My beautiful little Girl!
Wow! almost 2 weeks.... 12 days since my last post... I am not sure what to say except that summer is here, I have been outside so much, enjoying any nice weather we get and I also find that Kaylee is becoming so busy that sitting in her vibrating chair or her swing just doesn't cut it anymore.
Ok, so because I haven't written in a while, I am sure to write a novel, so bare with me here guys!

First of all, for anyone who knows me well, they know that I spent each and every summer as a girl in Bobcaygeon where my family had a trailer. Each weekend we would drive the 2 hours out of the city of Toronto and head up north to a little piece of heaven. Some of my absolute best childhood memories take place up here. It is afterall where I learned how to be that tomboy that I will always be at heart. Needless to say, over the years, my sister and I were generally the only kids in the park. Other children came and went, however we had been going up pretty much our whole lives. A lot of the other people in the park became our extended family. Watching out for us as we went too close to the water or getting into mischief as we shouldn't have been. Anyway, there is a point to this story... My Mom and Dad opened up the trailer this year for the 21st season in a row.... While many of the people up north are no longer up there due to many different reasons, others are still going up there. When they opened the trailer, a lot of those same people that watched me grow up and guided me along the way couldn't wait to speak to my parents about their new grand daughter. A second generation of "weekend trailer trash" as we often joked. So I would just like to say a special hello to those weekend Bobcaygeon people who follow my blog and are looking forward to meeting Kaylee as much as I am looking forward to introducing her.
Yep... Thats me up north- Maybe 12 years old?
Now that I have that out of the way, I can stop being so sentimental and tell everyone about my busy 2 weeks.
As I mentioned in my last blog (oh so long ago)... We had a playdate at my friend Jenn's house. While the playdate turned out be only Jenn and I (with of course the children), we still had a great time. Because of the smaller crowd, Kaylee was amazing. She layed on a playmat content, played with new toys that
Jenn's daughter Kenzie was more then happy to share and- get this- she even napped at Jenn's house in the playpen!!! This was so exciting as I have been planning my trip to Toronto and was not sure how Kaylee would take sleeping in a playpen as she has only slept in her crib. Anyhow, we really enjoyed the day as well as Jenn's hospitality.
This is a picture of Kaylee in the Bumbo on her playmat as she tends to dislike laying down now adays!
Also in the last couple weeks we has Aunty Amanda's 25th birthday party. It went off without a hitch. She had no idea and was completely shocked. I had told a fib, telling her we would be going to Boston Pizza for a quiet dinner for her birthday and my first Mother's Day. This turned out to be a party with about 20 people and a really great time.

Amanda- Blowing out her Birthday Candles!!
Speaking of... My first Mother's Day. While I did say that I got my pile of dirt, it is pretty much now all in place. The 8 YARDS of soil have mostly found their place in both the front and back garden. Jordon worked insanely hard on filling the garden, replacing all the stone around the front garden with granite from a job site and working on the grass. Our home is beautiful and I love it. Mother's day we spent, as a beautiful little family enjoying each others company. I will admit, I did not get a card from Jordon.... First Mother's Day and no card... I know, I know.... I shouldn't complain, but sometimes its the little things men seem to forget. I did however get a beautiful card and doll from Amanda. She really has one of the biggest hearts around.

Now that Kaylee has been having naps, which I might mention are nowhere near 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon, but closer to 45 minutes to an hour. This is fine with me for the simple fact that she is sleeping through the night. While she naps I have probably gotten worse with my cleaning. I used to make sure the house was tidy and somewhat presentable should one of our neighbours stop by for a beer, which does tend to happen throughout the week... Now that I have time, I have begun making sure everything is CLEAN. I am now sure that I need to find a little hobby that I can do at home while she naps.... Come to think of it, I really should write my blog each day while she naps. haha.

The other day I decided I was going to start my own company. As anyone who knows me knows, I love food, I love to cook and I love to serve others. So, my bright plan was to start a small catering company and see how it goes from there. I have just created an ad that I am going to put on kijiji and on our mailbox on our street and see what kind of reaction I get. I figure it cannot hurt to try.

Last Thursday we also had our second set of needles. I feel exactly the same about them now as I did after the first set of needles. It is horrible to watch your child go through the pain. The after hours of those needles were not fun by any measure either. She had a fever, she was throwing up for a good portion of the afternoon and was all around cranky. She would not tolerate being put down. She simply wanted to be held and to cry for a good portion of the day. Friday she was also very fussy and slept more then usual. Thank goodness she was back to herself on Saturday.
Today- Monday... My house is spotless, the laundry is done, Kaylee is napping and now I am sitting here pondering what to do. I suppose I will go and look through my recipe books

until I find something that catches my eye. Or maybe I should jump on the ellipitcal.... Hmmm. Tough choice- food or exercise.... HAHAHA!
Overall, I have to say that while she may not sleep like most babies and she may have a tad of a temper, I am utterly infatuated with her. She smiles and I can't help but smile, she laughs and I laugh, she learns how to make new noises and I watch her discover something new. I could watch Kaylee for hours when she is happy. I cannot find any other word besides infatuated. She is beautful and smart and quick and she is the most significant part of my life. I have never been so proud then to say I am Kaylee's Mom. I look forward to going through all of those milestones and cannot wait until the day she understands my "I love you's" and can say it back!
Anyways, I will leave you with some pictures from the last couple weeks, and I promise to write more often!