Within the last few days, she has become SOOOO MUCH more vocal. Now, she has always coo'd and caw'd but now its more along the lines of talking and yelling. If I am doing something and have her on the playmat alone, she begins to yell and if I don't react in a timely fashion then she begins to scream. She has also started picking everything up and putting it in her mouth, actually playing with toys and also she requires being kept busy all the time. Long gone are the days where she would lay in her swing watching the musical teddy bear mobile above her head while sucking on her soother. 
Tuesday evening we also hit a big milestone. KAYLEE ROLLED OVER!!! I have been bragging to anyone who will listen, so if you have already heard- I am sorry for repeating myself. LOL.
Tomorrow will be Kaylee's 4 month birthday. I am a little frightened by that thought. Where on earth did the time go and what on earth did I do before I had her in my life. hahaha.
On a more serious note, I am reaching out to fellow Mom's. Yesterday Kaylee refused to eat. She normally goes through 8, 4oz bottles a day. Yesterday it was a fight to get her to have 3. I am not sure why. She did have some cereal and even tried some baby food peas- which by the way was hilarious to watch her face. I did some reading online and it says that baby's who are cutting a tooth often refuse to suck on a bottle as the sucking sensation tends to bother their gums. So I am not sure if this is the case, but between not eating and for the third night in a row getting up every hour, I am not sure what is going on. Any suggestions Mom's?
I have begun doing research on preparing baby food. My girlfriend Krystal posted on her blog about her experience making her own food and I plan to tell all of you about my experience as well. Start with vegetables, try the came thing for 4 days to see if the baby has an allergic reaction and don't force them to finish a certain portion. That all seems easy enough. Any other suggestions on this topic? 
I have to say, last night she bounced in her jolly jumper for about an hour. When Jordon came home we sat in front of her and let her try a couple baby foods- peas and apple-blueberry. Of course the fruit was a hit... The look on her face when it came to the peas was hilarious. I have also detested peas and therefore made Jordon take a bite just to see exactly what she was eating... The face he made when he took a bite was exactly the same as the one she had made. Then he said "Making her eat that is cruel". HAHAHA. Poor little monkey!
After Jordon gave her a bath and dressed her, I sat down in the rocking chair with her bottle to do our evening routine. She shove the bottle away, flailed her head, cried and absolutely refused to let that bottle near her mouth. I ended up reading her a story, putting her in her crib and she was fast asleep within minutes.
At this point, I was at a loss... Why will this child not eat! Grrr. I finished making supper- grilled chicken breast halves, grilled asparagus, and chicken stock rice. I could barely hold my head up by my last bite. Jordon took one look at me and said "Jaym, go get in the bath. I will clean up and make you a decaf tea. Bed early tonight for you". It was as if he read my mind... And while he always does the clean up of dishes and the table, I normally make sure to wipe down my stove and counters...I had no energy to do it, but would I really want to come out and see it dirty in the morning... Ugh, I wiped it down... Call it my OCD but I really hate a dirty kitchen.
After my bath I jumped into that wonderful king size bed so fast, I couldn't even pull back the sheets. Sleep came easily and my first 1am wake up came hard. What is going on with this baby!!!!
Anyway.... My neighbour- the one I made the garden for... Let me tell you... She cried and cried and cried. Thanking me so much and then ordering her hubby to go get the watering can and water her flowers. Adorable. My good deed really made me feel awesome.
Other then that, I want to send out a little note to my Nanny. She is an incredibly strong woman who is going through some health issues right now. That being said, I know it is nothing she cannot handle. She is amazing!
On that note, I am going to throw in a couple pictures of Kaylee over the last couple of days... if I do say so myself, she is the cutest baby I know ;)
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