Thursday, March 17, 2011

Surprise Happy Birthday Trip!!!!!!!!!!

Kaylee and Poppa Bear
Afew weeks ago my Mom called and told me she was having a surprise party for my little sister as she had been having a rough couple weeks and needed a good pick me up. I thought it was a great idea but was sad that once again the 2000km between us would prevent me from being apart of one of these family events.
I pouted to myself for a minute and then put it past me. While sitting at work the next day I thought... 'I wonder if Dad will split airmiles with me and help get me home for the weekend'... Worth a shot right? I send my Dad a message on BlackBerry Messenger and non challantly throw out "Hey Dad! I heard you guys are throwing Jackie a party for her birthday... That's awesome. I wish I could be there. I looked it up and it would only be 1950 to fly Kaylee and I home for the weekend. I have 900.. Wanna help?"

Happy little girl with her Poppa Bear
I sat at my desk and thought of of the very likely response I would get from my Dad. He  has always been very frugal with his money so I expected nothing short of a "No". I Could even hear him saying something along the lines of "Jaymie we are going to be together in a few weeks for your wedding. You don't need to waste the money flying home for a weekend."
Cousin Jaron is getting so big!!

 This however was not the case.
Glen Doole "Do you still have all of my information from when I flew you home at Christmas? My airmiles is..."
WHAT!!! Who are you and what have you done with my father! I stared at my screen, I shouted it out to my co-workers, I msn'd my mother asking what the heck had she done with my father. My Mom... Just as surprised. She asked if this was some part of  the show punked and when the other shoe would drop.

I asked my Dad multiple times if he was joking. He shrugged it off like I was the crazy one.
Needless to say, I booked the ticket using Dad's air mile's and credit card and a day and a half later we were heading to the airport!
Hanging out with supper on the kitchen floor.
I packed light as this was the first time I would be flying with Kaylee alone. I had the 1 suitcase, a back pack for my carry on, her stroller for easy airport moving and her car seat. Everything was going off without a hitch! We boarded the plane and took off on time. 10 minutes into the flight however... Kaylee threw up... Everywhere. All over me, all over her and down the side of the seat we were in. I groaned and moved towards the bathroom apologizing to everyone I walked past for the horrible oder sour milk baby barf gives off. I stripped her down, used as many wipes as I could to clean myself off... Here's the kicker to this part of the story... Thinking it was just a 2 hour flight and I was packing light, I did not have a spare outfit in my backpack. and I now have my little girl smiling up at me sitting on a change table in a diaper. All I could do was laugh for this moment... I asked the flight attendant if I could use a blanket, you know- one of those tiny pieces of itchy material that barely covers the upper half of your body.... I wrapped it around her like a little strapless dress and off to our seat we went. The flight attendants so kindly cleaned up our seat and we were set for the rest of the flight. Kaylee smiled and giggled the whole time, flirting with anyone who would look her way!
The rest of the trip to Mom and Dad's went off without a hitch! Of course Mom gave me quite a look as I walked through the door with an Air Canada baby in my arms!
My sister arrived home a few hours later my sister arrived home to find us waiting. The look of surprise on her face was fantastic. As if on cue, Kaylee walked around the corner and in her high pitched squeal said her version of "Hiiii". Jackie stood and stared for a moment before she reached down and hugged Kaylee. Awesome moment.

We spent the day enjoying each others company, laughing, playing with Kaylee and having a few cocktails. Saturday morning we did a little bit of shopping and then I was recruited to get Jackie out of the house so Mom could get ready for the party. I left Kaylee with Mom and Dad and we headed out to a little pub for a few drinks. A few of our friends met us and we sat and laughed for a few hours. We laughed so hard that my face hurt! I haven't laughed that hard in ages! Of course the cocktails helped with that process! One of my closest childhood friends Melanie was there with us, in on the plan of course and my goodness it reminded me of how simple life was when we were kids. Jackie's close friend Joanne was also there to enjoy the day. We headed home to find a house full of people! Jackie was again surprised and happy to enjoy all of the company! We all had a fantastic time! My Mom sure knows how to throw an amazing party!
Sunday we all enjoyed a lazy day around the house. The gals snuggled up on the couches and watched movies while Dad watched Westerns in the living room. It was so nice just to enjoy each other. No plans, nothing to do but hang out with each other.
Kaylee and Dad got off to a rough start. Dad is very up close and personal and I think that threw Kaylee for a loop. As big of a flirt as she is, she likes to do it on her own time. Dad's up front personality threw her. It took a little while for her to come around however when she did, she was totally hooked! Dad was laying on the floor and Kaylee continually threw herself on top of him to snuggle. Dad's grin said it all. He was as happy as could be.
Sunday evening Dad drove Kaylee and I to the airport... It was one of those moments when you don't want to say goodbye but have to and therefore you try and make it short and sweet. A quick hug and kiss and Kaylee and I raced off.
One delayed flight later and insanely cranky and tired baby sleeping in my arms, the flight landed back in Halifax. Jordon was eagerly awaiting us. Looking forward to holding his little girl.
Coming back home, I realized even more how much I miss my family. Each day the desire to be closer to them tends to grow stronger. My mother is beautiful and smart and funny. She has taught me to be the mother I am. She taught me that patience is not always easy but it is imperative to being a great parent and partner. My Sister is brilliant and strong. She is an emotional reactor who teaches me all the time not to be so hard and to soften around the edges a little. My Dad is tough and stubborn. He is clearly however softening up.
I have said it before and I will say it again... Family is so important... I miss them....

