Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Champagne Birthday!
Part 2...
So while I am laughing at the time, it really isn't smart of me to laugh at her... Note to self, do not consume 2 glasses of wine and then giggle at Kaylee while she acts adorable.... when she should be sleeping. Haha!
Other then that, I am just working on getting my house back in order after the painting. It seems everything was everywhere and I didn't get around to a lot of the things I normally do when I was trying to paint. So, off to it I go. I want to get things organized for tomorrows big bash! I will post soon! Let me know what you think about my paint choices andKaylee's little tantrum issues...
Have a great day!
***Dining Room before the paint...***
Monday, August 23, 2010
Change of scenery!
So while, the room at this point is quite bare.... You can clearly see why I did not like these curtains. The colour I also found was just... Too old, too cold and not very inviting.
So I ripped the curtains down and enjoyed it more then you can imagine and then felt motivated to paint! Time to revamp and stop having a living room that looks like an 80 year old lives in in. At this point it was the evening so I decided the following day- Friday, would be the day to get started! Friday morning I woke up with a migraine.... For anyone who has had a migraine they know how hard it is to function, let alone take care of a baby. I get a migraine about twice a year for whatever reason and as much as I tried getting through the day, it was just not working. At 11, I had to call Jordon and tell him I just couldn't do it anymore and he had to come home and take care of Kaylee because I needed to bury my head in a pillow. My migraine was so bad, it was making my physically ill to my stomach. Lovely day- me wrenching my guts out in the toilet as Kaylee sits playing with my feet and chatting away. Well he saved the day, coming home early from work, with Aleve migraine relief and gravol. I stayed on the couch for the next couple hours trying to mend myself.
When I did wake up I felt like a new woman. At this point it was the middle of the afternoon and after a shower and a bite to eat, I was feeling motivated. I went down to the Canadian Tire, bought all the paint and supplies before coming home to get started. While it was a late start to the day, I really wanted to get going. For the next 2 days I painted and stared at the walls thinking, "what on earth have I done... It looks like a clown house". However after finishing, placing everything back in order and putting some new framed photos on the wall, I think it looks great! Bright, however great! I did however need to stop painting as I think doing the entry way and dining room the same colour will just be too much. I am going to tone it down for those spaces. So what do you think of the finished product?
I still need to find some sort of window treatment but I really do not want to cover up half the window like the last curtains did. I love the amount of light that now pours through the window.
Other then that, it was a fairly quiet weekend. A few drinks with friends and lots of time outdoors with Kaylee. Yesterday I had a wedding shower to go to across the street at the neighbours and when Kaylee made her brief appearance at the end, she was quite the hit! I am so impressed with how well she is doing with people just passing her around. She doesn't play shy at all.
In other news, Kaylee is now 7 months! She had her 7 month milestone on Saturday! Where does time go? Kaylee is on the move everywhere, pulling herself up on everything she can manage and eating everything in site. It is so great to see her inquisitive about everything she sees, curious to learn more and hungry for anything you put in front of her. Watching the development is incredible.
This week is a busy one. This evening I am going to get my hair done. A few highlights and a trim. Of course I have to look good for my birthday this week! Wednesday is the big day- my champagne birthday! 25 this year and I intend on having a great time. It was very quite last year as I was in the process of growing a little girl, so this year should be fun with the party we have planned. Saturday we are having everyone over for drinks, food and a fire pit. I think there will be some guitars playing and some great laughs.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Dress to Impress.......
Monday, August 16, 2010
Kaylee is now not only crawling, but she is a machine!!!!!! She motors around the house like it's nobodies business. Off Jordon and I went to get all of the plug outlet covers, placing anything she could get her hands on, now out of reach and so on with the baby proofing. She is very content to be doing it and I think she is quite proud of herself. It seems pretty incredible considering a month ago in Toronto at Mom's house she sat up for the first time!
Also in the mix, I know I keep saying it, but my goodness- she eatttttts! The foods she is trying never seizes to amaze me. She shovels it in with a smile and off she goes. It is quite a messy process however. The feeding her/her feeding herself process takes about a half hour and then the clean up takes about the same. Quite the job I might say.
