Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Called out!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
First Needles.......
Monday, March 22, 2010
Down in the dumps!
Friday, March 19, 2010
8 Weeks Old
In other news, other then that garden which makes me feel very Martha Stewart- lol.
Today was another incredible day! Jordon always gets off work early on Friday's and so we were very happy to see him home shortly after 3 this afternoon. When he got home and we sat and had a beer together, discussed the day and how Kaylee had been, and then decided to go for a walk.
We loaded Kaylee up into the stroller and Jordon grabbed a hold of the dogs and off we went. It was lovely. Enjoying the weather, my hubby, baby and dogs. I literally thought this afternoon how lucky I was. Life could not get too much better. If only my family was here, life would be pretty darn close to perfect!
This evening has been another story however! LOL. You knew that I couldn't write a whole blog about how perfect life was right?!?! hehehe. Anyways, Kaylee had 2 MEGA barfs and was cranky all night. I am not sure if her belly was upset or what was going on but she was not so happy. Everytime I tried to put her down she screamed. If I held her she would stop. So this resulted in me walking around with her all night without putting her down. Its now 9pm and she finally let me put her in her crib without waking up screaming. This was after all the third attempt.
Its a Friday night and I am so tired. I wanted to socialize with neighbours and have a few drinks... But after the sun today, a few beer, cranky baby this evening and never enough sleep... I really want to crawl in bed with my book. Does this mean I am growing up? Or just getting boring??? hahaha! Anyway, tomorrows plan is to work on the back garden- prep it for when we can plant. Maybe I will have something interesting to say tomorrow!!! Have a great Friday night!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Happy St. Pattys Day!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Sunday Sun!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Well at this point I decided to go for a drive. We drove for 15 minutes and she was silent. I can't see her in the rear facing carseat and therefore assumed she was sleeping. I decided I would run into sobeys with her and grab the few things I needed.
Anyways, I drove around on my way home and then by the time I parked she was asleep. I unloaded the gro

Jordon arrived home with a new case of Corona for me! What a smart guy :) . We enjoyed supper together, bathed Kaylee and put her down to bed around 8 again. We then decided to venture to our next door neighbours house for a game of poker. Of course we brought the baby monitor and my paranoia had me checking on her every 40 minutes.
We came home and relaxed, Kaylee played and then had a short snooze. Tonight Amanda came over after work to watch Kaylee while Jordon and I snuck out for supper. It was fantastic. The first time Jordon and I have been out together for dinner since well before Kaylee was born. We really had a wonderful night and by the time we came home, Kaylee was sound asleep.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Bath Time Bliss
Anyways! Oh to bigger and better. After we visited the doctor- which I may point out Kaylee was wonderful during out visit, we met Jordon (aka Daddy) for lunch. This was nice as we don't generally see Jordon during the day.
Kaylee and I came home and as it was absolutely gorgeous outside, it was like yesterday still deceivingly cold. My brilliant solution to this was to pull a comfy chair up the the patio doors where the sun was beating in, beside me put Kaylee in her vibrating chair. Here we enjoyed the wonderful sun without feeling the chilly wind. I read in between my chatting with Kaylee and she enjoyed the dangling toys from her chair. I read about 150 pages of Twilight today... I feel like I had no time however somehow I managed to read that much. I am not going to lie.... After being anti-Twilight I am now enjoying the book.
Anyways, today Kaylee put on (or I put on her) her first pair of sneakers! Check out these adorable little shoes. They were a gift at my baby shower from friends Darrell and Jessica and I absolutely love them. They stayed on her feet which I find in hard with most booties/shoes at this age always fall off. Anyway, they just made her seem like such a little person.
I cooked a nice Roast beef dinner tonight, along with gravy, mashed potato's and steamed veggies. It was awesome. Jordon had come home with a bottle of my favorite red wine- Naked Grape and we enjoyed a glass before giving Kaylee a bath.
My goodness she really does love her bath!
We played in the tub for about 20 minutes before I decided it was time to take her out at which point she had a tantrum.
Oh to follow up on last night. She did go down at 8pm... I was so worried she would be up at 12, then again through the night and then again early in the morning, making for a very long interrupted sleep. I was very wrong. Kaylee slept from 8pm until 2:30am and went back down by 3:15 and then slept until 7:30. Now I believe that was amazing. So much so that I let her fall asleep shortly after 8pm tonight. I am hoping for the same type of schedule out of her. If we can establish going down by 8pm- this still leaves me a couple hours of me time, and up once once through the night before getting up at 7:30, I think I would be very happy. That seems to me like I would get enough sleep and not be too cranky.
