I don't think any other shirt would have been as suiting. Jordon seems to think she doesn't take very good pictures as she always looks cranky but I think she looks just sweet!
Well the usually happy to go in her car seat Kaylee was having none of this little adventure. She screamed and hollered like someone was beating her. I figured once we started driving she would calm down. 10 minutes later I was pulling into a parking lot to see if she was breathing.
I have never in my life seen a child cry so hard and scream so loud the soaked their head in sweat. It is unbelievable. Amanda looks at me and asks "you ok" and I nod yes, not confident enough to say something else without crying.
It is so hard to listen to your child cry, to hear them scream and have it not stop. I rocked her in the parking lot of a community center for 10 minutes before she started to calm down. I put her back in the car and we drive for 20 minutes before even thinking about pulling the car seat out.
We managed to get through Sobeys and the liquor store without another outburst... Thank god! We came home and I poured us a stiff drink! 2 Long Island Ice Tea's coming right up!
We drank our long islands, while getting supper ready. It was only 3pm but she was sleeping and who knew what she would be doing in 2 more hours when I wanted to prepare dinner.
5pm rolled around and she was still sleeping. This is what had happened the other night when she woke up at 1:30 and had decided not to go back to sleep. The lonnnnng afternoon nap which seems like bliss at the time but turns to hell in the night. I decided to wake her up.
At this point she worked so hard on a poop. I sat and laughed for 10 minutes watching her faces change, listening to the grunts and seeing her get frustrated! Here is a glimpse at what I saw.
Last night we made it through supper while she had again dozed off. After supper and 2 long island's I felt exhausted! Amanda decided to head home to do some reading and I decided to crawl in bed with the little miss and watch some American Idol.
After putting her in her crib around 10:30, I did the usual- turn on the baby monitor and lay it on my pillow before going to sleep. Jordon looked at me and said "Jaymie, she is in the next room, you will hear her cry. Sleeping with a baby monitor is enough to give anyone anxiety- just laying there waiting for her to cry." I suppose this was a good point. I turned off the monitor and let me assure you, she made it perfectly clear to me when she was awake.
She slept from 10:30-1:30. She woke up and finished a bottle, then fell right back to sleep until 6am. At this point I tried to get her to go back to sleep- after feeding her and a diaper change.I placed her back in her crib and while she didn't go back to sleep, she did lay there until almost 7 without crying. I know, I know.... I am getting greedy with the sleep right!
Today I have again been a busy beaver and she has been a little fuss pot. I will save that for tomorrow and see what the rest of today brings.
I know today was a little delayed in the post but when Kaylee decides Mom will give her all her attention.... She wins.
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