Hey everyone!!!! Well you know I had to write and chat about what a great day I had yesterday, however first I need to discuss clothing.
Oh my goodness! I really went through my entire closet, tried EVERYTHING on and could not find one thing that I liked. Could it be that dressing to impress other women (which are your friends) could be more stressful then dressing for a man? After all, your man is going to look at you and say you look great no matter what right? Girls.... well you know they are thinking "where did she get that top" or "those jeans are wayyy to tight". Etc, etc etc.
Now of course I have some of the most awesome friends who would never say that especially considering we are all Mom's, all know what its like to try and fit into those jeans or put on a top that maybe we should no longer wear. SO knowing that they aren't judge mental, why did I still struggle so much to find something to wear....
Well it could be because, everything in my closet doesn't fit right. Some things are too big (yahooooo!) and a lot of things are just too small (booo!)... Aside from that I feel like my idea of "Sexy" has changed since I have had a child. While I want to feel good and look sexy, it no longer means putting on a shirt so low cut that if I bend over I might pop out. Sexy to me now means.... hmmm.... wow, I feel old saying this but- Classy? I want to be classy sexy?
Anyways, after alllllllll the hours, hassle and stress over what to wear, I opted for jeans, cute stripped top and stiletto's to dress the jeans up a bit.
I cannot believe how hard it was to get dressed. I have never been one of those girls, and suddenly there I was.... Standing in my bedroom, everything I own on the floor and feeling defeated. Thank goodness for good old faithful jeans.
When I met up with the ladies, I did feel a bit under dressed. Jenn, Sheena and Katrina were in dresses. Thanks to Nicolle who also opted for a cute shirt with jeans (regular jeans 7 weeks after delivering Mateo I might add- CONGRATS)....
Anyway, now that the wardrobe issue is out of the way, on with the evening. From the moment we sat down until the moment we left I am pretty sure we discussed our children. From bug bites, to new habits, to delivery, to poop, to how useless men can be when it comes to the children and to how incredible men can be (on very rare occasions of course).... we covered it all.
We went to a Greek restaurant, which I was not sure I would like... However I loved it! I even ate a Greek salad- for the first time ever! I had set in my head that I really disliked Greek salad but let me assure you- there was nothing left on my plate. We sat for a few hours, chatting, drinking wine and enjoying the company.
As we were leaving we all thought about how we live so close (with the exception of Kat, who is just visiting from Alberta) and we still never get out like this. We promised we would start doing it more often and I really hope we do.
We all head our seperate ways, except Sheena, Kat and I get into one car and off we go. Not quite to the highway, Katrina screams that something has bitten her. I kind of laugh and think a mosquito has gotten her. Pulling onto the highway, she shrieks and says it has bitten her again and begins to panic. As this point Sheena, who may I point out is not a fan of bugs, begins to also panic and pulls off to the side of the highway. The girls evacuate the car and wait while I go on a hunt to find the bug. Keep in mind I have had a couple glasses of wine and can't help but giggle. Sheena continues asking where the bug is and I say it was probably just a spider which has gotten away.... OPPSSS Wrong thing to say to Sheena, who has now refused to get back into the car until it is found. Poor Katrina is now swelling up in 2 places where she has been bitten by this mysterious bug. Finally I find the culprit. A wasp! It wasn't a bite! She was actually stung! My goodness! I kill the wasp, show the ladies I am discarding it. Finally back in the car we go. We are able at that point, to relax and somewhat laugh about it.... Looking back at last night, I feel bad that Kat was stung and I didn't really believe her at the time, but I also can't help but laugh at how it happened. Standing on the side of the highway refusing to get into the car until it is found. LOL. Anyways, great time ladies! As always, a memorable evening!
I came home and crawled in bed after a great evening. Now generally speaking, 3am is when Kaylee tends to wake up for a bottle and go back to sleep. With the chaos the last few days there has been no such prediction of when she will be up, or when she will be asleep for that matter. 3am last night rolls around... My eyes are wide open as I wait for her to wake up... 3:30.. Nothing. Why I feel the need to check on her, I am just not sure. I walk in and there she is, on her belly, bum in the air, fast asleep. I open the window because it was a little warm and head back to bed thinking I must be crazy to get up when she hasn't even woken up. Now you know as soon as I crawled back in bed she was awake! LOL.
Anyways, last night she was only up twice which was a nice treat from the last few nights.
Today she has been a gem. Not sure why the change but she is content playing, not needing to be in my arms 24/7 and she is smiling and giggling again (which I found she wasn't doing for a couple days). Her new favorite thing to do is put things in something (say a cooking pot) and then remove all he items, then repeat. It is quite adorable if I do say so myself.
Anyway, that's all for today! Will try and keep on top of my blog a little more.
Have a great day!!
In that second last picture she looks a LOT like Jordan, maybe it's the facial expression?
ReplyDeleteSo great to see everyone last night, it was even worth the two stings. I hope I can come back and visit again soon.