So Mom's I am desperately pleading with you to tell me you have been through this, its a phase, shes teething... Anything that lets me know that by getting up and giving her a soother I am not beginning horrible habits and this is somewhat normal.
Any suggestions, tips and thoughts on this matter would help!
Aside from that we have been learning lots! We have figured out that we really enjoy those baby rice crackers. Toby, I might also mention likes her new found love for them as it means that he is going to get any crumbs that fall to the floors or she throws at it. He sits and watches her just waiting. This morning she was in her swing having one and Toby was pretty sitting for her, hoping she understood enough to know that he only does this for treats! HAHA.
Other then that, today started off with some pretty poopy weather! She had a great nap- which I am assuming was simply because of the lack of sleep from the night, and when she got up the sun was shinning. We decided to go for a drive, get out of the house and enjoy that sun. I didn't have a destination, but we ended up at a chip truck where we sat for about half an hour. There was a little girl (about 3) who was fascinated by "the baby" and I have to say, I think Kaylee was just as fascinated with this little toddler. Adorable. We then took a drive by RIM to drop off Adele's sandals she forgot here during her visit on the weekend. We chatted for a few minutes then hit the road again! We had a car was and then headed home. I knew she wasn't quite ready for a nap so decided to take advantage of her happy demeanor. I pulled the stroller out of the trunk and off we went for a walk. We were gone for about 45 minutes and by the end she was fussy as can be. I laid her down for a nap but I think the 2 plus hour nap this morning caused her to not have too much of an interest in sleep. She laid down for 20 minutes and then it was once again play time.Now that she is so incredibly active, and now that she has decided not to sleep through the night, Mommy is now incredibly tired. I have no drive this evening. Its a fend for yourself night when it comes to supper. She had a bath and had curled up with her teddy which is also a new development for her. She loves to snuggle with a teddy bear. Forget being cuddly with Mum, she has a fluffy teddy bear to snuggle with at night. Jealous of the bear- yes a little, but it is so adorable.
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