My little girl growing up!
On the up side, I had a fabulous weekend with them. I was also able to see my sister in law and beautiful little nephew! Actually not so little. He is 3 pounds shy of Kaylee's weight at 4 months old! I also have the most beautiful little girl and a man that was extremely excited to see us after a weekend away!

Hope everyone has a great day!!!


Pity Party for One Please?

I hate this feeling... The feeling in the pit of your stomach that is yelling at you and crying at the same time.... The part that is saying "WHY MEEEEEE!!!" and the other part that calmly and rationally states "stop feeling sorry for yourself. You are a lucky person. You have so much to be grateful for.".
I have begun working the back shift... By this I mean going into work at 11pm, when your body is fighting with you to go to bed and working until 7:30am when your body is usually getting ready to head out the door for the "normal" working shift.
My position is a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week position. There is a proper rotation and everyone does there turns doing early shifts and late shifts. I took on the back shift to avoid working shifts that would run into the evening when I get those valuable few hours with Kaylee.
I thought it was a brilliant idea. Work when she is sleeping, Jordon could take her to daycare in the morning while I sleep, I pick her up in the afternoon and have the late afternoon and evening at home.
This is how I had it planned in my head however it is so much harder then that. I have never been much of a napper or day time sleeper. Even when Kaylee was born and colicky and everyone said "sleep when she sleeps", I had trouble sleeping. It made for a very long 10 weeks. I somehow feel, 14 months later that I am going through this again. I am having a lot of difficulty sleeping through the day. It is not the light but more the sound. And the mental clock in my head telling me it is beautiful outside and I could be washing my floors, changing the bed sheets, doing the laundry or walking the dogs.  The way it has been working out, I have been coming home around 8am, tidying a few small things before crawling in bed. Sleep is light but I am able to sleep until about 12:30 ish. This leaves me with roughly 4 hours sleep. During that sleep, the phone has rung 3 times, the dogs have barked at kids passing by outside and I have reached out to touch Jordon who is clearly not there.
The first couple days... Not too bad... A few days later... A sick babysitter... Ok, I can handle this... Worked all night with 4 hours sleep the day before but sure... I can do this. Kaylee and I play and spend the day together. I do nap when she naps from 1:30-3pm. Jordon comes home early and relieves me of Mommy duty so I can get a few hours sleep before heading back to work. I sat at work and thought of my bed and the brand new sheets I had put on. 6:30am... I am almost there... 1 hour to go and I am off to bed...
BlackBerry Messenger Message "Jaym, call me"
Turns out babysitter is still sick and I am going to be Super Mom again... I put my head down on my desk and I actually cried for a minute. The exhaustion took over and I just couldn't help it.
I remember doing this when Kaylee was 5 weeks old and I had not slept for more then 40 minutes at a time. I remember sitting and crying. Calling my Mom and telling her she needed to fly out and take care of Kaylee because I just couldn't do it.
Jordon had a morning meeting but promised to come home as soon as it was over so I would be able to sleep. It just so happened my neighbour and good friend Kerry was off work for the day and thank goodness. She took Kaylee for the morning for me. Let me tell you... I slept. I slept well. I slept well for 5 hours before getting up and enjoying the rest of the afternoon with my little girl.
The weekend was tough. Going from being up all night to trying to go to bed at night to spend the days with Kaylee, but I managed. Back shift began once again on Monday and I seemed to be getting the hang of it. Tuesday night... Halfway through my shift I get a call... Kaylee has been up screaming and will not sleep. Jordon has been doing really great stepping up to the plate since I have been doing the back shift but I have always taken on night duty and it was me she wanted as she cried and screamed.... Not Daddy. I had to leave work to head home. We rocked and sang until 4:30am before she finally fell asleep. The next morning off to daycare she went while Momma went to bed. 10:30- ring ring ring. I ignore it. 10:45 ring ring ring... ignore it again... 11am still ringing. I finally get up to check and it is my babysitter. She is sure Kaylee must have an ear infection because she will not eat, will not sleep and will not stop screaming. I get myself up and head out to get her. We head to the walk in clinic and the doctor tells me matter of factly that her ears look good, her throat looks good and there appears to be nothing wrong with her...
I succumb to the desire of greasy McDonald's which I have avoided for the last few months for the purpose of fitting into my wedding dress and head home...
At 3pm Kaylee finally lays down for a nap and Mommy does the same. I had a good hour of sleep and then we were up going about our usual play routine. She was much whinnier and clingier... Teeth maybe? That's the only thing I can think of... But nothing seems to pacify her but me...
So this is me... Feeling sorry for myself. Going through the "WHY ME!!!!!!" in my head....
Being a full time working Mom is hard... Being a night working Mom may just be harder...

Why is it that life can't just be simple and boring and full of no surprises? Just for a little while?

Everyday there is a new hurdle... Sometime they are so big I am not sure I can get over them... Others are the small ones that make me feel like Super Mom. But right now... I am definitly not feeling like Super Mom. I am feeling Super Defeated....

Well, thanks for letting me vent and checking in on me. I promise I will write something more positive tomorrow!

After all I have wedding details to share as well as our last minute surprise trip to Toronto to share with everyone!

Have a great day, and thanks again for reading my rant...
