Ok, I know you are probably getting sick of this blog never ending about just 1 week so I will try and keep part 4 short.

Tomorrow we are going to visit Auntie Cheryl and Uncle JR. We haven't seen them since Easter and Kaylee has certainly become a different little girl in that time so it should be fun.

I had to throw in a little blurb about Kaylee's first "boat" ride. I say this in quotations because I am smiling while I say it.The boat she was in was non other then my very first paddle boat which I loved and spent more hours in then I can tell you.

This morning Kaylee woke up at 5:20 and I knew everyone (myself NOT included- I was a good girl), had stayed up late around the fire having drinks. I didn't want Kaylee making too much noise and waking up my parents and other people throughout the park, so I grabbed the life jacket and headed for the lake. At this time of morning, the water was glass, the sun was coming up and all you could hear was the gorgeous nature sounds that people drive up north just to hear. It was pretty incredible.

I put Kaylee's life jacket on, which she was very unhappy about I might mention and headed out on the lake. During our little tour of the bay, we saw a HUGE snapping turtle. When I say huge, I mean about 25lbs huge! Man it was crazy. We also saw a lot of geese, a lot of mallards and a lot of turtles. We spent about an hour out an about before she began to fuss and we headed in. It was now 6:30 and I still wanted to stay clear of the trailer so we went for a walk down the old rocky road, did a couple laps around the trailer park, searched for the soother we had lost somewhere in our travels and then made our way back to the trailer around 8am. I was hoping she was starting to get tired with everything going on and tried laying her down for a nap... No luck, just a cranky baby and I couldn't let her fuss as everyone was still sleeping.

At this point I kind of snapped. When I am home in Halifax, if she is fussing and simply because she is tired or being a fuss pot, I put her in her crib with a couple toys and let her cry it out. I don't let her cry for extended periods of time but generally speaking she seems to doze of to sleep or just simmer down as she realizes I am not going to come running as soon as she makes a peep. 

Up north with everyone and even at Mum and Dad's, it is very difficult to let her cry. Either everyone is sleeping and I don't want to disturb the house/the nearby trailers or my parents, OR someone just walks along and picks her right up.
For instance. The other night Kaylee was fussing at the house. It was about 12 and I was downstairs. I came to give her a soother and found my Mom changing her bum. Now, one rule I have made after reading it countless times is that once she is down for the night I don't pick her up. It wakes her right out of her sleep and the chance of getting her down quickly and easily goes down dramatically. Of course there are exceptions- soaking through diapers or a poopy bum. But the little pee Mom changed wasn't necessary. I scolded Mum, she giggled and said she would be fine and so I headed back downstairs. 

30 minutes later I come up and Dad is "burping" her. Talk about blood boiling.
Anyway, today after tip toe'ing around (and I know my parents wouldn't be upset should I let her cry but they also probably wouldn't let the crying go on very long. I decided I was going to head back to the city before everyone else for some down time. I simply needed some quiet me time and if that meant putting Kaylee down when she was fussing and letting her cry then so be it. I hate knowing I could be starting some bad habits.
Anyway, after her having a long nap, me having a long shower and spending an afternoon without anyone around, just the 2 of us, I was beginning to feel normal again.
Its not Sunday night, the entire house is pooped from the weekend and in bed early. Kaylee and I are in our beds, and ready to now get back to company. After all that's why we are here, I guess I just needed some quiet me time.
In news from home Jordon had his laser eye surgery and is having a lot of pain. We called today and he spoke to Kaylee on speakerphone. She grabbed the phone and smiled. Whether or not she recognized his voice I am not sure but it was quite cute.

Here are a few pics of our "boat" ride, Nanna giving Kaylee a bath at the trailer and just how tuckered out she is.

I will try and post more often so there are not novels to follow when I do decide to take the time and write.

Have a great day, thanks for reading and leave me a comment ;)
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