My Mom has always been someone who was there for me, listened to me and supported me. Even living 1850km away from her, she still does her fair share of listening when I call after a bad day and need to vent. Being here at home and spending time with her, seeing what an incredible Nanna she has also become and being able to hug her at the end of the day has really opened my eyes. 

I always knew that she was an awesome Mom but she has now become so much more. I can clearly remember when Kaylee was just a few weeks old, Mom had returned home after her visit to Halifax and I was having an extremely hard time with Kaylee. I called her in tears saying that being a mother was too hard, it wasn't what I thought it was going to be and that she had to return to Halifax immediately and take care of Kaylee for me. Mom was wonderful, listening while I got it all out and then calming me down and reassuring me (probably a thousand times) that I could do it, that I was strong enough and that I was a great Mom already.

At that point in my life she probably couldn't have said anything better. Knowing I had her support and I could call her whenever I needed was so important to me. Would I have preferred to be able to stop by her house whenever I was having a crappy day instead? Of course, but we work with what we have.
My Mom, Kaylee's Nanna- Lee-Ann Doole is an incredible woman. She not only plays an important role in my life but she also takes care of her family here. My sister, her boyfriend, and my Dad all have the joy of being able to be spoiled by Mum all the time. I am jealous but also know that it has made our relationship stronger by enduring the distance between us and holding value in the time we do get to spend together.
My Mom is a beautiful woman and I say this not only because she is my Mother but because it is plain for anyone to see. I am lucky to have her and will enjoy all the moments we have together.

So this is a special thanks to my Mom for always being there, always loving me and always supporting me (even when I was/am a royal pain in the butt).
I love you!!! xoxoxox
Awww I'm all teary eyed now. You are so right though, your Mom is amazing! xo