My everyday life with Kaylee.... I am considering changing the subtitle to the blog from "Our Everyday Life" to something a little more reflective about this blog. Maybe something like... "Life as Kaylee's Mom and Everything Else". Ha ha! Thoughts or suggestions?
So, getting back home and getting back into routine is always nice after a trip. While Kaylee was amazing while we flew, she slept most of the way (lucky I know), and while she was amazing while we were visiting.... I think it was just as nice for her to settle into our "normal" life once we arrive home.
We wasted no time getting our Christmas decorations down and trying to find that "normal" again. On my new healthier my kick that I am on, Kaylee and I have been walking each and everyday in her brand new wagon.
Something exciting that is happening is.... Kaylee will be starting daycare in a few weeks.... I am due back to work in a couple of weeks and therefore Kaylee and I will not be spending each and every moment together going forward. This is a pretty tough pill to swallow but I know it is going to be so good and so healthy for us both. It will be wonderful for Kaylee to be socializing more and interacting with children her age, and it will also be great for me to begin socializing in adult settings a little more often.
I truly believe going back to work if going to bump my moral and have me feeling a little bit better about myself. For those who remember I had been for an interview for a new position at RIM, I am still waiting for word. I called for a follow up and I should know by the end of this week. That being said, cross all your fingers and toes for me... PRETTY PLEASE!!!
Coming home and trying to sort myself out has also set some challenges for Jordon and I. We live our life generally carefree in the sense that we always like to have a good time and we really enjoy our drinks and fun with friends. Me setting the different goals for myself, kind of puts a damper on that and so we are trying to sort that out. Of course I don't expect Jordon to quit partying and drinking. But I would love to have him on board with me, trying to tone the party in our lives down a little. We are a family now and that has to be number one priority to both of us. By that I don't just mean Kaylee. Of course she is my absolute and utter first priority, but I also mean our relationship with each other. It is very easy to loose site of the "us" when the time you spend together is often spent with your friends. We are so lucky to have great neighbours that we can hang out with, however it has made me feel as if our relationship is kind of shared with them. Jordon and I sat and had a conversation about this and have promised that we are going to start making sure we take those moments for us. We have more "family time" and more "us" time.
Every relationship goes through it emotional ups and downs. I have no doubt that the one we are going through is one that will help make us better, help make us stronger, and help us understand each other even better. I think having those ups and downs is what helps you grow in life and growing is essential... Because if your not growing your sitting in limbo...
So to my hunny, we may be going through the humps, but at the end of the day... Your still here, I am still here and we have the most beautiful, smart and stunning little girl in the world. If that is not motivation enough to give everything we have to make the best of who and what we are I am not sure what is.
So, while our lives are changing everyday, and hopefully for the better, I have to say this! Kaylee is walking, Kaylee is saying a few little words, Kaylee will be starting daycare, and oh my goodness... KAYLEE IS GOING TO BE 1 YEAR OLD IN 12 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is a crazy thought for me to grasp! Wow!!!!
Well, I seem to hear a little one up in her crib, letting me know loud and clear, that her nap in finished and she is ready to play. Until my next blog... could be a day or could be a month with the way I go... Ha ha!
Have a great day!!!
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