tonight she is simply over-tired. Not sleeping at all during the day and waking up at ten to six this morning made for a tired little girl. Anyways, I gave her a bottle and she is now sound sleep.
This means that Mummy can have have another glass of wine and read her book for a couple hours before I need to go to sleep :)
I am getting very excited for my trip to Toronto to see friends and family. I know it is a few months off but I have a lot of people I truly love there. I have my incredible family which I can't wait to see, but I also have wonderful friends. My girlfriend Chelsea has seen me through a lot of rough times and has also been excited for my visit. I am hoping we can really get to catch up while I am home. It feels like forever since we have been able to do that! Auntie Chelsea- here we come :p
Anyway, there is nothing on tomorrows agenda other then a trip to Walmart tomorrow night with Jordon. We need to get the basics- which all seem to be animal supplies- dog food, cat litter, cat food, Toby treats (because yes the dogs must have different treats-lol) etc, etc, etc.
Here are a couple of the amazing photos Christine took. If you are looking for a photographer or want to see more of her work, check it out at www.christinenewhook.com

:) Thanks darlin! I can't wait to photograph Kaylee again when she gets a little bit older.