Well, as I have mentioned, Jordon and I have been working very hard on our yard and garden. Last night our sweet old neighbours came over or a little chat. This is very common. They are probably in their mid 80's and while they are sweet as pie, she is only able to get around with her walker and he does his very best to take care of her. Needless to say she commented on my garden and began to cry. She started telling me how very much she missed being able to garden and look out at her flowers. I felt terrible.
So this morning I decided to do a good deed. I took a wheel barrel of soil, and about 10 little flowers and went to work on the small garden that was once their around her precious rose bush. It took me about 40 minutes to weed the garden and then not long at all to get the soil in, the flowers in and then run for the hills! I know she is going to come out tonight when her and her husband go for a walk and see it. I know that she will likely cry and be happier with that little garden that took an hour of my time and maybe ten dollars. I also know that at the end of the day, I will feel good about doing something so small for someone who will truly appreciate it.
This is the little garden I cleaned up and put a few flowers in.
Anyhow, this is Kaylee's Korner and for that reason I am going to get back down to business.
Anyhow, this is Kaylee's Korner and for that reason I am going to get back down to business.
Last night for some very strange reason, she was up every hour from midnight on. I am saying, pretty much like clock work she would wake up crying. I gave her the soother the first time, 1am I gave her a bottle, and her soother calmed her every other time until 6:30 this morning when she was up for her usual day. I am beside myself. My lovely little girl that sleeps 11 hours each night exhuasted me last night. When 6:30 rolled around today I wanted to pull the blankets up high and pretend I couldn't hear a thing. Of course this never works!
Anyway, thats all for today. I think I am going to find a good book and sit in the sun on the back deck until my little miss decides to wake up for the afternoon!
How sweet are you!?!
ReplyDeleteMarley LOVED her jumper, I have many videos of her going nuts in it. Great investment indeed.