Since Kaylee has been eating everything, and I was without a high chair, her exersaucer and bumbo became the means of feeding her. Trying to clean these 3-4 times a day made for quite the hassel so Jordon and I purchased a highchair. Needless to say, it's amazing!
Now she sits there and feeds herself! She refuses to even let me try to feed her, my job is to simply get as much of a variety of food onto her tray and watch while she tries it all.
So far, some of the favorites are:
Toast and jam
Yellow pepper
Pasta noodles
Carrot muffins
Banana bread
Cereal bars
I could probably go on, however these are what I can think of right now. She even tried grilled chicken last night and loved it. My little girl is a hoover! LOL. I don't think I am going to have a fussy child on my hands.
Also in big news, Kaylee had her 6 month needles last week along with the check of everything else. She is currently weighing in at 15.8 lbs, Height 27.5 inches, head circumference- 1 cm smaller then it "should be". I am pretty sure I have written about this before but I have to say, it is really starting to bother me.
We went into the office, Kaylee is sitting up and oh so close to crawling and the doctor says, "Wow she is so developmentally ahead. Sitting with no assistance, pretty much crawling, babbling. That's great!". 10 minutes later while doing the measurements and the head measurement comes back she says "Well her head isn't where we want it to be at this point. She is 1 cm smaller then she should be. We are really going to have to keep a close eye on this as it could mean development issues".
Back up a second.... Didn't she JUST tell me that she was developmentally ahead? I was so frustrated I couldn't even discuss it. Throughout my pregnancy and the first few months of Kaylee's life we have been tormented with doctors crazy assumption that something is wrong due to her head size, then magically she catches up and they say shes fine, 2 months later, the same thing all over again. Doctors make me crazy with all their "Should be's". She's perfect and smart and beautifully growing at her own rate!
Anyways, other then learning that, we know she is very tall and lean. This is quite obviously a trait she has inherited from her father and not me.
In other news with Kaylee has also begun pulling herself up. I walked into her room the other morning because I could hear that she was awake but she wasn't fussing for me to come get her. This is what I found!
This is also when I decided it was time to lower the crib mattress. LOL.
Now she thinks it is a great game to pull herself up on everything. It is amazing to see her progressing and doing all of these things, but it also scares me as she is getting much tougher to contain! LOL
This past weekend was fantastic! Jordon really stepped up to the plate and surprised me with how incredible he can be. Friday night, he was off early and so we enjoyed some family time with Kaylee, feeding her everything we could think of. After bathing her, and getting her all ready, we layed her to bed, then sat on the back deck with our neighbours, Steve and Kerry and enjoyed drinks and good company. I may have had a couple too many of those cold beers, because Saturday morning just came too early. Jordon eagerly got up with Kaylee and let me sleep in! When I got up shortly after 9 (yaaaaa 9am!!!!) I had a tim hortons tea and breakfast sandwhich waiting. It was fantastic. We spent the day cleaning the house, doing the daily chores, playing with and feeding Kaylee. The evening came and we really didn't feel up to doing a heck of a lot, so Jordon rented a video game, I picked up a pizza and we relaxed on the couch! I played a few games of online Poker while he played his game. Bed at 11:30 and waking up refreshed occasionally, feels really good. Sunday morning I let Jordon sleep and made us a big breakfast!
We have a Coast Mountain equipment backpack which you place the baby in for hiking. It has never been used and I figured there was no better time to throw out the idea of a hike to Jordon then over an awesome breakfast. He agreed and off we went! We used to hike every weekend and now that we have Kaylee it is a lot more work. Worrying about packing 2 dogs in the car used to be challenge enough, throw a baby in the mix and your really busy. Now that Jordon has his work truck and no longer his station wagon, it posed for the more difficult task of where to put everyone. I have never let the dogs in my car. The leather interior, a baby seat in the back, my love for having a clean car just didn't allow for it. We had to manage however so we put Lily in the truck with Jordon and Toby in the front seat of my Acura. Off we went!
Kaylee LOVED the backpack. It puts her up high where she can watch everything and enjoy the ride. She coo'd and caw'd and talked the whole time. I carried her making the simple point that carrying an extra 15lbs on my back would certainly help me burn a few more calories!
We had a fantastic time! We came home, put her down for a nap and then went back to socializing with the neighbours playing a big tournament of online Poker and chatting. Jordon really worked hard this weekend to make it known to me and Kaylee that we come first and it meant so much.
I am sure other Mom's out there can relate that some days it feels as if their priorities lay elsewhere with work, activities etc. It meant a lot to see him really show how much he loves us.
***Crawling to Toby***
In other news, I am ready to book a trip down south for this winter so Jordon and I can finally get married. The only problem is the size of my butt and the thought of down south doesn't go well together. So while I have tired before, I am trying again. As everyone knows, I hate the gym and love food. For this reason I need to start putting more effort in. Swimming lasted a while- until summer sun, beers on the deck and being pooped by the end of the day took over. I am going to try a different tactic. I am going to try getting up earlier and going for a run when I have the most energy. I am also going to try small things. I know going on a diet isn't for me, so instead I am just going to be more aware and cut out some of the small added calories I take in, in a day. For instance- I love to have a pot of tea every morning. This however means that those 4-5 cups of tea, each have a teaspoon of sugar in them. I am going to try instead to have 1 regular tea and then a pot of green tea, which I add nothing. Also, my love for bread has got to.... well, be controlled. I won't stop all together however I am going to have cereal in the morning instead of toast and peanut butter. Anyways, the small stuff right?
Anyone have any great tips for me?
Well that's all for now, I started this blog thinking it would be short and sweet and somehow managed to once again babble on forever. Have a great day!
You can have Weight Watchers Bread instead. They also have English Muffins and Buns for Burgers. Just a thought for you Jaymie.
ReplyDeleteThanks! Whoever left that comment?????