Well Kaylee was wonderful today! I hummed and hawed over whether or not to go shopping due to her naps, and in the end decided I was going to try it. If it didn't work, I would live and learn. So off to Walmart we went.... She was wonderful. That being said, I lost her favorite toy... She has this soft rattle with a Tigger head on it that she loves to suck and chew on... She must have been playing with it and it seemed to have disappeared. I didn't realize of course until I was at another store. I called when I got home but they had not seen it. Kind of a bummer considering it was a gift and when I went back to the place it had been purchased (Chapters), there were none there. I guess we need to find a new favorite toy.
Anyhow, We were gone from around 12:30-3. When I got home, I went through our routine and put her down for a nap. Without questioning me she went down and slept until 4:30! Awesome. She also still went down tonight at 7ish. I was thrilled.
This face reminds me of the mask from the horror movie "Scream" lol.
This morning when Jordon left for work he moved my car onto the street. I was curious as to why but figured maybe he wanted the rain to clean off the driveway or something bizarre like that. Anyway, around lunch time, a tandem dump truck showed up and dropped 8 YARDS OF SOIL!!!! For anyone who doesn't know, that is a whole heck of a lot of soil! I asked Jordon what on earth was going on and he explained that this was half of my Mother's Day present. We have a large back garden we have planned to get to and now that it is all cleaned up we needed soil (and a lot of it) to fill the bed before we can put all the seeds in my greenhouse in the ground. Needless to say he surprised me. What a sweet thing to do. Give me the garden I wanted. He also told me I could go to a garden house such as the Farmers Market and pick out a few things to put in my garden. I thought that was a really awesome gift. Gardening is something I have learned I really enjoy and now I will have a large garden to play in this summer. So good job Jordon! Totally impressed.
Anyway, back to Kaylee... Tomorrow we have a play date at my girlfriend Jenn's house. Everyone cross your fingers that she does not shriek the entire time like she did when I had the play date at my house.... I am really hoping she enjoys it and is not cranky.
Tonight, I gave Kaylee her bath, which isn't something that happens often. It is almost always the job Jordon has taken on however tonight he was shoveling dirt to the backyard with our neighbour! I took a couple cute pictures! Hope you enjoy!!! Oh and thanks to everyone for the Nap feedback!!!
The boys staring at the huge job ahead of them...
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