Well, no excuses- I don't even
remember the last time I wrote a blog. Bad Jaymie.... Oh wait, yes, I was having a meltdown about leaving Kaylee for the first time! Ha ha! Well, I suppose I should tell you how it went!
Jenn, being the wonderful lady she is, came over to our house and stayed with Kaylee here. The
piece of mind, know she was in her own home was great! Jordon and I left here in the afternoon, after Jenn also did an awesome
up do for me and headed to the wedding. Leaving was the hardest part. I walked out the door after 15 kisses and sulked for the first half of the drive. Once we got there and I started to get ready, I started to wind down. I had decided I didn't want to have a drink until I knew Kaylee was in her bed sound asleep so that should something be wrong and I was required to leave- I wasn't intoxicated! Kaylee was pooped from playing all afternoon and was in bed early. Jenn sent me a text and finally, I relaxed enough to have an awesome time. We enjoyed our evening out and I am really happy we decided to go.
***Kaylee munching on an apple at Danial's U-Pick Apple Farm***

The next morning, waking up in the hotel room at a bright and early 6am- why I could not sleep in is beyond me... I tossed and turned, until Jordon finally woke up around 6:30. He was coughing and sniffling from his horrible cold. I finally had enough and said-
ok I want to go home to my baby, lets go!
We got up and had breakfast, leaving the hotel by 7:15.
LOL Nothing like seizing the moment to sleep in! We arrived home around 9am and let me tell you, the smile I got from my little girl was well worth the 6am Mommy wake up call. I snuggled and kissed and kissed some more. It was really great to get out, but certainly wonderful to come home to her. Jenn headed home to see her own little munchkin and again I want to send out a thank you. To Jenn, but also to
Jonny for letting me borrow his wife for a night!

In other news, I was sick as a dog. I am talking Jordon's cold kicked my butt. Sunday afternoon I began to feel a little
poopy but Monday morning- look out... Sick Daddy, Sick Mommy and now also a sick teething Kaylee. You know what that means- Mommy has to kick it in to high gear and try and take care of everyone. We did our best, mostly snuggling in big blankets and eating lots of soup. Jordon is back up to par however Kaylee and I are on the mend. Kaylee still has a
sniffly nose- which I am going to say is also the result of the 3 TEETH she now has.
That's right people, the last time I wrote a post she had just cut one. In 2 weeks, she now has 3 teeth. 2 Bottom and 1 on top. My goodness!!!!! This also means that sleep has been few and far between. Resulting in Mommy's cold just not going away as the lack of sleep is not doing the cold any favours. Every other night it seems, I am up rocking Kaylee and singing (I know your all thinking, poor child) and trying to sooth her back to sleep. Her spirits have also been a little down in the dumps. I am lucky to get smiles in these days. I know its because those teeth are hurting, but
geez some days its tough. By the time Jordon is home around 6:30 I am ready to hand her off. Take this cranky baby away!!!!!!!!!!
LOL- not quite that dramatic but you get my point.
***The Daddy and Kaylee pout... I wonder where she gets this look from...

***Mommy and Kaylee at the apple farm***

***Strolling through the apple orchard***

Other then the sickness, the teething, the first time leaving my toots.... As you may have noticed we spent a day in the valley this weekend. We decided to try our luck with a cranky baby and head out to enjoy the day. Jordon has been working a lot, so we decided to seize the opportunity to enjoy time as a family.
We stopped at Dills Farm first to pick out our pumpkin. We have gone here the last few years in a row and thought we may as well stick to tradition. In the past years however we have gone with Amanda and Dan. Last year Amanda, Dan and Adele also joined us. This year was different, as it was no friends, simply our family. It was nice. I always love spending time with our friends however taking the time to enjoy the simple things like our very first pumpkin picking event with Kaylee is really nice.

As you can see, Kaylee wasn't exactly smiling, however we did get the most perfect pumpkin also with some small
gords for Kaylee to play with. They are more her size as far as Thanksgiving and Halloween props go!
***Daddy feeding Kaylee an apple!***

***Yum, we love juicy apples***

***Daddy gives Kaylee her very first flower***

We walked around for about an hour, enjoying the weather, enjoying the scenery, trying desperately to get Kaylee to smile and enjoy being somewhere, new and exciting. I think this may be as close as we got to a smile!

Last week, I also had a dentist appointment. It has been a couple years since I have gone (shame on me) and so I was a little nervous. Sheena came over to watch Kaylee for the couple hours I would be gone, as I thought it may not be an easy task to have a cranky baby in the office with me as they work on my mouth.
Needless to say the dentist went well. We now have Kaylee's first toothbrush so we can start brushing her little teeth coming through and the other exciting news is that my front teeth are now even! My 2 front teeth were not the same length and it was something that has really bothered me. The dentist however fixed me up in no time and I am so happy with the results!
***Kaylee and Mommy***

***Checking out the pumpkins***

***Kaylee sees her very first horse***

***Not sure what to think of sitting in this giant pumpkin***

***Trying to capture a photo and Daddy with a fussy little girl***
***Kisses from Daddy***

Something else that has been going on, in my head at least, is the thought of going back to work early. I have spoken to a sitter who is willing to take Kaylee on and everything sounds fantastic with her. She has a home just up the street from us, which is super convenient, she makes all home made meals for the children, she is very interactive and she is a reasonable price. I consider myself lucky to have stumbled upon her. I know some people look and plan for months. While this is not set in stone yet, I have a fairly good idea
that's where Kaylee will be.
***Kaylee in her new hat... and nothing else... ha ha!***
*** This look which I have been getting oh so often lately- Pick me up Mom!!!***

***On the go!***

So, I think that is all the banter for today. It is gorgeous out and I really should clean out the garden in the backyard. I have done the front and it looks nice and tidy... But I have been putting off the back and it can wait no longer. Here are a couple shots from the wedding! Leave me a comment and thanks for reading!!!
***Jordon, myself, Kerry and Steve***

***The ladies... Me, Amanda and Kerry***

***2 of my very dear friends***

**Miss Jaymie and Miss Kerry*** ;)

***Fancy hair***
**And of course, the one who makes my heart ooooze with love- Sweet Kaylee***
Have a great day!!!
P.S. We booked our wedding!!!!!!!!!!!