** And She Sits!!!**

WOW!!! 6 months have come and gone. I remember thinking in the first few weeks of Kaylee"s life, that it was exhuasting and I couldn't wait for things to start moving faster like everyone says they do. The beginning was a long 8 weeks, now, here I am, Kaylee is 6 months old and I am wondering how on earth it happened so fast.
She is such a little person now! She is developing, learning, growing each and everyday. Yesterday she was sitting in the kitchen and suddenly she was sitting up on her own. As if it were the most normal thing she had ever done! When you hold her fingers she is now taking steps around the house. Although she doesn't have the balance, she has enough strength and I know that as soon as she does find her balance she is off!
So I have not been keeping up with my blog because I spent a few extra days up north at the trailer and with no internet it is hard to keep up. I have however taken 173 photos since lats Thursday! LOL.
I want to get as many pictures as I can so we can look back at our time with our family and enjoy it.
Well, our time up north was wonderful! The weather was amazing and Kaylee was happy. She has not been sleeping all that great since we have been here, for obvious reasons- new places, new people, no sleeping space, new time frames. Regardless, the last few days she has begun sleeping much better.
Kaylee has also been trying so hard to crawl. She gets up on all fours and rocks before her legs eventually give out. She has been getting so incredibly frusterated as she knows she wants to move but can't quite figure out move one hand forward then follow through with the rest of her limbs.
She has also been experiencing the wonderful world of a baby pool in what we have coined "the princess chair". She sits in it like she is the queen!
In other news, it has been 3 weeks since we have seen her Daddy- Jordon. I know I speak for both Kaylee and I when I say we miss him. For the first week away, it was great! I enjoyed having a whole bed to myself, no one snoring, being busy. Now that the time has passed, it seems I really miss sharing my bed, and even the snoring if it means I know he is there at the end of the day. We pick Jordon up at the airport Friday evening and I can't wait! I know he is missing Kaylee like crazy and really feeling as if he is missing huge steps in her life. I have assured him that while he has missed some time, she has been busy, spoiled and loved.
Over the last week I have seen a few great friends from childhood and highschool. We saw Rich last week as I think I mentioned, but we also saw my very longtime friend Melanie. She came over one evening and we just hung out, caught up and enjoyed each others company.
Last night we saw a friend of mine Chelsea. I met her a few years ago at a party and we have been friend since. She stopped by to see Kaylee and then we ventured over to her house for some wine and socializing. I had a great time last night, and once again my Mom was awesome and watched Kaylee for me! This morning my head was a little stuffy however we are well on the mend after my Dad brought me home a Timmy's tea! Yum.
This afternoon we are going to have another visit with Aunt Fern, then back off to Aunt Cheryl and JR's where we will see Grampi- Jordon's Dad. The last time we saw him was Easter, so it will be a big change for him!
Well, I suppose that is all for today, I know I had a million things I wanted to get in here, but I am going to get ready for my day and just post all kinds of pictures!