We had decided that we would head out to Zellers and get the formula on sale and then come home and enjoy our Sunday. Off we went, sleeping baby in car seat and a happy couple along with her.
Zellers is one of those places that you can often score a deal- which I did :)
I have been needing a new comforter set and I found one on for 40%off! It is very difficult to find a comforter set for a king size bed. One that meets the requirements of being dark in colour for the sake of the animals and my sanity and one that is not hideous to look at... Some of the comforters your come across you really wonder who is going to buy....
Ok enough of the comforter... I picked up my formula, a couple new nipples for the bottles the Diaper Genie refills and off we went.
I have been on a big fruit kick lately enjoying apples and oranges more then I ever have. So on the way home we stopped at sobeys so I could stock up for the week.
Kaylee was still sound asleep (going on 2 hours at this point)... We decided to push our luck and sneak in for a 10 minute tan. I brought her car seat in the room with me and she slept on!
Wow, what a day- Zellers, Sobeys and a Tan... Life is good.
I took on the task of cooking a nice supper last night as I was having a good day and was feeling ambitious. Jordon bought 1/4 cow in the fall so we have enough red meat to last the winter. I went down and pulled out what I thought was a roast. I peeled my potato's for mashed taters, pulled out the steamer for steamed veggies and got everything ready for the gravy to go along with it. I made my rub for the roast and when I unwrapped it- it was 2 steaks. Darn....
Not often do you pair mashed potato's and gravy with steak... Oh well, I decided to cook it the same way I was going to cook the roast- in the rub on indirect heat on the grill.
It turned out awesome. Kaylee sat in her swing with a soother while we ate. It was nice to feel normal- cook again and sit down to eat at the table.
We gave Kaylee a bath and by 8:30 were exhausted. I wrapped her up tight in a blanket and brought her to bed to watch some of the tube while she had a bottle.
She fell asleep around 10:30.
Well I suppose I should have known the 5 hours of solid sleep in a night would not happen each night... however I really wanted it too.
Last night she woke up around 1:30am. Not a problem, I warmed a bottle and got up to do our usual routine. Diaper, feed, burp, rock.
Kaylee however had decided that she really did not feel up to sleeping. But rather staying wide awake and each time I tried to put her down a tantrum would start. By 3:30am, tempers were matched. I was beginning to get frustrated and when Jordon said "Jaym, you ok?" I simple wanted to beat him senseless for not getting up and helping me.
Relationships are generally hard... Add a newborn to the mix and suddenly they are SO much harder.
My temper flared, of course not at Kaylee but at Jordon. He received the brunt of my exhaustion and frustration...
Words were exchanged and both of us ended up very ticked off. 4am she falls asleep- finally... The only question is will I be able to sleep knowing I have had a fight with Jordon... I generally like to resolve things before sleeping.
We both lay there tapping our feet neither willing to meet in the middle and say we were being silly.
Being a Doole, admitting I am wrong and saying I am sorry is not something I do very well at. I like to be right about everything and sometimes still hold my ground when I know I may be wrong... I know this is foolish but it must be a pride thing.
Needless to say we both finally fell asleep without exchanging a word and it seemed like only minutes before his alarm clock to get up and go to work went off.
I guess at this point I felt a little bad know he did have a 12 hour day ahead...
Kaylee woke shortly after he got up and I slowly moved myself to the kitchen to warm a bottle and make a great big tea.
At the end of the day, I know that our relationship is strong enough to endure my outbursts and frustrations, even if at the time it seems it will never be able to.
Jordon is my partner in life and I love him dearly. That doesn't mean I always have to like him! hehe! That being said, I know tonight he will come home and I will have to apologize for what I said in the wee hours of the night... Of course I don't mean everything I say when I am mad! I know he will forgive me and w
e will move on as we always do.
Today Kaylee and I are off to the doctor for her 4 week check up. She will get weighed and make sure she is growing as she should.
She is wearing THEEEE most adorable outfit which is from "Uncle Richie" which we received in the mail last week. Here's a pic of the sweet little angel that proved last night she always gets what she wants!
Jay and Jordan can have a nice conversation about late night/early morning tempers. haha