Well, I know the countdown says that I am leaving tomorrow, however I have already been here for a week. I planned to surprise everyone, however there seemed to have been a leak in the grapevine about my arriving early. Anyway, that is irrelevant. The great thing is, I made it to Ontario- safe, sound and happy :)
So while the last week has been extremely busy, I have sooo much to say and soooo many pictures and therefore I am going to do this in a couple parts. So here we go!
Lets begin with Saturday night. I decided to have a BBQ for all our neighbours and friends. Knowing that while I am gone, Jordon will be spending a lot of time at their houses with an empty belly. LOL. In other words, I wanted to feed them as an advance thank you for feeding him while I am gone. Needless to say, the 6 racks of ribs, ceasar salad and a twist on potato skins went off without a hitch and everyone was quite happy. After the BBQ we had a little fire and enjoyed the company amongst..... maybe too many drinks.
I woke up Sunday morning feeling anything but good. My head was spinning, my belly was very angry at me and my mouth screamed stinky red wine breath. I lounged around all day trying to mend my hangover and knowing I was leaving Monday morning around 2am, I also knew I should rest anyways. Daddy was fantastic. He stepped up to the plate and played with Kaylee all day long and let me play lazy. In the afternoon I finally made it off the couch and made a few meals for Jordon to have before I left. I decided to head to bed right after Kaylee around 7:30. Of course with the light still shinning and my nerves being out of wack because I knew I would be travelling, this was not an easy task. I slept from about 8pm-9:30 and then was up when Jordon came to bed... Couldn't go back o sleep until 12 and then slept until 1:30. At 2, I was ready to hit the road. I loaded Kaylee up, stopped at the closest Timmy's and was on the highway by 2:30. Kaylee slept until almost 5, which I thought was awesome considering I had gotten her up and put her in the car in the middle of the night. I was making great time, Kaylee was quite content and I was excited to be heading home. Throughout the day, if Kaylee started to fuss, I would pull over, give her a bottle or her soother and then get back on the road. I was having a fantastic time until I hit Montreal.... 

The dreaded Montreal. Of course there is always construction, there is always traffic and there is not even a shoulder to pull over onto. I had made it a point to pull over before Montreal so Kaylee could have a snack, get out of her car seat and have a fresh diaper. We stopped for about 20 minutes and she was happy as a clam as you can see from these pictures. It was of course just as I was coming up to La Fontaine Tunnel that she began to scream... and scream.... and scream...
It was 2 in the afternoon, and although it wasn't rush hour, I swear I was still hitting the WORST traffic. This paired with insane drivers, and a screaming baby made for the longest hour of my life. As soon as I was out of Montreal, I pulled over, she had a bottle and a great big burp and was content again. This lasted about 20 minutes.
The last 2 hours of my trip were not enjoyable. I probably pulled over more times in the last 2 hours then I did my entire trip however I made it to my Nanny and Poppa's and they were so happy to see Kaylee it made it all worth it.
Kaylee met her Great Nanny. That is pretty incredible. Especially considering she still has my Poppa's mother who is still around as well.

Kaylee and Nanny rolled around on the floor playing, chatted and Nanny nearly had eager Kaylee walking. It was really awesome to see. I remember my Nanny teaching me how to do cartwheels as a child, and now here she is playing with my own daughter. Pretty incredible really!

The next morning we headed to Toronto to see the rest of the family. The drive went great and we made it there in time to run in, unpack, get settled and ready to surprise Mom, only to find out.... She wasn't really surprised.

Part 2... To be continued....
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