That being said, I am writing now and I am sooooo excited!!! 11 days until I am going home to see my family. Man, it is crazy how much it seems to mean to me now that I have a daughter. I have been living away from my parents for 7 or 8 years and while of course I missed them, it simply did not feel the same as it does now. Now I have Kaylee and I want her to know my Mom and Dad and Sister and everyone else who loves her. I want her to know how much she is loved by everyone around her. I know I have probably said all that before, I just cannot believe how excited I am to see everyone.
That now out of the way, The last week has been a trying week. Kaylee is doing fantastic. Growing so quickly, learning new things each and every day, as well as keeping Mommy on her toes. Her nightly sleeping habits have been making me crazy. One night over the last week she had been up 6 times before 2am. At 2 am I had decided enough was enough and I was going to do as everyone had told me and just let her cry. Well I did. It went for just over 2 hours. Talk about hard.... The next night the same thing happened. I went in the first couple of times, but once I realized she was simply fussing, I once again let her cry- second night it only lasted 1 hour and 20 minutes. Last night was the 3rd night. 2 am came and went and while I heard her wake up and make a few noises, she went right back to sleep. 4:30 came around and she started to cry, I went in and gave her a bottle and then she slept until 7am! can you believe that! She never sleeps that late. So I am hoping if I keep up with the same sort of routine that she will once again be sleeping through the night.
In other news, she is trying soooo hard to crawl. She can get her upper half of her body up but leaves her legs flailing in the air, OR she can get her bum and legs up and head is planted to the floor. She has figure out that by pushing her head to the floor and legs up she can push herself forward. It just takes a long time and cannot be comfortable dragging her head. LOL. Very cute to watch however. 
We have become big readers together. I think one of her favorite things to do, when she gets fussy, I sit in the rocking chair in her room and we read some of her little books. I figure it is a combination of me talking and the visual of the bright and colourful books that she loves. Now she likes to also grab at my smut books when I am reading them.
Aside from that, I have been trying to get myself organized for my trip. I have lots of things to work out. The first being, how am I going to make sure Jordon can do a few of the things I normally take care of without me here pestering him! LOL. I have made a list of things for him to do while I am gone, breaking it down to- things to to everyday, things to do every 4 days and things to do once a week. Its the simple things, but things he generally does not have to worry about. Also on my things to take care of before I go, I need to work out a deal with the boy next door named Jake. He is going to be coming and walking the dogs, letting them out to pee and all that fun suff. Also on the list, make sure to make a list for Amanda who will be staying at the house the week Jordon is gone. I just NEED to make sure everything here will be taken care of before I can even start to plan all the other things- like how on earth do you pack everything you need for a baby for a month. 
Chances are I am going to forget things, bring to much of other things, etc etc. Either way we will figure it out. These are the things however that have been consuming my thoughts.
I feel like I had a lot of other things to talk about but Kaylee is waking up from her nap and yelling at me... I should go and get the little fart out of her crib and eat some butternut squash- her absolute favorite!
I will write again soon! Have a great day!