Last week, I also had the wonderful opportunity to hang out with a few of the ladies I worked with at the Lonestar. Although it wasn't any ordinary get together. It was a playdate. 5 ladies and 7 babies under the age of two and a half.
It was a fantastic time, but wow! I have to say, it is crazy to think that about 5 years ago, we were all down at the bars together, drinking and having a good time, and now a good time consists of sitting around with our children with a cup of coffee or tea!
Anyway, Nicolle hosted this get together, as our friend Katrina is visiting from Alberta. She moved out there a couple of years ago, so it was really great to see everyone together. While we did have a great afternoon, we have also planned an evening without any children to catch up. Its amazing how you can be mid conversation and then attention is turned to a baby and you have no idea where you were in the conversation- then its lost! haha!

Anyways, Tuesday night we are all meeting at Opa for supper and a drink. Should be nice.
This weekend was pretty low key. Jordon and I did a little bit of shopping at Costco (that place kills me- should be called $200.00 bill or more store) and then off to Walmart. We came home and I made a big supper for a few neighbours and then we relaxed around the fire. Good time :)
Now for story I didn't want to, but have to tell.....Last night was not a fun night at all.
I feel as if over the last month or so since we have been home from Toronto, it has been work to loose the spoiled, saucy little girl she was becoming (from having the constant attention of multiple family members at all times). She started sleeping through the night with the exception of a 3am wake up for a bottle then back to sleep til 6-6:30. Last night however, she went to bed without a fuss, as she usually does until 11pm hit. I was laying in bed just about to doze off when I heard her start to fuss. I left her for a minute thinking she would just go back to sleep but I couldn't be that lucky. I got up and gave her half a bottle and she was back to sleep. Repeat 7 times before 3am. Wow.... What on earth was going on with my child. At 3am, I gave up. Decided I was going to let her cry it out and she would simply be tired enough to go to sleep. What a silly delusional thought. 35 minutes of screaming which one can only describe as a horrible, horrible noise.
At this point I am exhausted, frustrated and not sure what my next move should be- then Jordon says something about how I shouldn't let her cry and I loose it. I get up and go to her room with a bottle, cradle her and rock her and sing to her while I fight through a few of my own tears. It can be so hard and so frustrating sometimes and I know I sound like I am now whining but my goodness!
Anyway, I tried to put her down when she eventually calmed down and she then burst right back into tears crying. I figured I would be spending the night in the rocking chair with her pulled in close. I called to Jordon to get me a blanket because I was cold... once.... twice... third time louder with more frustration. He wakes up and gets me a blanket before heading back to bed. Our big, comfy, warm bed. I can't help but recent him a little bit at this point. Now 5am, she is asleep in my arms, my neck is all kinked up and as slowly and gently as I can I lay her back into her crib and sneak to bed. 6am the alarm goes off and all I can think is "if that alarm wakes up that baby, I may just reach across this bed and beat you with it!" lol. I know, I know. A little rash but I was exhausted. Jordon very quietly got out of bed and ready for the day without waking Kaylee or disturbing me. Kaylee and I slept until 8am (which I would like to point out she has NEVER done before).
So I am not sure what has gotten into her... A tooth? I don't want to say it because I have been saying it for months. So I am going to chalk it up to a bad night... That's all I can do.
Anyways, that's all for today! I am not sure what this week hold other then my Mommy's night out tomorrow.
Have a great day!!!
P.S. I also wanted to share a few photo's of my garden! My veggies are doing great!!!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Wake up and smell the roses...
weighing myself down
I vividly remember being 14 and on my way to Macy*s to pick out a Homecoming dress my Freshmen year of High School with my Mother. Once arriving at the store, my Mom took me to the “plus size” women’s section. I looked around in embarrassment. “This is the only place you will be able to find something” my Mother told me. I felt my heart sink into my stomach. I knew she was right and I felt terrible.
