Kaylee is now not only crawling, but she is a machine!!!!!! She motors around the house like it's nobodies business. Off Jordon and I went to get all of the plug outlet covers, placing anything she could get her hands on, now out of reach and so on with the baby proofing. She is very content to be doing it and I think she is quite proud of herself. It seems pretty incredible considering a month ago in Toronto at Mom's house she sat up for the first time!
Also in the mix, I know I keep saying it, but my goodness- she eatttttts! The foods she is trying never seizes to amaze me. She shovels it in with a smile and off she goes. It is quite a messy process however. The feeding her/her feeding herself process takes about a half hour and then the clean up takes about the same. Quite the job I might say.
Last week, I also had the wonderful opportunity to hang out with a few of the ladies I worked with at the Lonestar. Although it wasn't any ordinary get together. It was a playdate. 5 ladies and 7 babies under the age of two and a half.
It was a fantastic time, but wow! I have to say, it is crazy to think that about 5 years ago, we were all down at the bars together, drinking and having a good time, and now a good time consists of sitting around with our children with a cup of coffee or tea!
Anyway, Nicolle hosted this get together, as our friend Katrina is visiting from Alberta. She moved out there a couple of years ago, so it was really great to see everyone together. While we did have a great afternoon, we have also planned an evening without any children to catch up. Its amazing how you can be mid conversation and then attention is turned to a baby and you have no idea where you were in the conversation- then its lost! haha!

Anyways, Tuesday night we are all meeting at Opa for supper and a drink. Should be nice.
This weekend was pretty low key. Jordon and I did a little bit of shopping at Costco (that place kills me- should be called $200.00 bill or more store) and then off to Walmart. We came home and I made a big supper for a few neighbours and then we relaxed around the fire. Good time :)
Now for story I didn't want to, but have to tell.....Last night was not a fun night at all.
I feel as if over the last month or so since we have been home from Toronto, it has been work to loose the spoiled, saucy little girl she was becoming (from having the constant attention of multiple family members at all times). She started sleeping through the night with the exception of a 3am wake up for a bottle then back to sleep til 6-6:30. Last night however, she went to bed without a fuss, as she usually does until 11pm hit. I was laying in bed just about to doze off when I heard her start to fuss. I left her for a minute thinking she would just go back to sleep but I couldn't be that lucky. I got up and gave her half a bottle and she was back to sleep. Repeat 7 times before 3am. Wow.... What on earth was going on with my child. At 3am, I gave up. Decided I was going to let her cry it out and she would simply be tired enough to go to sleep. What a silly delusional thought. 35 minutes of screaming which one can only describe as a horrible, horrible noise.
At this point I am exhausted, frustrated and not sure what my next move should be- then Jordon says something about how I shouldn't let her cry and I loose it. I get up and go to her room with a bottle, cradle her and rock her and sing to her while I fight through a few of my own tears. It can be so hard and so frustrating sometimes and I know I sound like I am now whining but my goodness!
Anyway, I tried to put her down when she eventually calmed down and she then burst right back into tears crying. I figured I would be spending the night in the rocking chair with her pulled in close. I called to Jordon to get me a blanket because I was cold... once.... twice... third time louder with more frustration. He wakes up and gets me a blanket before heading back to bed. Our big, comfy, warm bed. I can't help but recent him a little bit at this point. Now 5am, she is asleep in my arms, my neck is all kinked up and as slowly and gently as I can I lay her back into her crib and sneak to bed. 6am the alarm goes off and all I can think is "if that alarm wakes up that baby, I may just reach across this bed and beat you with it!" lol. I know, I know. A little rash but I was exhausted. Jordon very quietly got out of bed and ready for the day without waking Kaylee or disturbing me. Kaylee and I slept until 8am (which I would like to point out she has NEVER done before).
So I am not sure what has gotten into her... A tooth? I don't want to say it because I have been saying it for months. So I am going to chalk it up to a bad night... That's all I can do.
Anyways, that's all for today! I am not sure what this week hold other then my Mommy's night out tomorrow.
Have a great day!!!
P.S. I also wanted to share a few photo's of my garden! My veggies are doing great!!!
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