Well, where to begin... I suppose the last few days have been all over the place. We have been working very hard at this napping thing and while some days it seems to work quite well and she goes down (although never for an 2 hours. Usually closer to 45-minutes to 1 hour), other days it does not seem to happen at all. I have been trying the same routine each day. I found that for Kaylee, going down for a nap at 9am was too early however by 10am (ish) she is usually tired enough to crash for a little bit. Around the 45 minute mark she begins to fuss and I have been going in to give her the suss and then leave the room. For 2 days in a row, she cried for the next hour and 15 minutes as I continually went in to sooth her and then leave the room. I don't care what anyone says... It does go against a mothers nature to just let her baby cry.
Anyways, there have been the few days in between where she simply refuses to go down for a nap. I go through our regular night time routine with a bottle in the rocking chair until she begins to dose off but as soon as she is in her crib she begins to scream and cry like you have never heard before. Aweful....
My Smilin little girl!!!
Anyhow, I know it is a work in progress and I will continue to keep at this new step for us. I do have a question for anyone listening however.... What do you do about your "routine" when you need to do something through the day. For instance, today I needed groceries and to mail my Mom's Mother's Day card... This required 2 stops.
I first ventured to sobeys at 1:30 and it took a little less then an hour, then off to the post office at the SuperStore to send the card... Ok I then ended up wandering around the Joe's baby clothes until Kaylee was screaming and I was forced to leave. So by the time I got home it was 3:20 and she was wide awake from our little adventure and refused once again to nap. I tried leaving her in the crib and letting her know it was nap time but to no avail. Ok so the question- when you have errands- must you work them around the "nap time" or can you work the nap around your errands? I have a play date to go to this Thursday and it will interupt this "Scheduled nap" as well... Is this not a smart move?
Anyway, other then that, on Sunday I attended my girlfriend Nicolle's surprise baby shower. It was a great hit! Anna and Sheena did a great job with everything! She seemed surprised, I was happy to see many of our old friends together enjoying the company... Not to mention it was really nice to speak to other Mom's, relate to them and speak to adults and not babbling as I spend many of my days doing. I opted not to bring Kaylee with me for the simple fact that she does not seem to be crazy over crowds of people and I didn't want her to cry and fuss the entire time. Jordon spent the day with her and I must say.... From what I gathered from him when I got home, it was a tough day.... He said "She's in her swing... I have to get out for a little bit and have a break... I am going fishing" and off he went!I think he got a good taste of what I do each day. That being said, men are not quite the multi-taskers women can be. His dishes from anything he managed to eat through the day were where he had sat to eat it, her outfit was laying on her change table, and the dogs were still not fed. When I asked why everything was a mess he said "I can't do everything at once Jaym"...

Hmmm, funny concept! Us ladies seem to manage somehow... HAHAHA.
Anyway, I love that he watched her for the day because I had a fantastic time!
Today Kaylee was wonderful. We went out and she did not scream the entire time (there were moments however I do think that is somewhat normal)... She had a nap in the morning for over an hour and while she didn't nap in the afternoon she did lay quietly in her swing for a half hour.
Tonight she seemed conpletely pooped and I put her down at 7:30. She has been amazing at sleeping through the night lately and therefore I have been able to enjoy most evenings to myself.
Tonight however I feel absolutely exhuasted as well. Must be all the extra chores I am doing while she naps... Its amazing how fast you can teach yourself to move when your child does lay down- in order to accomplsih as much as possible! Today's task- shampoo the living room couch... Daunting but necessary.
Anyhow, enough for todays ramble. I am going to try and get back to doing this blog more often as I do enjoy it and when I don't do it for a few days, my posts just seem to get longer and drag on!
Have a great day!!!!
Hanging out in our Bumbo!
I used to be so scared to go out if it was anywhere near nap time. I really stuck to trying to make sure she was not up for longer than 2 hours at a time. If we did have to go out I would plop her car seat into the stroller and cover her right up with the seahorse (like the gloworm) and her soother and usually she slept really well in there.
ReplyDeleteI now find that as long as she gets a decent morning nap in, we are ok throughout the day to run about. She sleeps in her stroller or car seat if she has to.
Do you have something like the Fisher Price Soothe and Glow Seahorse to soothe her and look at while falling asleep? I highly recommend it! We dont leave the house without ours.
Do you have a carrier she will hang out in? Wrap, BabyBjorn etc? Thats great because she is close enough to relax and you still have both hands free. I bought a used baby Bjorn off Kijii and use it all the time.
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog! Glad for the update.
ReplyDeleteI am pretty psycho about not going out around Aidan's naptime but every baby/mother is different. My sister just goes about her life with her son and they seem to survive fine.
I hear you about the crowds, too. Aidan is generally pretty happy but if we're around a big crowd (even if it's all family and people he knows) he starts to cry. As soon as we go to a quiet place, he's happy again. Argh if only they would adapt to our way of life. We've been on the same routine for a few months so it's pretty much habit to only go out at a certain time of day and I only schedule appointments (even my exercise class) at certain times. But like I said, some people think I'm too uptight and it really does limit you so whatever works. Long comment, eh....guess I am very opinionated about the subject ;)