That's right people! You read it correct! Kaylee finally has a tooth! I know I have been talking about since she was....
ohhhh about 4 months but she officially has gotten her first little
toofer. Last week she had a runny nose, wouldn't let me out of arms reach and was
soooo cranky. Needless to say, Thursday afternoon, she was sitting on my knee and
gnawing on my knuckle when suddenly I said "ouch that hurt. OH MY GOODNESS ITS A TOOTH!" So that is the exciting news in this house hold!

Other then that we have been spending a lot of time walking and outdoors as Mommy is trying to loose the baby
bulge (also known as the I love food
bulge!). Not only is it great for us to be walking but it seems to stimulate Kaylee a lot which helps her sleep better. I say this because my goodness, this child will not sleep. She is pretty much routinely walking up at 10:
oopm, 12:30pm, around 3:00am and then sleeping until almost 7:00am. So while it is great that she is sleeping until 7am, the long nights are not easy. The napping strike she is on as well is killing me. Makes getting things done a lot harder.

All the moaning and groaning being said, I absolutely love this stage of her life. She smiles, she giggles, she stops and looks to see if I am there for support, she plays, she is moving so quickly, she knows how to manipulate (
ok this isn't a good thing but its kinda cute to watch), she makes funny faces, and most of all, when I hold her above my head and making silly noises into her tummy, she laughs with her whole heart. She gives me the laugh that is pure and beautiful and almost gives me tears it makes me so happy. She is truly an incredible little girl!

She is also a
verrrrry stubborn little girl!!! She has a mind of her own
that's for sure. So here is a picture of a rainbow from the other day. If it weren't for the horrific power lines in the way it
might actually be a nice picture.

Last week we also had a visit from Max and Jenn. It is crazy to see Kaylee playing beside Max (who is exactly double her age) and how they interact, learn and develop. Knowing that Max is running around, saying words and understanding just about everything we say is something to both fear and look forward to. They played fairly well with each other until Kaylee was so
exhausted that even company couldn't keep her awake.

***The kiddies watching the dogs***

Aside from that, I am working on cleaning out my garden. With the colder weather approaching, things are starting to look pitiful and dreary. I did get an incredible harvest of
tomato's. I gave a lot away and used some in
sandwiches. I am going to make a
spaghetti sauce this week.
Thats all in the news around here. Tonight as I sit here, I think, damn I really need to get onto that elliptical.... I have a sick hubby tonight, a baby that was so exhausted, her eyes were rimming red and 2 dogs that did not get a walk today... I did however spend a nice lazy day with my best girl Amanda. We did a little shopping and then lounged around on he couch with a movie!
Anywho, I believe I am babbling now. I will write soon with hopefully something exciting to tell you!
Have a great day!!!
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