*Kaylee and her new favorite toy-her tounge! haha*
Alright, well I have been meaning to write this blog for days now but just have not found the time. With Kaylee not sleeping and having Lily get sick all weekend and then finally start to seem a little better last night, then Toby up sick all night, it has been a little chaotic.

*Mommy and Kaylee after getting her ears pierced!*
Needless to say, I have lots to say!First of all, I received a package in the mail the other day for Kaylee! It came from my girlfriend I worked with at the Lonestar with for a few years. Her and I always got along, with of course our bumps along the road however now here we are- both Moms and working our way through the Mommy hurdles. Anyway, she sent Kaylee this ADORABLE outfit! it came with a little bib that says "Flower Power". Of course very suiting considering her last name is of course Flowers. So this is a huge thanks to Katrina. You can check out her blog where she writes about being a Mom as well.
Next on our list of exciting things to tell you is, KAYLEE GOT HER EARS PIERCED. It is something I have wanted to do for a while but just didn't get around too. I was worried she was going to freak out and I would then feel as horribly as I always do with her needles. Well let me tell you! That little girl is one tough cookie! They only had one girl in for piercings and so we had to do them one at a time. Usually they try and have a girl on each side and do them at the same time so the baby does not get too upset. Anyway, I think Jordon had a harder time with the whole process then Kaylee did. She was intrigued by her new surroundings, happily checking everything else. I cradled her in my arms and Jordon held onto her head while she did the first one. They are not the same machines they used to be. Hardly a noise out of them. So with no bang to scare her, I think she was just shocked at the actual piercing, however she was calm as can be within a minute. We did the second one with hardly a fuss. I am telling you- she was amazing. Anyway! Here are a few pics of her pierced little ears!
*Learning to chew on EVERYTHING!*
Also on the agenda, holy 34 days until we get to visit home and see my family!!! I cannot tell you how excited I am to see everyone and have everyone see Kaylee! Its going to be wonderful!
This weekend Jordon and I made a big effort to try and spend a little more family time together. It seems its either me and Kaylee, Kaylee and Jordon or her in bed and we are having drinks with the neighbours. I really wanted us to start spending time as, Mommy, Daddy and Kaylee and then a little Mommy and Daddy time. We have made a new little deal to insure we really take the time to spend together. Its funny how you can loose sight of the little things once you have a child in the mix. Anyway, we had a long talk, which often we are not good at, however communication is key and we have a plan now! Yahoo! :)
*Hanging out in her room with all her toys!*
Other then that, Kaylee is becoming such a little character. She requires playing or being watched while she plays all the time! Loves the attention. Her sleeping has not improved. I am sad to say, I am still getting up 3-4 times a night.
I also have 2 sick Puppy dogs. Lily was very lethargic and had the most horrendous smelling farts, which we then noticed lead to the diareah all weekend. Toby seemed completely fine and last night when Lily started to come around, Toby seemed to take a turn. So I have been cooking rice for the last 2 days to try and settle their stomach and even found out they can have pepto! I am hoping its a virus and it passes quickly now that Lily seems on the mend.
I think that's all for today. I will write soon!
Have a great day!!!!
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