Well, I bit the bullet and I am offically a brunette/redhead. What a change it is, to look in the mirror and not see a blond looking back at me. Needless to say it is alright for now, it will take some adjusting.
Yesterday was a good day. Jordon and I decided that since Kaylee has been so content, that we would venture out to Walmart with her and do a little bit of shopping.

We loaded her into her car seat, which she fell asleep in as soon as the car started moving and made our way.
As a side note- don't you hate how you can go to Walmart for one thing and leave spending $150.00?!?! Geez.
Regardless, we went in and picked up things here and there as well as some new fish for our tank- which after Jordon finally cleaned it yesterday looks phenomenal.
She never so much as made a peep the entire time we strolled through the Walmart. This has me so optimistic that I want to venture out to Zellers to get the formula on sale today- could I be so lucky with her 2 days in a row?!?!
When we came home I decided I was going to clean up the house... Did my chores while Jordon cleaned the fish tank and Kaylee continued to sleep.
By supper time however I was exhuasted! While I had gotten 5 hours of solid sleep the night before, I was busy all day long and now wanted to veg on the couch!
Hellllo delissio pizza! haha another quick and easy supper.
Kaylee woke up happy again and hung out with Amanda and I in the basement by the fire for a few hours. We had a few outbursts, but I can handle them much better then the multiple hours at a time.
Here's a picture of me on the couch feeding Kaylee with Lily, Toby and Nila beside me... Lily is there you just have to look close because she blends in!
By 9 last night I was drained, and all I wanted was my bed. Kaylee however had decided she had been good allll day long and that this was time for rocking and humming around the house. We have discovered however that she loves to watch the fish. She focuses so much on them it boggles my mind.
When I think about first bringing her home and how it seemed she could barely see right in front of her and to now see her watching little fish swimming around is amazing!
11:30 I put her in her crib and crawled into bed to watch our local news final- none of which I remember-haha!
I was not awaken until 4am! Thats right everyone!!! another night of 5 hours!!!!!!! YAHOOO!
We woke this morning at 7:30 and have been happily enjoying each others company since. Now possibly off to Zellers! WIsh me luck and let me know what you think about the hair change?!?