Friday, November 12, 2010

Bad Habits...

Kaylee has never been a great sleeper. Anyone who has ever read my blog, has likely read something about how many times she was up in a night or how she goes on nap strike.
That being said, we went about a month, which I refused to talk about for fear of it jinxing it, she slept not only through the night but until about 8am. Now for someone with a child like mine, this is a huge treat! Down to bed at 7pm and sleeping through until 8am. Insane. I was awake before her many mornings, having time to make my bed, make a cup of tea and make her breakfast before she even started to get up. The worst part of this whole thing was her diapers were SATURATED, and sometimes even leaked.
I was just becoming familiar with this routine until 3 nights ago. This is when she decided that waking up and screaming bloody murder was what she was going to do. I am not talking a little bit of fussing here.... I am talking, full on water works, screaming. My first thought, maybe another tooth- which by the way, we now have 6 of... After looking the next morning, it is clear, it is not a tooth. Next thought, maybe she is not feeling well, however once again, she seems perfect in the morning... Could this be nightmares?
Not only is she screaming like that, I pick her up and she clings to me. She grabs a hold of me and snuggles into my neck without so much of a loosening of her fingers.
Now I am going to make a little confession... Kaylee has never been a snugly baby. She has been independent and nosey to see what is going on around her. So when she does grab a hold of me like that, I kind of nuzzle back into her and hold her, enjoying her sookiness for a few moments. This however results in long nights. She has not allowed me to let go without the screaming recommencing. I don't know what to do about it. 3 nights in a row now, very little sleep and an extremely upset baby.So whether it is nightmares or just a phase, this is Mommy, begging Kaylee to please sleep at night! If only it were that simple.

Well here are a few photos from the last little while... Enjoy!!!

***Thumper and Daddy, all ready for trick or treating!***
***Tired little Thumper***
***Smily little girl!***

***Playing with her toys***

***Playing with Daddy!***

***Maddox and Kaylee***


***My Halloween Pumpkin- Mad Hatter***

Any suggestions anyone?
Leave me a comment!

Have a great day!


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