After trying on dozens of dresses, finally I found a blue dress that was “acceptable” but that I had no interest in wearing. I knew it would be nothing like my friends’ dresses. I knew it was made for a 65 year old woman. I knew there was nothing sexy or beautiful about it, which is all I wanted to be. A guy friend of mine from another school had offered to escort me to Homecoming. I was thrilled and secretly hoped he felt something beyond friendship for me, but never felt that it would happen. There would literally have to be something wrong with him to want to be with me. I never felt that I would be accepted by anyone as anything except fat, disgusting. On the car ride home it was obvious I was upset. My Mother, having grown up in an environment where looks where the ONLY thing a woman had going in her life, started getting angry with me for feeling sorry for myself.
“If you want people to like you, you will have to lose weight. For the rest of your life, the only thing people will see you as is fat. People will pity you, they will not love you. You will never have real friends, you will never have a boyfriend and you will never get married.”
This event haunts me every day of my life. Shortly after this event I starved myself for a year and lost almost 100lbs. On 700 calories or less a day, I ran almost 5 miles a day. Some days I even ran twice. I was obsessed. The more weight I lost, the nicer people seemed to be to me. My Mom seemed like she liked me, she told me I was beautiful, she took me shopping for “fun” clothes. I got a few boyfriends, I finally had lots of friends, and I felt like I had worth. But deep inside of me I worried, ‘What happens if I gain this weight back? Will I loose everything? Do people actually care enough for me to love me then?’
Over the following 5 years depression, horrendous family drama, having a baby & good old fashioned self abuse puts me back exactly where I started. I have gained back every single pound and them some. I remember 5 minutes after the birth of my son a nurse came over and was lecturing me about losing weight and becoming healthy. “You don’t want to be a bad example to your son,“ he said. It made me sad that even on the happiest day of my life, I still felt gross about myself. Everyday, I hate the way I look. I try to go all day without eating and then by 9pm I am starving and overeat. Everyday I say to myself, “Tomorrow I will work out, tomorrow I will eat well.” When I go out in public, I avoid walking by myself in front of other people, especially groups. I hate going into the grocery store or restaurants. I think people must be looking at me thinking, “Oh my god look at her, she is so huge. Look what she is eating, no wonder she is so fat”. I hide. Around my friends and family, I make jokes to make myself feel more comfortable. My husband tells me he loves me and is attracted to me, which only makes me think he is a giant liar or that there is something mentally wrong with him. I see the way my self loathing hurts him but I feel like can’t stop myself. I change 10-15 times some days trying to decide what to wear, but the clothes are not the problem.
Something clicked inside me yesterday. I was thinking, “maybe if I beat myself up enough, I will get my ass in gear.” Then I realized: I have been beating myself and been beaten by others my entire life and look where that has gotten me. No where. Perhaps if I try the opposite of everything I have tried, I will be successful. Maybe if I start to accept myself each day and remind myself I do have value, I will start to take care of myself in a way that one treats something of worth. I have a long road ahead of me. If I want to be healthy and happy with myself, I have got to do the work. It isn’t going to happen any other way. I can’t hate myself enough into weight loss. I’ve been there, I’ve done that- it wont work. I can’t keep living in denial. I can’t get to a place of peace by blaming life, myself or others. Playing the victim will only continue my being a victim in my mind. Today, I can love myself. I can care for and take time for myself. I can do what is right because it feels that way and I can forgive myself of the things I don’t do perfectly. One day at a time, I can live the life I want, not the life I think I “deserve”.
Wow, if that does make me stop and consider things, I am not sure what does....
HAve a great day everyone.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Throwing in the Towel!

*** Me and me Sister up north this summer, sitting around a fire... Do I look 12 with the pigtails? LOL***
Monday, August 9, 2010
So much, so fast!
Monday, August 2, 2010
***The Doole's and our boys***
***Being Silly***
***Jackie and I***
***Mom and I***
***Maybe my favorite photo from the entire trip... Poppa Bear and Kaylee***
***Mommy and Kaylee
***Our very first family photo...***
***Eating Everything!***
***Playin early in the morning!***
***4 Generations. Great Nanny, Nanna, Jackie and I, and Kaylee***
***24 years ago Dad and I had our photo take here... Now here he sits with my daughter...***
***Mummy and Kaylee***
Dad and I on the same bench we sat on and had our photo taken 24 years ago....***