In worse news, Jordon told me he will be working a night shift for a week at work. They have added on a new section to the building and Jordon has taken a large part int he electrical and getting the new portion up and running. Well they now need to rip down the wall between the 2 buildings but cannot do this during the day when everyone is working. Therefore Jordon has somehow been one of the ones to get the job of working through the night from 5pm-5am. I can only imagine how this is going to effect the family. Now he will likely sleep until 2pm (that giving him about 8 hours sleep) and have to leave only a few short hours later.... Anyways, I don't want to dwell on it but I am dreading it.
Tomorrow I have absolutely no plans. That is kind of nice considering it has been a very busy week.
I have added a whole bunch of photos. I few from her bath time which I just couldn't resist. It seems like it is becoming Daddy and Kaylee time and she is so content and that is when Jordon really enjoys her (of course). The last photo is of the mobile that was sent to me from a wonderful lady my Mom works with- Beata. What a kind thing to do for someone she hardly knows. Anyway, it fits perfectly with her nursery and each time I sit in the rocking chair to feed her she looks up at it.
Well until tomorrow!!!! ;)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
7 Weeks Old
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Battling the Bug
The nap I had was short lived. Someone came to the door and the dogs started to bark and this woke Kaylee and myself up.
I must admit, today is one of those days I want to forget ever happened. I hated everything today. Jordon arrived home and things did not get any better and I will leave it at that.
I am now sitting here looking down at Kaylee in her vibrating chair which she loves and as she smiles up at me I have to remember that tomorrow will be a better day.
My friend Christine is going to come over and get a few photos of Kaylee as well as lend me her Twilight books. I have been anti-twilight as I hate to fall into fads. That being said I was talking to a woman in line at the grocery store the other day who had read them 5 times! She claimed they were amazing. So I am hoping to get a couple good pictures and maybe I can escape this world and crawl into a good book tomorrow!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Spring is coming!!!
Kaylee slept last night from 10- 4:30! That was amazing. I wish I had been able to fall asleep last night in order to really get the benefits of her sleeping like that however because of the way I had been feeling yesterday I decided to have a few cups of tea last night and they seemed to keep me up.
Anyways, she went back down at 5 and slept until 7:30 which was fantastic. Once we got up we enjoyed each others company as she played on her play mat. She dozed off around 9 in her swing and I went straight to work cleaning my house. I did all the little things today that you don't regularly do and all of a sudden look dirty. For instance, scrubbing my kitchen sink, throwing out all the magazines Jordon has collected in the bathroom, tidying up the office. I could go on with the annoying list of chores I accomplished today but that's not very exciting. Kaylee was wonderful as she played in her swing for hours- waking up and having a bottle, then staring up at her mobile and then drifting back off to sleep while I went on my deep clean. I also went through Kaylee's closet and I already have a full garbage bag of clothes that are too small! That is insane!!!!
Today's outfit was one my Nanny had sent for her. She is a little ballerina. What do you think? Suiting on her or not? Regardless, she is adorable as always.
This evening I made a nice steak supper and when Kaylee started to drift off to sleep after we had eaten (this is around 7pm) I was worried. I did not want her sleeping at this point or she will be up until midnight.
I handed her to Jordon and asked him to keep her awake while I folder some laundry. Take a look at this picture and tell me how good a job he did!!! LOL
Anyways, that's all for today. Nothing exciting and no life altering realizations today! Who knows- maybe tomorrow :p
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Weekend catch up!
By the time I got home, I was starving. I popped in a few pogos and chatted with Jordon about his evening with Kaylee. He was fantastic with her and said it went very smoothly. He is becoming so much better at handling her, even when she is fussing. I remember when we first brought her home and he would get the look of terror when she would start to cry and simply hand her over to me. He is really growing to be a fantastic Dad.
I got dressed and Jordon and we decided to go for a walk. I was really hoping fresh air would help me. We took the dogs and off we went. Kaylee loves being outside, she coo's and caw's until she falls asleep. We enjoyed a nice long walk and stopped at our neighbours on the way home. He offered me a beer and it took everything in me not to think about hurling.
After a hour of sitting in the sun enjoying the day I did accept a beer to try and make shake the hang over. I made it through 2 beer before heading home for a nap.