Ok, well I think I am back in business. Sitting down one afternoon to write my blog, I started playing with the features and suddenly my blog was a mess. Everything was disorganized and my background was gone. After a few curse words and some time, I managed to pull this together. Its something new and it will have to do for now. Any thoughts? Do ya like it?
In Kaylee news, she has now turned 5 months old. 5 MONTHS! Where does the time go. My goodness. She is such her own little person now. She is eating everything she can get into her mouth, she is playing, she making so much noise and she is very good at manipulating her mother.
Other the last month, as I have mentioned in almost every blog, Kaylee is not sleeping through the night. As I have said before, often I can give her the soother or the bottle and she will stop. I have let her cry which has lead to being up with a very angry child for 2 or more hours. Last night however she thought she would try a different game... 10:30 I wondered up the stairs after watchign a few episodes of True Blood Season 2 and she started fussing. I left her and 10 minutes later I could hear her laughing. I walked in and she was on her belly sucking on her little stuffed animal, full of it!She smiled up at me in a way as if to say "I am in no sleeping mood Mom". I turned her back over, took away her stuffed animal, gave her the soother and left the room. It took about an hour of her "playing" shall we say, mixed with fussing and crying because I wasn't having it before she went to sleep. That being said 3am, she started the same game. What is going on with this child! Are they not supposed to be tired and sleeping at 5 months! God knows I am tired and wanting my sleep!
Anyway, enough of that I suppose. Kaylee is truly eating everything. Anything you place in those tiny fingers finds its way to her mouth and she attempts to eat it with everything she is worth. The baby food is a big hit and she is actually eating more of it then I thought- and at a faster rate. Its all healthy and she loves it, so thats fine with me. Just means another baby making food day sooner. Any Mom's here in Halifax want to get together for a day and make a whole bunch of baby food? Could be a fun afternoon! 
Other then that, last weekend, our neighbours won a "block party" from the radio station. Q104 came out and threwan Alexander Keiths party. This means they brought enough beer for 30 people, burgers, wenches and a HUGE inflatable beer can for the front lawn. It was an awesome time and Kaylee was a great little mascot.
Aside from that, the weather is gross outside, My house is clean and I am not sure what to do with myself. I suppose to do find that a lot more often now. Kaylee is actually napping (still irregular time periods), and that leaves Mummy looking for things to do. I find I have become quite the bookworm- even more so then before, I am walking a lot more, cooking a lot more, irritating my mother with messages to chat with me all day while she is at work a lot more (LOL sorry Mom) and cleaning even more. So generally speaking, Jordon is very pleased to come home to a clean house, walked dogs, supper on the table and a happy baby. Ohhh what a change it is going to be when I go back to work. How do Mom's juggle it all? Something is going to have to give right?
Speaking of Jordon, Fathers Day! Kaylee and I decided to do something sweet for her Daddy. I pulled out the paints and put them on paper plates, then dipped her feet in and then her hands to make a picture of her hand print and footprint. This turned out to be quite the craft. I was covered in paint and she was covered in paint- LOL all in the name of a cute idea for Dad. I cut them out, put them on some colourful paper and framed it for him. Figured it would look good on his wall at work beside her picture. 
One last thing to say- 17 DAYS UNTIL WE LEAVE FOR TORONTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My goodness I am excited and I know my Mom is as well. I can't wait to see everyone I love and let Kaylee enjoy them as well.
Ok, I lied, I do have one more thing to say- Congratulations to Nicolle and Mario on their new addition. She had her little boy Matteo yesterday and I cannot wait to go and visit and meet him. 
Thats all for today! Have a great one!!!
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