*Loves her comfy sweatsuit just like Mummy likes her comfy sweat pants!*
I know I have not been posting! What a horrible blogger I have been. Good thing I don't have a job to keep up with or anything! haha! I have been spending a lot of time outside enjoying the weather, I lot of time reading (yes I have a fresh new pile of smut- also known as those cheesy romance novels with lots and lots of sex), a lot of cooking and even baby food making.
Also on the list of new and exciting things. Kaylee is trying everything. Anything she gets in her hands, goes straight into her mouth. I was cutting up a veggie tray for a last minute play date with my friend Sheena and her adorable little boy Maddox and Kaylee would not stop trying to grab the veggies. I handed her the yellow pepper and while she made a very funny face, she sucked on it for 10 minutes. She also taste tested a cucumber slice, we have tried plenty of fruit this week and she is still loving the crackers.

The nightly wakeups have gotten better. She seems to only be waking up 2-3 times a night and as soon as she has a bottle settles right down. I do find that now that she is consistently napping and sleeping at night, she is a much happier baby. Her hours awake with Mummy are very busy and very enjoyable. I have moments where I really would enjoy putting her down and being able to go off and do my own thing but she seems to want to hold ALL of my attention. She has recently learned how to now roll back over from her belly to her back. I placed her on her playmat the other morning and left her room to make my bed. I came back in her room and she had rolled over so many times, she was under her crib. I got down on the floor, looked at her and said "Kaylee you monkey". She laughed! LOL she thought this was the greatest thing in the world. So while she is not crawling, not walking, she is somewhat mobile. Hello baby gate.
Over the last week, I have realized that while Kaylee is much more active and it takes a lot more to entertain her, she also sleeps better if she has had a "busy" day. We have been walking around outside everyday and I tell you, she is so alert and interested in whats going on that by the time we get home, I lay her in her crib with a bottle (which she is also now holding on her own) and she goes right to sleep.
So these are my excuses for being a horrible blogger. haha!
So let me tell you about how Miss Kaylee is growing up! First of all- like I said above, she has been holding her own bottle which is awesome. It means that while she is still getting up in the middle of the night, I hand her the bottle and I can head back to bed without having to feed her myself. This has made for easier nights and much easier mornings.
I also ventured out into the world of making my own baby food this week.Yesterday we made: Asparagus, broccoli, carrots, butternut squash, peaches and pears. I have been wanting to make my own food ever since reading on my friend Krystals Blog about her experiences making baby food for her little girl. Well off to the farmers market we went to get some veggies. I brought everything home and while Kaylee played on her playmat, I began chopping.
I chopped everything up and put it in the steamer and then used what my Mom has nick named the "zoom zoom" to puree everything up in bowls. I used the jars from baby food we have purchased. I just filled them all up and froze them like that, so all I have to do is pop out a jar and I have baby food for the next 2 days. Kaylee is pretty consistently wanting to eat food 2-3 times a day. We have cereal in the morning when she gets up followed by "dessert" which is usually a fruit of some sort, then after our morning nap we have vegetables and "dessert", then suppertime we have a little cereal, a little vegetables and a little fruit. I try and fill her up as much as I can before she has her bath and goes to bed with her bottle. At the end of the day, I feel good about making her food, knowing what is in that jar, knowing it was all fresh, and knowing that in the long run I am saving a few bucks! Here are some pictures of the process!
She has also taken quite a liking to the dogs. While she has always been interested, she has grown bored. Now she fixes her gaze on either of them and reaches for them. Lily has gone over and placed h er head beside Kaylee and let her tug before walking away. Toby on the other hand can't hold his attention anywhere for more then 30 seconds. Therefore he just comes and goes and she watches him.
This week we also as I mentioned earlier, had a last minute playdate. Kaylee and Maddox posed for us on the couch. It was so adorable! Kaylee was grabbing his face and pulling on him and he just sat there and took it. Good little man! hehehe! Here are some photos from their date!

Other then that, I had a crappy day yesterday. You ever have a day when all you want to do is talk to your Mom. Have her give you a great big hug and tell you she loves you and not to worry about a thing. My goodness that's what I wanted yesterday. It was just overall a crappy day and when I couldn't reach Mum yesterday I sat and cried for a few minutes, then got a hold of myself, looked at Kaylee, thought about how incredibly lucky I am and told myself to smarten up! Needless to say, putting Kaylee to bed, a few glasses of wine and a fantastic supper later, I was feeling better. Of course when Mom did call back, I was on the mend and told her just how much I loved her!
So of course because it has been over a week since my last post, I have TONS of pictures! I know they are my Mom's favorite part of reading my blog! So here they are!
Oh and one last thing 25 DAYS TIL I VISIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! Look at you go you baby food making maven! Awesome job, Kaylee is a lucky girl!
ReplyDeleteYou know you can call me or message me any time you need anything or someone to cry to. I can't wait until you come visit, we have to plan something for sure.
P.S. Kaylee looks ADORABLE with her new ear bling!