I suppose I am realizing a few things about myself and about my little girl... The first thing being that I am starting to get stir crazy. I have been off work since November 11th- yes- well before my due date.. For those who don't know, I got pneumonia followed by breaking 2 ribs from the violent coughing. This put me on short term disability in order to heal my ribs.
It seems now that I am settling into being a Mom, I am not so sure what to do with myself. I found that I was cooking a lot, which is great- however while I was cooking, I was having a glass of wine- which turned into a couple glasses. To stop this bad habit as well as help my belly, I have been swimming Sunday- Thursday for the last 2 1/2 weeks. Because I have to drive to the pool- I cannot drink anything. Perfect plan ;)
I have also done a lot of work trying to find information to complete my degree. I would like to do distance courses but it is difficult to have old credits transferred and it would seem like a waste not to have the university courses I did take, not applied but rather wasted. Anyway, I have since re-applied at the Mount as this is the University I attended and they will take my courses and apply them to any degree I choose to take. I am now just waiting to see how many are applicable. 
Aside from that... I am not sure how to spend my days. I had an amazing time with the girls I worked with at the Lonestar last Wednesday. Kaylee screamed at the top of her lungs for about 5 straight hours, showing everyone just how content a baby she is.
You know I am really starting to wonder if I do have the crankiest baby there is? I like to say "she's not feeling well, she doesn't like big crowds, she is cutting a tooth".... But the truth is... I have no idea why she is always so cranky. Now don't get me wrong, she has a lot of time that she is pleasant and smiling and we play... But there is also a lot of time in a day when she just likes to cry. I try everything, but it seems that she just likes to cry. Sometimes it seems like its not even a cry but rather a yell, a fuss, a noise of some sort just for the sake of making a noise. Anyway... I guess I am becoming used to this but when I had the ladies over with their babies (who did not cry for more then a couple minutes at a time) it became very clear... to me and to the others.
Because she was quite a handleful on that day, I did not get to take any pictures... I know- a let down... However we have promised to get together more often... Make a play date event about once a month or so. I promise to make more of an effort next time. Maybe I will drive around for 40 minutes before arriving at someones house to make sure she is asleep and not so unhappy.
Anyway, other then that, we have been doing a lot of things we used to- such as dinner parties at the neighbours homes and little get togethers on the weekends. Of course this means a few glasses of wine and a headache to follow the next day! haha!
I was reading my girlfriend Katrina's blog and she was writing about clothing and make overs. I have to agree with her. It is incredibly hard at this point in my life to know how to dress. I feel like everything I own right now is either far to casual (or baggy) as these are my comfy everyday clothes, or I have the business attire which I bought but that does not fit me properly or do my body any favours. It's really defeating when you open you closet to pick from jeans and a comfy shirt or yoga pants and a cute shirt or jeans with a hoody. I don't know. A Mommy make over is definitly in need.
Aside from that, Kaylee has been sleeping at night very well. She refuses to nap during the day. Generally speaking she may cat nap for about 15 minutes at a time 1-2 times a day. This however does cause her to be not only tired by the time 5:30 rolls around but also unbelievably cranky. Jordon seems to come home each night only to hear her crying. He usually takes her and gives her a bath around 6:30-7ish which she does really enjoy. This can sometimes be the only time in the evening Jordon gets to see her not crying and therefore it has officially been handed off as Daddy Duty. After her bath, he dries her off, puts her in a clean sleeper and I rock her with a bottle while she gives into the sleep which she has denied all day. 7:00-7:30 she falls asleep and for the last week or so she has been sleeping right through until 6am. At this point Jordon is getting up for work, I put on a bottle, change her and she has her bottle in her swing. So while the mornings come early, having a solid nights sleep seems like magic to me. I wake up at 6am just soooo happy to have gotten sleep. If there is a toss up between sleeping through the night and having a baby awake all day or havinbg a baby nap and then having to get up through the night... Then I definitly choose the sleeping through the night.
Anyway, I have been told I tend to rant and go on and on and on in my blogs so I will end this here and add a couple pictures and a video of Kaylee actually smiling :)
Ok- video will not upload... Maybe another day....
yah for a new post! It does sound like Kaylee is a fussy baby, maybe she's just tired all the time since she's not napping well. Who knows. But that is awesome that she's sleeping through the night, so happy for you. I am disappointed to not see any pics but hopefully I'll get to meet all the babes this summer.
ReplyDeleteWow. She certainly has a set of lungs on her. Maybe she is so fussy because she likes the noise. Do you have any toys that make noise? Maybe a jumperoo or activity mat thing? Can't wait to see you two on Friday!