Well, I want to begin this post with a big shout out to my friend Christine
Newhook who took these amazing photos of Kaylee for me. Not only is she a good friend, but she is also an incredible photographer! Please take the time to visit her website at
www.christinenewhook.com/blog .

She came over for a day and just hung out with us, taking pictures while Kaylee went about doing what she normally does. Christine was rolling around on the floor trying to get the perfect shot and really just letting Kaylee be comfortable. All that being said, Kaylee was having a cranky day, so while shes not smiling, I still believe these are beautiful photos.

So, I know I have once again been a little delayed on the blog posting. For someone who was swearing up and down how much she missed writing, I
don't know why I have been slacking. In my defense, I have very busy. I have been wedding dress shopping, wedding planning, having a few dinner parties and in most recent news, FINDING OUT WE WILL BE HOME WITH OUR FAMILY FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!

Last night my Dad and Jordon's Dad surprised us with the fact that they are going to fly us home for Christmas. It is the first year our families have met, Kaylee's first
Christmas, it will be our first time meeting our beautiful brand new
nephew Jaron and the first time we will all spend a Christmas together! I think this is fantastic news and we are so happy to be able to spend the holidays with the ones we love.

So, as you can tell I am just a tad excited about this! But onto Kaylee news... She is sick again. The poor little thing has a cough, runny nose and another darn tooth coming through. During my blog departure last month, Kaylee got very sick. We actually ended up in the hospital for a day because she had been throwing up for over 24 hours, keeping no fluids down and her
temperature was so high. I have never been so sad and helpless in all my life. As I sat in the waiting room with my sick baby for 5 HOURS, she clung to me, she cried, and her temperature continued to climb. Once we finally saw a doctor, they had to strip her down, put the
Tylenol up her bum and try and bring her temperature down. It was one of the longest days ever. Now this time, she simply has a cold with the added
nu sense of a tooth, but again I feel so bad. Poor little girl.
So as I briefly mentioned above, I am a brand new Aunt!!!!! Jordon's sister Cheryl delivered a beautiful little boy Jaron James Reid Robins on November 11th.
Introducing him here on my blog! Isn't he sweet!!! I can't wait to meet him. I was trying to explain how crazy it is that you can miss someone so much without even meeting them yet. I really feel like its time for Jordon and I to be closer to family and love and enjoy those in our lives.
On that note, I hear my cranky, sick little girl waking up from her nap. I am going to go upstairs and snuggle her!
Have a great day!!!
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