You meet people over the years and some people stay in your life and some people go. You have friends that you keep in touch with and those that drift in and out.
Today I wanted to write my blog about a great friend of mine, Sheena.
Sheena and I met when I was 18 years old... So that was about 7 years ago. I started working at the Lonestar Texas grill as a hostess and she was one of the "older, cooler, servers"... I remember my first impression of Sheena being that she was somewhat of a snob (she's going to kill me for saying that- haha). It took a little bit of time for us to warm up to each other but once we did, I learned very quickly that I wanted her in my corner.
Over the last 7 years, I worked with her off and on for about 4 years and kept in touch during the few in between. We did plenty of partying, lots of late nights at the restaurant, lots of silly stunts I dare not write about online, and even a bar fight... Yep, Sheena and I have plenty of great time memories.
Then on a wonderful day last summer, I found out the fantastic news that she was pregnant. Of course at this point in my life, I was also a few months along, so how wonderful it was to have a friend going through the same motions as I was.
Suddenly my good time party girl, whom I generally spoke to every now and then when we were looking for a good time, was mellowing down and playing housewife along side me. We began talking a lot more often, began sharing our breakdown pregnancy ups and downs as well as arriving at baby showers.
Once Kaylee arrived, followed 4 short weeks later by Maddox, our lives seemed to change. Not only were we now in a completely different state of mind and state in our life, we now shared a different kind of friendship.
Our babies are now (almost) 10 and 9 months old and I don't think there are many days in a week where Sheena and I do not speak on the phone for at least an hour. There is also the small fact that we see each other at least once a week, every week.
My amazement in this comes from that fact that years ago, while our friendship usually revolved around drinking and gossiping about guys, has now evolved into a friendship that means so much to me, I don't know what I would do without it. On the days I don't speak to Sheena, to dish about how Kaylee slept, what she ate, what her pooped looked like, how much men drive us up the wall, how Maddox continually says "ma ma" and Kaylee continually says "da da", I feel like I am missing out on it.
Her support through all the stages over the last year has been essential. On the days where I need someone to come to the house, just for an hour to watch Kaylee so I can go to the dentist, she is there, on the days I am sure I just wanna call in sick from being a Mom, she is there and on the brave days (such as yesterday) when I need someone to venture out to the mall and shop all day long with our babies... Yep, you got it, she's there.
So, I just wanted to write a little blog today to Thank Sheena for that. Our friendship has come a long way and I am grateful to have her in my life. I have a lot of very special people in my life that I am grateful for but it has been truly incredible to have someone that is going through everything with me and understands the crazy ups and downs of being a new Mom and trying to sort the way through becoming a great Mom.
Have a great day everyone!!!
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