Mom walked in Tuesday afternoon, I was sitting on the couch, and Kaylee was on her play mat... I don't think Mom noticed me for about 10 minutes. She swooped Kaylee up and kissed her from head to toe. It was pretty adorable.

When we arrived it was 36 degrees plus the humidity putting it around 44 according to the radio. It was unreal, and all I have to say is thank goodness for air conditioning.
Mom's close friend Denise who is also my good friend Krystal's Mom, has a beautiful home with an incredible pool. I am sure you know where I am going with this! LOL.
Krystal and Denise were kind enough to lend me a lot of baby gear to allow me the luxury of not having to cart it all down from Halifax. So while we went to pick up the baby gear, we also went for a swim and a glass of wine. 

Krystal and I spent many of our summers together growing up... So for us now to both have babies and be in an entirely different stage in our lives together is awesome. I find it is really nice to be able to hang out with other Mom's who have an understanding of why you are crazy, chubby and just trying to get through the days sometimes. 

Kaylee went in the pool with my Mum and while it did take quite some time to get used to the idea of water, that is not the water in her bath tub, by the end I think she quite enjoyed it.

We spent a few hours enjoying the water but it was our first day in yet another city and Kaylee was tired, not used to the heat and getting very irritable.
We headed home to try and get some sleep in yet another sleeping space.

Oh I forgot to mention... Our night at Nanny's we laid Kaylee on the bed with pillows around her and I laid on the bed with her. I would like to mention, at home I sleep on a King size bed, and have arms length between me and anything... Kaylee has only ever slept in her crib... Sleeping together on a double bed was.... TOUGH. LOL.
Anyway, once we got the playpen set up at Mom's house, I put Kaylee down thinking she would just crash as it was after 8pm and with the time difference that would put it over 2 hours past her regular bedtime. I guess she must have been overtired as she would not go to sleep for the life of her. She was awake for another hour and a half. Now if your thinking this must have helped her sleep in the next day, you are very much mistaken. I have come to the conclusion that putting her to bed later does not mean she sleep later in the morning. It seems her internal alarm clock is set for 6am (Halifax time) and therefore 5am has been coming very early over the last week. 

With all the gear we received from Krystal and Denise, Kaylee is set. We have 2 strollers- one for here and one for the trailer. 1 exersaucer thing that is AWESOME, the playpen, a rocking seat and probably more that I can't even think of right now. Needless to say we are set!
Krystal's little girl Marley is possibly one of the most adorable little girls I have ever seen (next to Kaylee of course). Marley is now starting try and walk and holding herself up on everything while moving along. She stared at Kaylee and wanted to simply touch her. This resulted in a few rough pats on the head but it was absolutely adorable.
Anyway, that's all for part 2. Part 3 is soon to come! Enjoy the pictures!!
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