Hey Everyone! It has been a while, so of course I have lots to say and tons of pictures! First of all, this weekend was Thanksgiving as everyone knows. We spent a wonderful weekend with friends and family. It was a busy weekend but worth it completely!
Friday night we decided to have all of our neighbours over for dinner. Scott and Lindsey were just returning from Vegas from their honeymoon and we decided to get the scoop. We had drinks, beer can chickens, corn on the cobb, twice baked potato's and brushetta! Supper was a huge hit! We then enjoyed the evening looking at pictures, playing some ping pong and then some cards. Late night for a Mommy who gets up early.
Saturday I had told Jordon, I need to get out of the house. It is tough because I don't ever really go anywhere without Kaylee with me. I know that is the life of a Mom and I shouldn't complain, but sometimes it is just nice to go. Not really have a plan but not have to worry about running home for a nap, or a bottle or where I am going to be able to change her bum. So Saturday, I handed her off to Daddy and off I went. Without a real plan in mind I headed first to zellers to look for a Halloween costume for Kaylee, then to winners, returned some jeans of Jordon's and found the right size, bought myself a sweater (I am allowed once in a while). After shopping/browsing for a little while, I headed to Sobeys for a couple little things, the liquor store and then to the tanning bed to warm up. Man it has been chilly here the last couple weeks.
I headed home and was feeling so content and relaxed at this time, seeing my little girl smile as I walked in the door was icing on the cake! Perfect!
After my day out, I enjoyed Kaylee's last few awake hours with her playing and reading. She really has become so interactive. This is tons of fun but my goodness she is into everything. She has learned to open cupboards, loves to flush the toilet, loves to pull everything off any flat surface she can reach... LOL Therefore eyes must be watching at all times.
Kaylee had her supper, which by the way is also becoming a big part of our day... Meals, she loves to eat and eats anything. She ate olives on this night. Anyway, we bathed her, layed her down to sleep and then had dinner over at Steve and Kerry's. A few weeks ago Jordon layed their hardwood floors and they have wanted to have us over as a thanks to Jordon. We had lasagna, played Cranium and by 10:30 I was toast. So pooped that all I could think about was heading home to bed, to read my book which took forever to get interesting and now I cannot put it down. Needless to say, I kinda felt like I was getting old crawling in bed, dead to the world at 10:30.
Jordon crawled in bed late, but as he had promised, was up early with Kaylee, letting me sleep in and enjoy a lazy start to Sunday morning. While I could not actually sleep in that late, I did stay in bed reading. I could hear Kaylee playing with her Daddy and knew that I was not needed. I laid bundled up in bed, snuggling with a big old boxer, while reading a good book. I finally decided it was time to get my butt moving around 10. Can you imagine! 10am!!!! Kaylee had gone down for a nap and so I took my time getting ready for the day. I tidied up the mess, because of course we all know men cannot multi-task. Whoever would think they could play with a baby, feed her and tidy up after them must be crazy. *Note- this is not me complaining as I did get to sleep in... I am simply stating the obvious*.
We were to be at my Uncle Mark and Lexie's for 2:30 for our Thanksgiving day dinner. We headed out for the day, with Kaylee in the most adorable outfit, who was also in great spirits. She played all afternoon with the girls, who were only too excited to get down on the floor to play, or pick her up and carry her around, or do whatever she wanted for that matter. We enjoyed a lovely meal with not only my Uncle Mark and his family but also my Nanny and Poppa who have been down visiting. The food was needless to say- amazing and the company was even better. Trying to get Kaylee down in unfamiliar territory, where she knew that the other kids were still playing was extremely tough. She was completely exhausted but did not want to cave into sleep. Sleep is something that has been very irregular lately anyway, with her cutting teeth it seems every other day, she is simply uncomfortable. Add to that, a few kids playing in the next room and sleep is nearly impossible for a nosey little girl. She finally dozed off, long enough for Jordon and I to enjoy homemade apple pie and a cup of tea before we once again had to wake her and head home.
This was the beginning of a long night. Interrupting her sleep was probably not the best idea. It was as if she had, had a power nap and was now ready to play again. We got home and I layed her down only to hear her playing, coo'ing and caw'ing for the next hour and a half. Her sleep for the rest of the night seemed to follow suit. Sleep for an hour, up for 2.
Monday morning I woke up before Kaylee. She actually slept in until almost 8 o'clock. I am guessing this was a result of the interrupted sleep the night before. We had a big day planned however and I wanted to get going. We had arranged to meet the whole family- Nanny, Poppa, Uncle Mark, Lexie, and the kids at the Maritime Fall Fair for the day, so off we went. I knew we were running the risk of a very crazy baby as she had not napped before we left and she is nosey, therefore the chance of her napping at the fair was slim to none. However, we hit the road and arrived to 3 excited young girls who wanted nothing more then to hang out with their cousin. Each one of them took turns carrying her around and showing her all the exciting things at the fair.
Around 12:30 I knew Kaylee was exhausted. Her eyes were red and she no longer wanted to be carried by anyone but me. I attempted to lay her down in the stroller with a bottle but her eyes were still darting around to see everything. So, then off came Daddy's jacket, to lay over the top of the stroller to block out all the light and sights. It was only a matter of minutes before she was sound asleep and Daddy was cold- but willing to sacrifice for his little girl.
We spent a good portion of the day at the fair before finally coming home to relax. Kaylee went to bed a little earlier then usual, Jordon and I had no desire for yet another big meal and so we put on a can of beans with some wieners and vegged for the rest of the evening. I also had a couple of glasses of wine resulting in the most sound sleep I have had in a long time.
As you can see from the photos, I have been trying to get Kaylee outside in the fresh air as much as possible. Aside from the fact that she absolutely loves it, she also sleeps so much better after some time outdoors. The fresh air is good for us both and tuckers us both out! The swings at the park have been a big hit. In the afternoon after her nap, we head over if the weather is nice and spend a better part of an hour playing. Last week I decided I was going to take her down the twirly slide. I climbed my big butt up the narrow stairs, sat down in the slide (again very narrow for a behind my size) and went all the way down. Little did I know, at the bottom of the slide on the flat section, there was a large puddle. This my friends resulted in me sitting there stunned for a moment while I grasped the concept of my butt being SOAKING wet. I almost wish there was someone there with me to laugh at me. Instead I laughed at myself for a moment, then waddled home to change. Giggling the whole way wondering what people who drove by must be thinking of the woman, soaked from butt to knees, carrying a child waddling home. Oh man!
Ok, this post is getting long. I didn't even get a chance to talk about my play date, or the art of compromising with a man. I will however say one last thing.....
The Wedding... Ok folks, here's the details.....
Dates: April 6th- 13th
Location: NH Real Arena- Punta Cana
Website: http://www.nh-realarena.com/
Wedding Date: April 8th 2011
If you want any further information let me know- or wait to receive your wedding invitation!
I cannot believe that it is finally booked! Wow!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, that is all for today. Maybe tomorrow we can tackle the art of compromising with a man?
Have a great day!!!
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