***The Doole's and our boys***
***Being Silly***
***Jackie and I***
***Mom and I***
***Maybe my favorite photo from the entire trip... Poppa Bear and Kaylee***
***Mommy and Kaylee
***Our very first family photo...***
***Eating Everything!***
***Playin early in the morning!***
***4 Generations. Great Nanny, Nanna, Jackie and I, and Kaylee***
***24 years ago Dad and I had our photo take here... Now here he sits with my daughter...***
***Mummy and Kaylee***
Dad and I on the same bench we sat on and had our photo taken 24 years ago....***
***Family.... Jordon, Dad and Mom***
Well, I am back in Nova Scotia. It feels so good to be home, sleep in my bed, see my dogs, my cats and just the normal things of everyday life. Now the big job is going to be getting back into some sort of routine and breaking Kaylee's bad habits she has acquired.

She never had to make more then a grunt and someone was picking her up and tending to her. Now that we are home, she is going to have to get used to the whole notion of occasionally self soothing herself, entertaining herself and being ok with not being held every waking hour of the day. I am telling you now, I know this is going to be a difficult process. However a small price to pay for an incredible vacation with family, friends and all those who we love. Kaylee was so spoiled, so loved and adored that it alone was enough alone to make it worth it.
***Rockin the shades!***
So, I know it was a while since my last post. I was up north at the trailer with no laptop, no internet and therefore, no way to keep you updated.
So I suppose I will just rant about the last week and a half for the next little while and pollute this blog with tons of photos.
***First real boat ride... Hanging out with Nanna***
While I was spending some time up north with my sister, we decided to take a drive to the Indian reserve to get some cigarettes for Jackie. As most people know, I love my car- my Acura TL and I love the power it has. This being said, while driving along in an 80 zone, getting stuck behind 2 very slow cars doing about 70km, my patience was up. Coming down a hill, with that dotted line I love so much, I decided to pass the slow pokes to get on with our outing. Well.... Didn't an OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) happen to be waiting at the bottom of that hill for me. "Oh crap crap crap" I say seeing him pull right on out behind me. I pull over and he strolls up and says "Miss, are you aware of a law we have here in Ontario that says if you are doing 50km over the speed limit I can immediately seize your car, take your license and fine you $10,000?". I think I must have just stopped and starred, completely dumb founded. He followed up with "you were doing 134 in an 80 zone- 54km over the speed limit." Not wanting to deny it and not sure what to say, I started babbling on about how I was going down a hill trying to pass and must have accelerated faster then I thought and I was so so so so sorry. He told me he would not take my car from me and took all of my information and went back to his car. At this point I am thinking, man, this is going to be one heck of a fine.... He walks back to the car, reminds me of the Ontario law again (as if I have never been to the province before-lol), I patiently waited for my punishment and then he stated, "I am going to let you go today, but I would like to remind you to please slow down and be careful. You have a baby in the car". OH MY GOODNESS. Not even a ticket. I have no idea how it happened but I am happy it did. The most common question I received when telling people about this event was "Did you flash him?" hahaha! I didn't but thanks!
Anyways, after spending the day out with my sister, I packed up the car and once again headed back to the city to my parents house. A few short days and Jordon would be there to see us!
***Grampi feeding Kaylee***
The time flew by while I visited with more friends and family. Friday afternoon, I headed out to Krystal's to see her and Marley one last time, then off to the airport we went.
Jordon arrived and was of course delighted to see both Kaylee and I. We stood and took it all in, him seeing how much his little girl had changed over the course of 3 weeks and me marvelling in the fact that we were all together again (not to mention excited to know the next morning I would be sleeping in).
***Playing with Marley... She's not so sure what she thinks about sharing her favorite toys with Kaylee! LOL***
We went back to my parents house that night, put Kaylee to bed, had a fantastic supper and enjoyed each others company before hitting the road for yet again another busy day in the following morning.
e hit the road and did some visiting with Jordon's Aunt Fern, Aunt Helen, and his Dad. We then had planned to head up to the trailer where Mom and Dad had rented us a cottage for the week, Jordon's sister, her husband and his Dad would also have a cottage and enjoy a week away together. We somehow made a pit stop at the Bass Pro Shop which was a promised 20 minute visit and quickly turned into 2 hour visit. This left Jaymie and Kaylee very unimpressed.
