Everyday I look at Kaylee and I think, I grew you in my belly... I thought the day would never come that I would get to see you, hold you and kiss you. Now here you are, standing, laughing, learning, eating and enjoying some of the very simple and incredible things in life.
It also amazes me how she has learned so quickly to manipulate us. The other night for example... She went down to bed, refusing to sleep, kicking her crib, yelling (not to be confused with crying) and slapping her hands off the crib. I have stopped answering to this behaviour and left her. Daddy however walked down the hall, picked her up and brought her out to the kitchen. At this time, she not only smiled at me, but she laughed- oh yes I am talking a full on belly laugh. I swear she was saying "ha ha, I win Mommy". Little bugger. I am in deep deep trouble when it comes to Kaylee and her Daddy. I should have known this from the simple fact that he has trouble telling the dogs no. I can already hear her "But Daddy" with big pouty eyes. Deep, deep trouble I am in...
***Watching out the door at the dogs***
***Lily and Kaylee***
Also on today's post agenda....Last week we had a little problem which we had to see the doctor about. For over a week, Kaylee had a diaper rash, her very first diaper rash, and one that I could not get rid of. I chalked it up to the blueberries that she absolutely loved and figured once I stopped giving them to her, the rash would go away. When that didn't work, I went down to the Shopper's Drug mart and cleared the shelf with all the diaper creams I picked up. 1 week later, rash is still in high gear and her little "cookie" as we have termed it, was fire red. Off to Dr. Fragoso we went. She took a look at her little cookie and said "oh my goodness. Lets get this little one some cream". She sent us off with a prescription for a cream to get rid of it. Within 24 hours it was soooo much better. I almost felt guilty for not taking her sooner.
The following morning I had agreed to get up as Sunday morning had been reserved as my sleep in morning weeks ago. While Kaylee and I were reading stories on the play mat, I heard a huge bang on the window! I looked up and a bird had flown square into the center on the window. It fell into the window box where it recovered for the next little while. Here is a snap shot of the poor little guy.
As mentioned above, Sunday had been my sleep in morning for quite some time. The reason for this.... Saturday night I was to attend a bachlorette party. Ohhh my! It has been quite some time since I have been out and therefore it was a definitely needed night out. Our neighbour and friend Lindsey is getting married in 2 weeks, so we hit the town. I spent the afternoon getting ready, kissed my little girl goodbye and hit the town with Kerry! Off we went to enjoy a night out!
***Kerry and I***
Other then that, not much is new, other then the small fact that- WE ARE FINALLY BOOKING OUR WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We had a fantastic time and met a great new gal, Nicole, who I am sure will attend more events that we have! While I had a great night out, Sunday morning came far too soon and I wanted nothing more then to stay in bed and do nothing all day. I suddenly realized this is why it has been so long since I have hit the town! I lounged around, doing not a heck of a lot all day! We all need those days I suppose. Jordon was great in letting me relax and taking care of Kaylee.
***Kerry and I***
It has been a very long time coming. We have discussed it hundreds of times and never bitten the bullet. Yesterday however we met with a travel agent and told her exactly what we want. She is going to do some research and find us a great deal somewhere down south for us to get married. I am beyond excited as I feel like this is long over due. So, I am sure details are to follow- stay tuned :)
Have a great day everyone!!!!!!!!!!
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