Hey Everyone! I am writing again only a few days after my last post! Can you believe it!!! Well, I have been reading a lot of new blogs lately and was feeling motivated to share our busy weekend with you!
My Little girl is such a flirt! |
Since being back at work, I have been lucky enough to have most Fridays off. Instead of tacking on my vacation from my year off, I decided to use a vacation day every Friday to give me a long weekend. This has worked out wonderfully and made the transition much better. So Friday morning, after sending Kaylee off to daycare with her Daddy, I crawled back into bed and slept like a baby for another 2 hours. When I first crawled back into bed, I felt guilty... I should get up and start my chores, walk the dogs or do my work out video....Instead... I snuggle in just a little deeper and drift off.
Enjoying an Oreo cookie.
8:30, the dogs stir... We get up and begin our day. I clean the house, top to bottom. it smells good, it looks good and this makes me feel- oh so good! It is amazing how efficient you become once your a Mom. What used to take me 3-4 hours, now I complete in 2 hours max! It makes me wonder why the heck it used to take so much time before. After cleaning, and getting myself cleaned up, I headed out to get my errands done before picking up my munchkin early for the day. I picked up a very tired, refusing to nap baby. She had been outside playing and was now not happy about having to go down. We headed home for the day and once we got in, she went straight down for a nap. I know I could have left her at the sitters do do this, but there is something about having her home with me for that extra time, even if she is sleeping. That being said... I will miss my Fridays big time once I no longer have them off. I have come to enjoy "me time" which usually results in my cooking or cleaning.
Getting ready for bed.. |
After her nap, we spent the afternoon playing and making a big mess of my nice clean living room... These however are the things I have learned to let slide... The things I have learned (with many bumps in the road) not to let get to me. That evening, I was looking forward to a nice glass of wine and catching up on some recorded TV. I gave Jordon the okay to go and play poker with his buddies while I snuggled on the couch.My plan was going off without a hitch... until 11pm... 11 rolled around and suddenly I heard my "sleeping" baby, playing in her crib. I walked in to find her wide awake and playing with her bears.... Earlier that night Mom had called and wanted to Skype but Kaylee was already in bed... I figured, better later then never and gave Mom a ring at 11pm. Much to her delight of course, Kaylee and Nanna chatted back and forth on the computer. After about 20 minutes of this little charade, I told her it was time for bed and headed back to her room. She went down no problem and slept until 7:30am. What a treat.
Saturday morning we let Daddy sleep in while we played and ate breakfast. It was rather chilly out so we decided against a walk but rather a drumming session on the pots and pans! This was a wonderful way to wake up Daddy in a hurry. hahaha!
Mommy and Kaylee |
We bundled everyone up in the car and headed out to run some errands. Our wedding is only 5 short weeks away and we still do not have wedding bands. We went to Costco to take a peak and while we did not find wedding bands, we did find watches... Jordon and I like to call this impulse buying... We do it every now and then when we are simply feeling the need to spend. In this case, it was spending Jordon's money! hahaha! we picked up a few other things then headed off for the hot dog we always get before leaving, then home.
Saturday night, we enjoyed the company of a few of our neighbours, a few cocktails and laughs before I hit the sack by 10:30. I find Kaylee is so active that she tuckers me right out chasing after her all day. She slept wonderfully Saturday night which was great because Sunday we had a big day. Kaylee's first big birthday party! It was an Elmo party for Maddox's first birthday. I have posted numerous photos of him on here before, but I must say, seeing him all tuckered out sleeping on his Daddy's shoulder at his own party was adorable.
Kayee- AKA Miss Independent, went off by herself to play. No looking around to see where I was, no hesitation to walk up to a child she didn't know and pluck the toy right from his hand and no fear what so ever of walking up to a man she didn't know and crawling into his lap. The poor elderly gentleman just kind of looked at her and then up to me. It wasn't until she flashed him one of her "I am so adorable" smiles did he begin to relax.
At this party there was also a great big Elmo. Kaylee took quite a liking to him as well, however from a distance. She stood and stared at him, even got close enough to touch him a few times, but the second I tried to put her on his lap for a photo, the scream and tears began. Needless to say, we did not get a photo with Elmo other then a few of her starring at him in aww.
Meeting Elmo... she wanted to look but the moment he reached out to hold her, the water works started! |
By the time we arrive home at 3pm, Kaylee had yet to have a nap and was extremely cranky. I laid her down for a nap, knowing I would have to wake her up by 4 if there was any chance of a normal bedtime. Waking Kaylee up is never any fun. She tends to be fussy for the first little while and want nothing else but to be held.
We had a quiet evening and she went to bed without a hitch... I made chicken wings and cesar salad for the boys playing poker in my living room and headed to bed not long after Kaylee. This was short lived however.
I have fallen victim in the last couple of months to the cuddle bug... Kaylee wakes up throughout the night and since she has only recently become a cuddler, I go in, hold her and rock her while she wraps her tiny arms around me and snuggles. I do this until she falls asleep and then lay her down. This was cute until I had to come back to work... Now it is simply exhausting. After speaking to my babysitter, she said plain as day "Jaymie, she is doing this because you keep getting up with her. Let her cry or she is always going to get up in the middle of the night"... Light bulb moment... Didn't I already go through this 6 months ago?
Last night was a true test to this. She was up at 12am... 20 minutes of yelling (not to be confused with crying), until she fell asleep... 30 minutes of sleep until 20 more minutes of yelling. REPEAT cycle until 5:30am.. Followed by my alarm clock going off at 5:45... Although I did not get up once, I am exhausted. I had to wake her up this morning and it was clear that she too is exhausted. She is not sick and there are no teeth coming through that I can see... So my only guess is that my babysitter is right and I have done this.... It could be a long week.
"No more kisses Mom" |
Anyway, that's all for today, this post seems to have gotten longer then it probably should be!
Have a great day!