After this very long detour we hit the road and headed to Bobcaygeon. We finally arrived and got ourselves settled in.
***Playing on our new Quilt*** 
Jordon and I have now been together 10 years. Our families have never once met and this was the perfect occasion. We enjoyed a lot of time together, over camp fires, suppers and relaxing in the afternoon sun. Everyone got along so well and I think the biggest commonality was the unconditional love everyone felt for Kaylee. I am telling you, she was just moved from one persons arm to the next, to the next.
Over the years there have been so many ups and downs and nothing has been easy, but spending time with our families together made everything else seem so long ago, so unimportant and made the present feel absolutely wonderful.
Monday we did have the unfortunate event of my Great Uncle Fred's funeral. We drove to Kingston and my heart and sympathy go out to my Aunt Pat and her family. He was a wonderful man who will be missed. To make light of that sad day, it was so nice to have my extended family all meet Kaylee. My cousin Lisa even had a family gathering at her home for us. It was very sweet!
The week flew by with Jordon having many little fishing outings, Kaylee having many people pull her around in the wagon (which by the way is her new very favorite thing) and myself spending as much time with everyone as I could.
One afternoon Jordon and Cheryl watched Kaylee while I went to town with Jackie and Mom. We did a little bit of shopping before heading to a waterside pub. We sat out on a patio and had a few drinks in the sun, looking out over the locks. It was a fantastic afternoon. I truly appreciate the moments I can spend with the best ladies in my life as the moments are so far apart! Thanks ladies for a great afternoon.
So while the week went on, I realized that this is what I want, this is where I want to be and this is what is important. Now more then ever, I would like to move home to Ontario to share the special moments with my family. Jordon's sister Cheryl is expecting a baby on Halloween and with children less then a year apart I think it is so important for us all to be closer. While Jordon and I both agree we do not like the hussel and bussel on Toronto, we have agreed that living in Waterloo, where I will hopefully be able to get transferred through work would be a compromise.
Over the week Kaylee also decided she no longer likes pureed food. She wants real food. Such has bread, lasagna, cereal, cereal bars, manderines, muffins, etc. She devoured everything, reached for everything and was extremely content to eat whatever we put in fron tof her while refusing any jared baby food. LOL I am in for the messy part now!
Friday was our last day there. We spent the morning packing up, I went out fishing with my Dad for the afternoon and Mom was kind enough to offer to watch Kaylee for me while Jordon and I had an evening out baby free. Considering we have only been out for dinner once since Kaylee was born, we jumped on the opportunity. We had planned to leave at 2am Saturday morning however while sitting down to dinner, Jordon suggested we leave as soon as we got back to the trailer to try and get as much time with Kaylee sleeping as we could.
Well, 2 am turned into 8:30pm and I was so overwhelmed with emotion. Saying goodbye to my family, and Jordon's family- who I am just starting to feel part of was one of the hardest things ever. There were many tears, hugs, "move back soon"s and then more tears. My breaking point was my Mom hugging Jordon and saying "Jo, please bring my babies back home". HELLLO WATERWORKS. That's when I packed Kaylee and myself in the car and we hit the road. The drive went well. Jordon drove to Quebec city, then I took over. I could not believe Kaylee slept almost the entire time. With a few wake up's for bottles she was fantastic!
***Hanging out with Auntie Cher***
We did the trip in 17 hours and let me tell you, I have never in my life been so happy to see this house. While the trip was amazing and more then I could have imagined.... It was a month of living out of my car with Kaylee, a month of no sense of routine (which I am very partial to) and a month of being away from home.
***Crawling With Grampi*** 
So here I am, Home Sweet Home and it feels extremely bitter sweet.
To end this very long blog for everyone, I want to thank my family. Mom, Dad, Jackie,Andrew, Cheryl, JR and Doug, thank you for spending some amazing time with us and showing Kaylee how much she is loved! It was incredible.
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